How interesting.

Sam giggled as she held his hand with one of hers and swung her shoes at her side with the other. "Of course you can. Family is always welcome at my house." Seamus was practically family already. They shared a grand daughter after all. Sam practically skipped back to her house and opened the front door. "Welcome to the Green Residence."
Seamus laughed, " Well now we're family, I like the sounds of that.. FiGreen family." The man laughed to himself. Boy was he drunk. " Why thank you Grandma, your house is quite ravishing if I do say so myself." He smiled at her.
Sam walked to the living room and saw Steve sat on the sofa while the four toddlers ran around the living room. If Sam had her way, there would be six there as Dervish had two more children but she didn't have the heart to take them from Cloe or let Derv get to her. "Why thank you kind sir." Sam grinned like the drunk she was then turned to her son. "Steve, my boy. Close your mouth. You look like you've just been slapped in the face." Sam grabbed Seamus's shirt and pulled him towards her. "Now, the do not disturb sign will be on my bedroom door tonight, if you know what I mean, so make sure no one comes upstairs if they want to keep their sanity."
Seamus laughed, he rubbed his temples and looked around. He would've appreciated if the world would just stop spinning for a few minutes. " Right, agreed." He nodded along with Sam agreeing with anything that she was saying.
Sam pulled Seamus up the stairs, trying not to trip over as she walked. Even without her high heels on, she was still starting to feel dizzy and nauseous. That wasn't about to stop her though. She was still going to do this. Of course, this wasn't her normal behaviour. She would never be doing this if she was sober and she would probably regret it in the morning but right now all her brain was interested in was getting Seamus to the bedroom.
Seamus had to literally shake his head a few times to regain normal eye sight vision. He wasn't going to say no to Sam who was dragging him up the stairs, he might get hurt and regret what he said. But he also wanted to do this, it was like a determination thing. " Hold on there lassie, Gramps can't get up the stairs that fast!" He laughed, literally having to pick his feet up one by one.
Sam laughed at what Seamus said "Oh, come one. I'm probably older than you." She opened the door to her bedroom and took him over to the bed. Sam kissed Seamus then started taking his top off. Her hands fumbled as they didn't know where they were going. They'd been blinded by a wall of drunk.
Seamus thought, that was probably true. But who knew that the moment, they were both super drunk. He started to take her top off, kissing her neck and her lips. It'd been a while since Seamus had done this, but nothing was going to stop him.
Sam had gone for ages without doing this. Last time had been with Ashton and that was about three years ago. If she had been sober then she would have felt odd and slightly nervous but she was drunk. All thought of nervousness was gone. Sam pulled Seamus's trousers off then pushed him backwards onto the bed.
Seamus blinked his eyes, the next thing he knew he was being pushed onto the bed. " Woah, easy there grandma!" He laughed, taking his trousers off.
Sam took off her dress and got on top of Seamus. "This grandma still has moves." She grinned with a hint of flirt in it. Not that she needed to flirt. Both of them were too drunk to know the difference between flirting and mourning and she was already on top of him.
Seamus laughed and rubbed her legs that were close to his side. " Show me what you can do Grandma." He laughed and pulled her close to him.

A few hours later.

Seamus was super tired, and literally fell asleep after his fun with Sam.
Sam wasn't used to having alcohol in her body in such huge amounts anymore so it started making her sleepy after Seamus went to sleep. She soon followed him to the land of sleeping until she was woken by one of the girls crying. She quickly jumped out of bed before regretting it as that was when the hangover decided to hit her. Sam painfully grabbed her gown from the hanger on the back of the door and put it on as she went to get the toddler to shut up. Her head was already pounding and she didn't need screaming. Sam took the two girls into her bedroom once they had stopped screaming so she could watch them while she was still in bed. She didn't know whether they had woken Seamus up or not.
Seamus groggily opened his eyes, the sun was just not being his friend today. He stretched his arms out, and laid up on the bed. He was a bit surprised to see Sam's daughters in the room, but he didn't mind. They were super cute so his eyes could be relieved when seeing them. " Good morning Sam." He said as he regained insight of what happened last night.
Sam turned her head from her babies to Seamus. "Morning." She rolled onto her front and kept her eyes on him. "Sorry about last night. I don't usually behave like that. I guess it must have been the stress and the alcohol mixed together." Sam thought she better explain the fact that she wasn't actually a wh0re and that she usually acted much more decent and less sl*tty.
Seamus smiled at her, " No worries about that, it was just two people having friendly fun." He winked at her. Seamus wasn't this playful either, it had just been everything that happened these past few years, which made him go a bit ballistic. " Hope this doesn't change anything." He looked at her, she was a very beautiful woman.
Sam smiled when Seamus seemed to understand. "It was definitely fun. I'll give you that." Sam couldn't deny that she'd had a lot of fun with Seamus. She had to frown slightly at his next comment though. "What do you mean change anything??"
Seamus nodded, " I had more than fun I think, I think we should do it again." The man joked. " I just don't want our relationship to change, your a great person Sam and I really like you." He said, waiting for her reaction.
Sam laughed at his comment. She was glad she hadn't lost her moves over the years that she'd been single. His next comment made her realise that she didn't really like Seamus. She really really liked him and she had a feeling that the more she knew him the more she would love him. She didn't want to push it too early on though. "I really like you too." Sam looked over at the clock and sighed. "I guess I should get up and make breakfast for those two."
Seamus was glad, he didn't want this to end out badly. " Yeah, they look a bit hungry." He laughed. " They look like they're going to eat anything in sight. " The man said, getting out of the bed.
Sam laughed. "I bet they would. I certainly wouldn't put it past them." Sam got out of the bed and tied her gown back around her. "Come on, girls. Breakfast time." She took the two of them downstairs to the kitchen making them sit at the table then put some toast in the toaster and got the butter out the fridge, waiting for the toast to pop.
Seamus sighed and put on his pants. The brown haired man walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. He quickly poured himself a cup of coffee. " Do you think anyones going to ask?" He looked around.
Sam started buttering the toast as it popped out of the toaster. She nodded at his question then replied "Probably. Steve's blabber mouth at the best of times." She started to laugh as she remembered what his face had been like. "I don't think it would take much to make you believe me when I say he's never seen me drunk."
Seamus laughed, it wasn't hard to believe that Sam had rarely gotten drunk. " No need to convince me, I believe you." The man laughed, drinking his coffee. " All I can remember is his face, and you literally dragging me by my shirt." Seamus was still laughing.
Sam blushed slightly. "Oh, yeah. Sorry about that." She felt guilty about being so rough but at the same time she found it kind of funny. Well, that was until she had a thought. "I wonder whether David knows about it yet. And if he doesn't should I tell him??" Dave would have had to come to he house at some point to collect Sadie but did Steve tell him what was happening or who it was happening with?? Did Steve know who Seamus was?? How would Dave feel about his mother sleeping with his father-in-law??

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