Hufflepuff Quidditch Practice Y48/S1

Marley Owens-Lee

5th 🦡 puff co-captain 🧹 artistic 🎨 energetic 💫
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Knotted 14 Inch Sturdy Maple Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
15 (05/2048)

Marley still couldn't believe she had been picked to be one of the captains of the quidditch team. She was defiantly excited for what was too come. They had done well the last few years and Marley wanted them to keep it that way. The Hufflepuff made sure to be on the pitch a bit earlier to get everything set up. Marley was pleased that the weather was good. She stood proudly on the pitch as she waited for the rest of the team, her new captain badge pinned on her quidditch robes.

Once everyone had finally arrived, the Hufflepuff clapped her hands together, trying to hopefully get the attention of everyone else. "Hey everyone! Welcome back to returning players and a massive welcome to the new players on the team! If you didn't know, I'm Marley, one of the co-captains on the team, and this is Bailey, the other co-captain!" Marley says happily with a grin, as she then gestures to Bailey. "We'll get straight into practice! Chasers, do your best trying to score, make sure you're passing as well! Beaters, try your best to aim but also make sure to do some defending too! And of course, Keeper, try guard those hoops as best as you can and seekers, try your best to catch that snitch" Marley happily instructs to the team, looking at each and one of them. "Alright, lets get to it!" Marley says, as she claps her hands together once more, before blowing the whistle that indicated that practice had begun.
Jonah launched into the air at the signal, grabbing the quaffle and making a break for the hoops
Marley was such a nice captain thought Sofi as she kicked off the ground and began looking arounc for the snitch.
Bailey left the introductions to Marley and once things got started she climbed onto her broom and started looking for the snitch.
Marley mounted on her broom and flew into the air, looking for a bludger to hit
Sofi began circling near the south hoops looking for the snitch.
Marley kept looking for a bludger to hit
Jonah approached the hoops and throwing it in viciously, and watching it sail through
Sofi moved out of the chasers way as she continued her search
Oz listened to the captains talk and nodded along. Marley was very enthusiastic, which was a complete change from their previous captain. Neither way was bad, though. He gave a little fist-pump of encouragement as Jonah scored, and then took up the quaffle himself to try and get some practice in. He was one of the eldest on the team, now, he had to set a good example.
Marley didn't manage to hit a bludger yet...
Jonah followed Oswald-senpai
Bailey didn't catch the snitch.
Oz did a careful throw and managed to get the quaffle through the goals. That was a relief. It would've been embarrassing if he didn't.
Jonah grabbed the quaffle after Oswald-senpai scored, taking the quaffle for a spin around the pitch.
Daiki got up into the air and followed behind his housemate who'd caught the quaffle.
Callie guarded the hoops.
Jonah's eyes narrowed as he saw Callie-senpai get ready. He made a risky turn, throwing the quaffle as he did - the ball sailing through.
Lottie was surprised to have made the team as a beater, but she was willing to try out anything, even if it was new. As she flew upwards, she went to look for a bludger so she could start practicing her aim.
Sofi could not see the snitch and decided to try the other end of the pitch.
Lottie sat over the pitch, taking in the practice before seeing a bludger nearby and going after it.
Sofi didn't see the snitch at the other end of the pitch either.
Lottie kept an eye out for any bludgers nearby.
Marley still hadn’t hit a bludger…

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