Hot or Not

Because then i can pick on crybabies like you for a job Duh!​

Say that when you wind up in prison because of your 'job'.
<COLOR color="#000">Calm Downoutoften
Someone would think you're wound a bit too tight, You're too young to be under this sort of drama. And yes yes I know, Why should I be giving advice I had a Daughter when I was 19, However I do hold a stable job, I am a professional Quidditch player, I became an Animagus all while being a mother. So listen to my Advice, Be a child.​
There is no need for mean words! At least he's going to try harer to make something of himself. Waht if you settle own with a family, and they get killed because of your job?

Her parents did NOT teach her good manners.
Please, just for once, give a compliment! Smile! It's so much more fun when you do!
You remind me of the boys back at Orion. I am glad that I won't have to encounter you this year.
if i had mud in my blood, wouldn't i be in the hospital?
i don't get it! Why would i wanna be in the hospital. I ain't sick, I'm as healthy as a horse!
It's because you're nastier then a manuer spreader! And just... Be quiet!
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell. I don't know what came over me. i'm sorry, i hope this doesn't make you hate me...

She seems to already hate you... but you seem pretty nice.
Sweetheart/ Out of Ten

In Slytherin? I wonder what Professor Styx will think of that.
Probably won't care to be honest.

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