Hyde Park

Heather Danville

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Heather and Matt had decided to meet up over the holidays at their favourite park in London. The one that they always visited after the school day had finished which seemed like a lifetime away now. Now that the two of them were both at Hogwarts although in different houses. As a result they hadn't seen each other or met up nearly as much as they would have liked to, especially since they were so used to seeing each other every day, it was a hard thing to cope with. She made her way down to the Lido and took a seat on a free bench and waited for Matt to join her.
Matt was looking forward to the break. He had planned to meet up with his friend Heather whom he'd known since they were younger, as they'd gone to the same school before Hogwarts. They hadn't had the chance to get together as they'd both been busy doing different things and had been sorted into different houses. Not many people knew Matt as well as Heather or his family did, and he couldn't say he wasn't relieved that at least there was one person he didn't have to introduce himself to each time. There were many new faces at the beginning of the semester and it got overwhelming. Matt spotted Heather sitting on a bench waiting for him. "Hey," he greeted, smiling as he sat down next to her. "How have you been?"

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