How Does one Make Friends?

Aminia Rosendale

Flonf Queen 👑 // Ex-Dancer // Writer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Chaser <3
Aminia was so unsure of herself after speaking with Sianna. She had yet to really investigate who she was, or what kind of person she was past her need to manipulate - her compulsion to be in control of every situation despite what that would take. The blonde was now rethinking her approach, her control adn her constant need to be able to abandon and never be abandoned. Normally if Aminia was feeling this way she was seen dancing anywhere there was room - the towers, classrooms, the abandoned lavatory. It didn't matter. Now though Aminia was sat writing. She was sat against the wall, on a small edge that wasn't quite comfortable, but it was where she found herself, scrawling a short poem on parchment before she would crumple it up and set it beside her - she didn't know why she bothered. Her writing would not be what she was known for her mother would make sure of it.

The blonde sighed and glanced around, wondering what it would be like to find company in another student - she'd lost that companion though, and at this point, feeling alone, had given up in finding someone.
Eva was finding school to be quite lonely. Although she'd met one or two people she couldn't exactly call them friends - at least, not yet. First off, she hadn't spent any time with them and second of all, she doubted they even remembered her which saddened the fifth year tremendously. She came to Hogwarts with the hope of making friends but it seemed as if it was a repeat of last year, and of her homeschooling days. Eva needed change, and she decided to act upon it. If she was going to be just someone else amongst her year group, they were wrong. She was not going to allow that. And she missed her brother too. Eva sighed, arriving to the Great Hall. She sat at the Gryffindor table, but was soon unsurprisingly bored. She glanced around her, everyone was talking, or laughing, or eating - except for Eva. Blending in certainly did not mean standing out from the rest of the group. She spotted someone, a girl in her year, in a similar situation to Eva - although she seemed to be enjoying her alone time, with her book and quill. After watching the other girl scrunch up her page she stood up, dusted herself off and walked over to her. "Hi," she said. "Sorry to bother. Um, I'm just wondering if I could keep you company. I, uh, wanted to find a quieter space," she added, though there weren't many students in the room to begin with.​
The Veela girl snapped her head up quickly and closed her book quickly. Everything she did was a fluid motion to hide the parts of her that Aminia still wasn't allowing herself to show. The blonde brushed hair back, golden eyes laying on the fairly pretty girl who stood before her. The Ravenclaw gave a smile, pearly whites a stark contrast against her plum-stained lips. "Hi, yeah of course. Ill warn you though. The wall is a good leg work out to stay seated on." The blonde grabbed her scrunched papers before pointing her wand at them. "Evanesco." the papers faded slowly, disappearing from sight. She then put her wand away and looked at the dark-haired girl, thinking before finally introducing herself. "I am Aminia Macksimov." She spoke, not sure if she should shake hands or not. This was the moment of truth though, could Aminia really make a friend without feeling the need to play with their emotions? Or was she incapable of real relationships.
Eva smiled at the girl, she was a little suspicious of why she made her pages vanish but that was none of her business so she did not ask. She didn't want to intrude, and besides, she too never liked sharing much about her life. It was never easy and Eva hated being vulnerable to people, especially those who knew a lot about you. "Thanks," she said finally, sitting down next to her with her back to the wall. "Eva," she introduced herself, sticking her hand out for the other girl to shake like her parents had always taught her. Then again, Eva had only ever had one friend her own age but she'd known him for her entire life, and she was unsure as to whether people here shook hands with each other or not. "You're in my year, right? 5th?" If Eva hadn't been mistaken, she remembered some people in her year and some classes though lately the Gryffindor was unsure of anyone's names. She kind of wished Rowin was here with her. Then she felt bad for thinking that when she was talking to someone else, hopefully making friends.
The woman introduced herself with a name beginning with A and Aminia could have chuckled. Frankly her sisters were the only other girls she had hung around with and this made yet another "A" name for a friend. If she could manage to make her that. Aminia resisted the urge to say anything until she thought her statements through, giving a seconds pause while she nodded to the girls question. If she forced herself to think about her answers maybe she wouldn't try so hard to bend people to want to be nice to her. After all friendship should be organic shouldn't it? "I'm a Ravenclaw fifth year, yes." She spoke, her Russian accent slowing her speech to help anyone with another accent than her. The next step would be the hardest. What kind of a conversation would Mini have with her sister? She couldn't ask the girl if she'd seen any of her things. She couldn't tell the girl mom wanted her - were these really the only things she and her sisters talked about? "what electives are you taking this year?" She inquired, finally picking a subject to ask about that didn't seem strange or foreign to her.
Eva was relieved to know that the other girl was in fact in her year, but in Ravenclaw, at least she hadn't been wrong about that. She'd been here for a year and yet she didn't have that many friends. She'd try harder next semester. The brunette didn't say anything more on that however, as the girl then asked Eva what classes she was taking. She smiled, before answering. "Care of Magical Creatures, my favourite class. And I also chose Potions, Defense, Transfiguration and Ancient Runes." She paused, glancing at Aminia. "Now that I think about it, that could be a lot to take on. What about you?" she said, wondering in how many of her electives the Gryffindor had failed to notice Aminia. With luck she could find some in common and maybe sit next to her in future. To ease the loneliness that had begun to creep in.
Aminia had always wondered if that class was interesting, but she wasn't the kind of person to get her hands dirty - it wasn't how she was raised. "That is a great many classes. If you're smart it shouldn't be a problem though. Or if you're studious." Aminia didn't know this girl much so she wasn't sure of her work ethics or anything else. "I only elected to take Charms. I've not chosen any electives. I'm a professional dancer, or will be once I get signed so magic isn't in my future." The blonde was only partially honest. Seh wanted magic in her future - writing specifically. "Are you a part of any clubs?" She inquired with as much interest as she could manage.
Eva nodded slowly at Aminia's words, she was probably right. Eva was quite studious, although she was raised that way and she had no idea how it was like not to do your best, especially when it came to impressing other people. "I'm...quite studious, I guess," she allowed, not wanting to talk about herself for much longer. Eva would avoid the subject of herself in any conversation she could. She'd never heard of anyone who didn't think magic was important for their future, magic was all that Eva knew, it was her only world so she couldn't imagine a world or life without it. "Charms is probably the most useful, though I'm sure if you're skilled enough you could try to learn it yourself from a book, or something." Charms was pretty basic. Then again Eva occasionally forgot about the people who weren't raised with magical parents and as soon as she thought that regretted what she'd said. Hopefully Aminia wasn't one of those people. She didn't want to offend anyone. "Dancing is pretty cool, I've never tried it. I don't know anyone who dances, that was until now," she said, impressed. "No, I am not," she replied when she was asked if she was part of any clubs. "I heard there are quite a few here, but I'm not that interested." After all the girl was here to learn.
Aminia definitely liked the idea that this girl said her class was the most useful. It was indeed useful. She felt proud that she'd at least picked a class worth having. The blonde Claw smiled at the other student. "Thank you. I dance Ballet. My sisters dance as well." Aminia thought perhaps she was talking too much of herself, she needed to become interested in the other people around her. "Maybe... one day I could show you something." The blonde nodded. "I'm Hogwarts Monthly, but everything else seems arbitrary - pointless for the real world. Is there anything here that you feel is a part of your future yet?" She changed the subject quickly, trying to avoid using her harsh language. She was always a bit melancholy she knew that about herself, but she wanted to change that as well. She wanted to be more friendly, because being alone was not fun anymore.
It was getting easier talking to other people, the more the conversation flowed. Aminia was nice and Eva would make sure she'd look out for her in future, maybe they could eventually become friends. "That's really cool. You have sisters?" she then asked, feeling a slight stab in her stomach at the thought of her twin sister. Her brother was at home, homeschooled, but her sister wasn't. Eva quickly shook the thought of Alice out of her head though. Now wasn't the time to think about sad stuff. Her eyes brightened when Aminia mentioned someday she could show Eva something. "I'd really like that," she admitted, smiling at the other girl. When the Ravenclaw talked about Hogwarts Monthly, a club she was part of, Eva listened to her, thinking about it. She nodded, then at her question she had to really think about it. She'd never been asked that before which also meant that she hadn't reflected on it much. "Um, maybe. I'm not sure. I haven't thought a lot about it, you know? I tend to keep to my books and...socialise with others when I get the chance. I don't really know what I want to do after school either." That part was all true. Eva had literally only considered being in her parents business, continuing with it when her parents couldn't any more, but that seemed boring to the young Gryffindor.​

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