Hufflepuff Quidditch Practice | Y47 S2

Chase Campbell

⚡beater + captain⚡
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Curved 14 Inch Flexible Aspen Wand with Fairy Wing Core
09/2045 (16)

After last year's disaster, which he blamed on no one but himself, Chase had been pleasantly surprised by their first win of the year. He knew he could've done a little more with it, paid more attention and made sure his team knew he appreciated their hard work but it was a little too late for that now. The only thing he could do was focus on their upcoming game. Make sure his team was ready. "I'm going to keep this simple." He started when everyone had arrived on the pitch. "You guys did good last game, but we've got to do even better this game. Let's go."

[no arrivals, let's jump right in]
With all the things that happened in the last semester, Jonah was... he didn't know what he was but he was hoping Quidditch would let him get off some steam and so he shot into the sky, grabbing the quaffle and making his way to the hoops.
Bailey got straight onto her broom and began searching for the snitch.
As soon as he got close to the hoops, Jonah threw the quaffle with all his might, cheering as it went in. Well, he supposed it was quite therapeutic to throw the ball around.
Callie flew to the hoops not managing to stop the first goal, and then tossed the quaffle back out after.
Penelope took to the air and started looking for the snitch.
after listening to what the captain had to say, marley flew in the air, looking for a bludger to hit
Chase hopped onto his broom and hit a bludger towards @Penelope Marshall. Apparently they were getting right into this.

Penelope x 1
Penelope winced when the bludger hit her, she tried to resume her search quickly.
Rule 2A? 2B?

He caught the quaffle and took it for a loop
Chase looked for another bludger.
High on his earlier score, Jonah was careless with his next attempt and failed miserably.
Bailey didn't find the snitch.
Marley managed to hit a bludger, aiming it towards the seeker, but it went off course and hit the captain instead

@Chase Campbell

Penelope x 1
Chase x 1
Callie tossed the ball back out into play.
Jonah caught the quaffle and tried to get one past Callie by throwing it right back only to be solidly blocked. Oops.

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