How they have grown...

Chavdar Zhefarovich

Well-Known Member
Poisonwood 14 3/4" Core of Basilisk Fang and Ebony 14" Core of Chimera Scale
Chavdar was on the couch, and had Zinaida in his lap and his hand upon her back. He bounced her a bit, and she let out some giggles and had a smile upon her face. Vladimir was crawling all over the floor, luckily not getting into anything dangerous. Vladimir was a hyper little baby boy, his eyes sparkled with mischief. Though it was a little obvious that he was a mother's boy, and Zinaida was a daddy's girl. It was so odd how they took up with the parents. Chavdar glanced down at Zinaida, who now had her curious eyes upon her twin brother. Vladimir decided to stop and stare at his hands under the coffee table, and clapped his hands a bit. Chavdar chuckled and then felt a tug on his hair.

Chavdar pulled his hair from Zinaida's little grip, and she almost managed to tug it loose from the ribbon that tied it back. Chavdar breathed, "Zinaida... Pulling hair is naughty." Her response: fascination with her father's hand that her hands now held. Chavdar wondered where Rosaline was. He had a strong feeling toward her and he didn't know how to explain it. He loved his children, and he liked the fact that Rosaline had given him the one thing he desired most. But there was something else. Chavdar just couldn't put it into words. Vladimir picked up a little stuffed animal and giggled at it. It warmed his heart, both of his children in his presence.
Rosaline was on the biggest high of her life, she had never been happier. Of course exhausted, but happy none the less. She walked quietly into her house, no longer apparating into it incase the twins were going down for their nap and just to make both of Chavdar's and hew own life easier. She felt strongly for him, a feeling she had experienced before, but couldn't exactly place her finger on it.

As the auburn haired woman walked into her house, she heard the faint laughter of her son. She smiled, and walked towards the living room, assuming that this was where she had heard her children. Both Vladimir and Zinaida's personalities were coming in so thickly, and she enjoyed every second of being their mother. There really was nothing more rewarding the being a mother to her beautiful children.

Masterfully, Rosaline scooped up Vladimir, and his toy. "Hello my babies," she said as she took a seat beside Chavdar. She kissed his jawline softly, before turning her eyes towards Zinaida. She watched as her daughter grasped her little fingers around Chavdar's emensly larger hand. She looked back at Chavdar, and gave him just about the widest smile she had ever given, before resting her head softly on his shoulder, her gaze on Vladimir as he tapped his hands, open palm, onto the stuffed animal.
Chavdar naturally grinned at the mother of his children as she entered the house. He watched her scoop little Vladimir up, and his stormy eyes turned to Zinaida. Her eyes seemed to have kept their sapphire hue, whereas Vladimir's were turning to look more like his father's. He never thought that he would have a family. If someone asked him when he adopted Hadan, he never would have thought that he would be a natural father. To teenagers, perhaps, but these twins were of his blood. It amazed him greatly. Never in his life would he have been happier.

Chavdar smiled warmly, a trait descended from the Mirayinov blood coursing through his veins, as Rosaline put her hand upon her shoulder. Zinaida beamed at her mother, before turning her attention back to Chavdar's hand. Chavdar informed quietly, "Vladimir missed you... He has become rather active and a speedy crawler." Chavdar could not wait until they were speaking words and walking. As fast as time flew, it would be soon.

The smile faded a bit, when he thought of Nataliia and Joseph. He wondered how they were doing, and remembered the true love that they shared. Nataliia was in love with a muggle. It was astounding! Chavdar respected the man, but still, the family could be fatally dangerous. But with spirit Nataliia had, Chavdar had no doubt in mind that soon, she would end up marrying him. Chavdar gazed down at Rosaline, and he inquired, "How was your day so far?" As time grew, he grew more and more curious of what happened in Rosaline's life now. Almost as if the bond between him and her strengthened. Maybe it was the children, or something more. Chavdar just rolled with it.
Rosaline returned the smile that her beautiful daughter gave her, and laughed quietly as she saw the fascination in Chavdar's hand, she was such a Daddy's girl. But was pleased that her children loved their parents, instead of crying every time they were held. She looked down at Vladimir as he was spoken of. Turning his amazement with the soft, stuffed animal, he shot up his right arm, touching his fingers to his mother's chin, almost as a way of agreeing with Chavdar's words.

"I know," Rosaline said, in response to her son being a crawler. He was so energetic and even mischievious at times. He sure was going to be an interesting little toddler, and Rosaline, although enjoying this stage in her twins lives could not wait at all to see it.

"My day was perfect. How is yours?" she asked in return, curious if she missed anything with her children's lives or Chavdar's. Rosaline wanted to know about Chavdar's life away from her, and away from their children's. It wasn't like she hadn't always wanted to know about him, but it felt so.. different now. She didn't think it was because of the children, well not purely because they probably wouldn't be living together and so loving, towards anyone, or she didn't think so.
Chavdar answered softly, “Mine was all right. Vladimir kept getting close to the cords, and Zinaida loves being held like this. Almost all the time. I just fed them as well.” Chavdar pulled Zinaida closer, whom giggled and rested her head upon her father’s mighty chest. She closed her blue eyes, and felt like she could drift to sleep. Chavdar used his other hand that she now ignored to stroke her growing hair. Chavdar stared lovingly down at Zinaida.

His gaze landed on Rosaline, and the stare did not change. Instead, there was something else in it. Something that has never been there, and Chavdar was unaware of it. It could be similar to the look that Nataliia gave to Joseph. Chavdar chuckled, “I hope the day doesn’t get less perfect for you by coming here to us.” Chavdar smirked slightly, and it fell back into a regular, small grin that he usually carried now.
Rosaline smiled appreciatively as Chavdar said that he just fed the twins. She watched as Zinaida began to drift to sleep against her father's chest, a loving expression crossed her. She felt tears brim into her bright blue eyes and rolled them at herself. She of course was not tearing up because she was sad, no she was happy. Or maybe there was something more then elation and contentness in those budding tears that she couldn't understand just yet. Since the birth Rosaline Mauven-Jenane's emotions have been overwhelming and like a rollercoaster. Of course she believed this to be because she was breast feeding which took a lot out of her.

Once the salty tears were blinked away, Rosaline looked up at Chavdar. Pure... well something was in her eyes for him. “I hope the day doesn’t get less perfect for you by coming here to us,” she blinked her blue eyes and grinned lightly. "As cliche as this might seem, you ... all... are the reason it's perfect," she said truthfully. She looked forward to waking up and seeing her babies and Chavdar each morning, leaving them, even for a moment was hard, but the thought of coming back to them was enough to hold her together.
Chavdar caught the slight tears in Rosaline's eyes, and by now, with or without memories, he knew that it wasn't from sadness. What was there to be sad about? They had two gorgeous children, plus two beautiful and quite special teenagers that they adopted. Chavdar loved the fact that she seemed to be around when he needed her. For what he could remember. Waking up in Saint Mungos without much of a mind and yet, she was still there. It meant a lot. And Chavdar stuck around, which said a lot for him as well. He matured into a man, into a father, something he was sure that many in the family hoped to see one day.

"Wouldn't be perfect if you hadn't given us this chance for a family," replied Chavdar in a soft voice. Zinaida plopped her thumb in her mouth, her eyes opened slightly, before closing once more, drifting to sleep. Things seemed a lot quieter and more organized when Rosaline was home. One of the many reasons why he wanted her around a lot. Though soon, he will have to return to the Ministry. Bringing the twins to the shop was simple and easy, but going to the Ministry with them? That was unheard of. Chavdar wouldn't dare leave the loves of his life in the hands of others. "Cliche might be the only way to express ourselves, you know?" Chavdar chuckled softly, and stared at Rosaline with a look of...whatever he was feeling for her. Chavdar knew what it was subconsciously, but just couldn't put his finger on it.
Rosaline looked up at Chavdar, her eyes and smile soft. She leaned in, placed a gentle kiss on his jawline, similar to the way Nataliia would for Joseph and the way she had for Vaschel, except there was a difference. With slow, quiet breaths, she brought her son closer to her chest rubbing her hand softly up and down his back as she looked at Chavdar curiously.

There was something new in his stormy eyes that she wanted to depict. Rosaline was far too inquisitive to ignore any change in Chavdar, her lovely boyfriend. Ugh, how I detest that term, she thought. Yes it was true, she was against the word boyfriend, at least for adults. Teenagers she felt the term was acceptable but currently there was nothing else to call Chavdar, aside from the person she was in love with.

Rosaline's eyes widened with shock at this revelation, her eyes flickering away from Chavdar. What? she asked herself, Since when have I loved Chavdar? Of course she cared for him, she always had, but this was completely different. "Mhmm," she murmured in response to Chavdar's words, trying to act as naturral as she could with this finding, which wasn't very as she never brought up her barrier of emotions around the babies or Chavdar any longer.
Chavdar wondered what the feeling was stirring inside him. It was aggravating, and comforting. Something he just never felt before. Chavdar made sure that Zinaida was snug in one arm, and brought the other around Rosaline's shoulders. The closer he was to her, the better. It was so foreign to him, the need to be close to someone even though it did not always mean physically. Emotionally. Chavdar stared down at his lovely daughter, and then to Vladimir. He had kids with a woman he cared about. The first woman he ever cared about.

Is thought Chavdar. He never loved anyone outside his family, so he would never know what it would actually feel like. If only he had this feeling before so he could interpret it completely. Chavdar's gaze landed on Rosaline once more, and wondered if he should tell her. Maybe she would know about this. Chavdar was so inexperienced in many things yet experienced already with being a father, a friend, and a hard worker. Chavdar finally spoke, his voice so hushed, as if he were slightly scared of saying it, "Rosaline, I don't know how to express it, because the feeling I have, I've never had it before. It's a strong feeling, and I just don't know how to word it." Though his eyes read it clearly, his mouth just couldn't say it.
Rosaline turned her eyes towards Chavdar's stormy eyes. She watched him, watch her, in complete silence. She pressed her eye brows together, a crease forming in between them, opening her mouth to speak, before falling silent as he began speaking in a soft, nervous voice to her. She placed her hand gently on his cheek, a soft smile on her lips. "I know how you feel Chavdar," she said in a hushed voice. "I love you," Rosaline said, without much thought being put into it, which was odd for her. Never had she been this bold with her feelings, but he had basically told her those words himself. To distract herself from his reaction, she looked down at Vladimir who was smiling in his sleep. She kissed his forehead softly and he didn't stir, she however did as she looked back up at Chavdar.

Chavdar stared at her in wonder. Did she just say that? Without even thinking, he murmured, “I love you too.” Chavdar finally broke his soft gaze from Rosaline, and glanced down at the children. Both sleeping soundly from a hyperactive day full of crawling and frolic. Chavdar confessed softly, “I don’t think I have ever said that to anyone other than family. How…intriguing.” Chavdar turned his stormy eyes upon Rosaline once more, and wondered what they should do now. They loved each other, right? What do people in love do? Chavdar would have to ask Nataliia next time he saw her. Though, he was unaware that she was pregnant, and so early, even the family tree hasn’t updated yet.
Rosaline feeling a wave of relief wash over her as Chavdar spoke those three words to her for the first time. Feeling like a teenager she grinned eagerly. She leaned in closer to him, careful with Vladimir in her arms, slowly pressing her lips against his with love, slowly deepening it. As their lips broke, she smiled at him. With a small sigh, she rested her head on his shoulder, looking down at their sleeping twins. She caressed her fingers the hand that was not supporting Vladimir carefully, over her daughter's gentle cheek. "Can you believe how much they've grown?" she asked him, awe touching her voice as she looked down at their beautiful twins.

bah im out of it
Chavdar shook his head, "No, I cannot. I still remember the day clearly when we brought them home from the hospital, so tiny and helpless." Chavdar stared down at the blonde head of Zinaida, her gentle breathing very hushed. Though they have grown up quite a lot, they still appeared tiny against his rather large body. Chavdar handled the children with extreme gentleness and care. He murmured, "They will have such happy lives. With us and hopefully with others. Sooner or later, we will have to show them off." A smile decorated his features, not only his lips, as he gazed down at Zinaida.

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