Hot or Not

Robert?/ Out of Ten

I feel sorry for anyone named Robert. That is a sh!t name in my opinion, and it is just Bobby, chico.
You know nothing about being bad, i think you still have a bit to learn​
Okay.IAgree/ Out if Ten

I can't call myself a 'bad boy in training'. That would sound dumber than 'model in training'. I still have much to learn, of course.
Good, You're Learning, that is good.​
you're cute and all, but brunette isn't my type and not to sound rude but your face is a bit too round.

How could you be empty? You a cookie jar or something?

Who is a disgrace?

You mean that thing musicians use to produce tunes? Eh, I'm not really familiar about those things.
You're 15... Hold onto your youth
It's your own fault when you're my age with a kid of your own with no time to enjoy life because you're either working or taking care of your kid
How about you grow up before you flirt and flirt when you have some common sense.
Well you screwed up your life not me.
Here's an idea how about you shut up
and mind your own business? Thanks.

You should try to be nicer and more respectful to people.

You don't ha to follow it, but I think you'd be suprised how much happier you can be by just being pleasent towards others instead of being rude.
Maybe if you were nice to people and had some respect you might actually go somewhere in life, no one wants to hire an arrogant child who hasn't grown up and thinks that they are better then everyone else.
Come back to earth and realise the act isn't going to get you anywhere and you better pay attention to other things instead of just yourself long enough before you get knocked out by a lethal bludger.
Just another young mom. Nice baby though.
Do you know my worthless older
brother Taylor? Or sister now I guess.
The hormones are getting to us. And no, I have
no clue of who that worthless brother of yours is.
That's a relief. Don't go getting
involved with him. Ah hormones
they are getting a bit out of wack.
Disgrace/ Out of Ten

I think this 'he' and I would get along. I am a disgrace too.

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