Closed How Do I Even?

Corey Edogawa-Mckenna

tengu seeker • finally have his name • dummy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 11 1/2 Inch Swishy Cherry Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Corey was sure he was glaring a hole through his Charms textbook. How the thing did not even have a scorch mark on it was a mystery with how hard he's been glaring at the thing since he started studying for the subject. It hadn't even been twenty minutes since he had begun. If it wasn't catching fire yet, then he really would have let it fly with the wind if only it were light enough. It was a fairly nice day, a little windy but pleasantly warm enough to be outdoors. It was why he had managed to actually convince Roxas to accompany him to study in Great Lawn. Corey hated the indoors after all, and he hated studying too. With the lessons well underway however, both things he hated were just piling on top of him. And since he wanted to actually pass his classes this year again, well, he would definitely need to do a bit of studying, preferably outdoors.
History of Magic had been easy enough. There really wasn't much to try and understand. He just had to memorize. Granted he wasn't the best at that but it was still fairly better. Astronomy was quite the same. It was just memorizing terms for the most part. Charms, however, was a total nightmare. It was difficult since Corey could barely understand how spells work and most times, like in Transfiguration, theory was discussed a little in class to help them perform the spell better. Of course it didn't help either that he tended to get his wand movements or pronunciations of the incantation wrong. It was always one or the other or a completely different thing really. But at least he didn't have Transfiguration this term. Merlin, that would have been a nightmare. Groaning, Corey decided to lay down on the grass, abandoning his studies completely. "Roxaaaaaas, I hate Charms," the older boy complained. "Can't we just burn my book?" he whined. He would have burnt it himself, but he really couldn't remember the spell for it either. Typical.

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