HS Students.. UNITE!

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Aiden Titus

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Maple Wood, 9 ½, Essence of Werewolf Hair
I know I only created him today but Aiden Titus is one of the characters I have wanted to create for some time. Anyway, my character making addiction aside, this wee ladeh needs a few relationships of some description to get his story going.
Ok, so, here is a little about Aiden..

Aiden is 16 years old and just entering his fifth year at Hogwarts (Scotland). He lives in England with his mother, sister and half-brother. His blood status is mixed and he is not prejudice towards any blood status. Aiden loves a laugh and he's not the sort to back down from a dare. Aiden is quite tall for his age and he plays Quidditch for the Gryffindor team (Chaser). He also has an older 'ex' step-sister (muggle) who doesn't live with him (she is a trained relic hunter). He's had a bit of a tough time growing up but he never talks about his past if he can help it (he doesn't find it painful to talk about- Just draining).
What I need..

Prince Charming
I am on the lookout for a possible 'final' for Aiden. But in the meantime, if any girls - and this is ANY, regardless of location because I'm sure we can work a way around that- want a 'brief' thing (i.e, maximum of 12 months IC) with Aiden then please let me know.

I'm also, most importantly, looking for some friends (at HS) Aiden can get into trouble with. It would be easier if they were Gryffindors but anything is fine.

Stand And Deliver
Naturally, Aiden is bound to have at least one enemy. So, anyone is welcome to suggest a character as an enemy. I'd say they should be within the age group of 10 - 20.

I'm not going to be really strict with these things as this character is, currently, mostly experimental.
But yeah, seeking three main things;
I've been playing around with the idea of a final for Willow. She's the lead singer of a band (yet to decide on a name but thinking of pitching the name Macbeth to them.) She's strong willed and short tempered with a killer right hook. If you think Aiden can handle the little ex-Gryffendor then PM me :D
I have Steven Green. Usually I would say that he could be an enemy but two of his cousins have just died and his little brother has moved to England and now goes to Durmstrang so Steve's a bit of a larry and needs some friends. He's a Slytherin though and he's in a family of people who hate pure bloods so he'd try and keep the friendship a secret from his family.
Any good??
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