Open How Does This Work?

Arthur Larson

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Curly 9 Inch Unyielding Larch Wand with Acromantula Web Core
Arthur had written an actual letter home. He had expected to eventually run into the place's computer room. But his phone was completely unuseable and dead, so he'd written a letter. One to all of his family, trying to encompass everything about this place, and how primarily this wasn't a joke, though he hadn't mentioned that he hadn't made a friend yet. He walked into the owlery and stared at all of the owls. He had his letter, with the address written on the front and had no idea how he was supposed to get the letter on to the owl to get them to deliver it. He approached an owl. "Can you take this?" he asked the owl, feeling like an idiot.
Teddy was having a great start to the year, enjoying the new first years who were proving to be quite entertaining and Teddy was getting as many of the boys signed up to the Brotherhood as possible. As he made his way to the owlery to send a letter home to check in on his parents, he noticed a boy already there, clearly struggling with the concept of using owls post.

"Oh, it's not going to do anything for you if you ask like that," Teddy said with a chuckle. "Here, watch." He put his hand up dramatically and sweetly called, "Here, my pretty princess, please come down for me." An owl immediately flew down from the rafters to him, and Teddy attached his letter, not revealing the bacon fat concealed up his sleeve which the owl was actually enticed by. "Now it's your turn Arthur," he said, recognising him from the club sign up and remembering his name easily.
Arthur's gaze shot away from the owl and to the boy speaking, doing so in a manner which caused the bird he'd been trying to speak to to fly away. He watched the older boy as he summoned an owl, with words and a wave it seemed. he looked between the owl and the boy, the boy, the leader of that club, had used a possessive term to address the owl, did that mean he owned it? "I don't have an owl...," he replied, wondering if that was just his owl, if there weren't owls to spare. His letter had said he could get an owl, not that he should. Was it could in the sense that everyone did have owls and they could bring them to school and he'd just misunderstood it. He glanced about, feeling frustrated and overwhelmed. He just wanted to send a letter home. "An email would be so much easier than this,"
The incorporeal non being loved nothing more than being able to be an absolute nuisance. He had followed the ickle little firstie all the way here, watching him intrigued. He didn't get to play with many little firsties, people tried to keep him away! Well, not today! "Pretty princess, come doooooownnnnn, preeeeeetttyyyyy princcccessssss..." he called, invisibly ruffling the feathers on the floor to make them fly up on their own into a swirl. He loved making a mess, and it was even more fun to make a mess when there were people involved!​

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