Hufflepuff Quidditch Practice Y48/S1

jonah rolled his shoulder painfully before flying off and grabbing the quaffle
Bailey didn’t catch the snitch.
Jonah was still adjusting to the pain and completely sucked at throwing that shot.
Bailey didn’t catch the snitch.
Marley frowned as she hadnt hit a bludger
Susie yelped as a bludger collided with her shoulder. Sheesh - maybe they should have made her the alternate. She gripped her broom and sped off, putting as much distance as she could between herself and the other beaters.
Jonah was dedicated to managing a shot again even with the injured shoulder, so he caught the quaffle again and circled back to the goals
Sofi thought she saw the snitch ahead of her and accelerated fast towards it.
Jonah did not manage to score
Charlotte felt bad for hitting her classmate and was starting to wonder if being a beater maybe wasn't for her.
Susie pulled back on her broom, realising she'd flown so far away from her teammates that she'd also flown out of range of any bludgers to hit.
Susie flew cautiously closer to her teammates, looking out for a bludger to whack.
Sofi was struggling to keep up with the snitch, and fell further behind when it turned suddenly.
There was a whistling noise as a bludger curved through the air toward Susie. She swung her bat, but missed entirely. How had she done so much better in try-outs?
Jonah grabbed the ball again
Sofi could see the snitch slipping further away, she accelerated, trying to keep up with it.
Seeing no bludgers nearby, Susie flew off in search of another.
Determined to shoot through the pain, Jonah threw the quaffle at the right hoop, gritting his teeth but satisfied as it sailed through
Marley didn’t hit a bludger… She hoped she’d do much better during the up coming game
Sofi etched a little closer but still was not within reach to grab the snitch. Seeking was way harder than it looked.
Marley was having no luck hitting bludgers today...
Jonah figured he could get more practice in as he grabbed the quaffle again.

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