Closed How Charming

Yuelia Rossingol

Puppetmaster | Duelist
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Straight 14.5" Sturdy Walnut Wand with Boomslang Venom Core
18 (31/05/2045)
Yuelia's new shoes were taking a bit of getting used to, but she was determined not to show any sort of weakness even as blisters were starting to form. Third year had been a bit of a write off but she had kept her duelling title. She didn't really know what she was doing, though, and she felt a bit aimless. As though everything was in kind of a fog, or she was surrounded by white noise. Even her father hadn't bothered to express anything at her less than perfect grades, beyond a narrowing of his eyes and a suggestion that she try harder. It was tedium, pure and simple. She needed to change her perspective, before everything fell in to a dull numbness.

At least she could feel something in how awkwardly her bag was jostling against her hip as she left Charms class. She'd packed in too much of a hurry, clearly, so she slowed her steps and worked on juggling things around, pulling out the rogue inkwell and trying to move it. Unfortunately, it came just as she took a step where the back of her shoe rubbed against her heel, making her jolt and the inkwell fall from her hand. Quickly, she pulled out her wand. "Impedimentia," she cast, quickly trying to stop it before it hit the ground. It only barely managed to avoid shattering. "Think you can make a fool of me, do you? Accio inkwell." She held it up, staring at it with moderate disdain. "Behave, or I shall set Thanatos on you."
Chaos Zhefarovich the Second recalled the dueling tournament the previous year. Yes, he needed to be there but his father would have his head if something even small happened to his precious firstborn son. Chaos was not going to risk it for the drama, but something did attract his attention. Yeulia and her dueling antics. He was interested. She seemed like she could get some guidance from him to go down a better path. It was more experimental than any other interest. So, after Charms, he followed after the Slytherin, unknown when to make his move. How would he even approach her? He knew nothing about her. That is, until he stopped behind her when she started talking to the inkwell. The blonde cocked his head to the side and chuckled, "You know, objects cannot obey or disobey you. Only living creatures can." Chaos figured that was enough of a greeting. Him seeing her talk to herself over something silly, but her magical skills were nothing to frown on. She was perfect for a subject.
Yuelia froze a little when someone approached her, very slowly turning to face the approaching student with her wand still brandished, holding the inkwell in her free hand. Her stance relaxed, just a little, when she saw who it was. She didn't really know Chaos well, but she knew his name from classes. "Objects in my possession should obey me," she retorted, sounding a little bit petulant despite her desire to come across more mature. "That is why we have magic, is it not? To bend even objects to our will." She blinked a couple of times, slowly, glancing down at her feet. "However, I apologise for my...childish display."
Chaos actually thought that her retort was humorous enough to laugh softly. If only. Then, they would have their lives much easier - and likely lazier than what they could be today. He figured that she might have been joking about bending objects to people's will, but she never did clarify. "You can't bend an object's will because it doesn't have a will unless you give it one through Transfiguration. Surely you are aware of that." Chaos used a tone that was not condescending at all. He wanted to ensure that she was not being mocked so much as he was just teasing her in a friendly way. But whether or not she took it worse was on her. "We are young teenagers. It is fine to act childish from time to time. Although, I was rather impressed with your dueling last year."

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