Hot or Not

You look familiar/outoften
Haven't I seen you around before? XD
"Oldest" Twin//0utof10
So which one is actually the oldest?...​
Ugh. Take your pre-teen rubbish somewhere else and find a better way to spend your time.
married/ out of ten
How can someone put up with your attitude? I hope your partner lives a long life despite you.

Hey, chill out, I think you should watch yourself. His partner may love him and need him to live, you don't know their life, never wish for someone to live without their heart, it's a terrible burden.
Maybe you should be telling him this//0utof10
He shouldn't judge others if he doesn't know their life either. Didn't realize dead fathers and severely depressed mothers who can't function were considered pre-teen rubbish.​

Put your mind at ease, mon corbeau. You have not suffered in vain. There are triumphs ahead of you, but you must remain studious and vigilant!

It shouldn't even be a subject at school.
Observant/ Out of Ten
That's good I guess.
Manipulative/Out of ten

Join the club.
Charming // OutofTen

Don't flatter yourself, sweetheart.
Troublemakers Out of Ten

Well if it isn't the son of a blood traitor and a mudblood. You and your people are indeed troublemakers and are soon to be extinguished, mark my words

OOCOut of Character:
Why is Sybil so mean? :cry: :cry: ... Forgive me!!
Prejudice is just another word for ignorance, which makes sense since you all are probably inbred anyway.
I've got more magic in me than your special snowflake blood leads you to believe you have.
Self-Loathing OutOfTen
You shouldn't, you are so beautiful!
<FONT font="georgia">

I think maybe you should stop for a second. What we call ourselves is not important, only why we call ourselves these things. Stop and think about what you are saying before you hurt someone you love so deeply. It is never a good feeling to be harsh to those we wish to like or indeed to those we wish only love from.
optimistic // 10
So positive for someone defeated, heartbroken, & poor
For the sake of your job, I would suggest removing those two traits. No one likes a bartender with seemingly more problems than they have.
Oh my God/ Out of Ten
I would not be surprised if your thestrals were your only friends.
She's the best OutOfTen
My son is so lucky to have her as his mother

Happy? That's quite a claim, especially considering your age... In other words, I ain't buying it. You're either an optimistic fool, whose hobby is living in denial of what surrounds him, or high.
Give it up man, don't waste anymore time on her if it's not gonna happen!

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