Hot or Not

i think i have seen you around. you have a familiar face.
so you're good at looking? weird.​
That's an amazin' job! i love animals!
what happened?/10
we used to be so close, now we are so busy we hardly even see each other.
girl, you couldn't get better if your life depended on it.​
Part veela/10
I bet all the girls like you. Or are the jellous that you are better looking than them? :p you seep like a cool guy.
with a girl? eww cooties.​
Stay Away from the Ater, and if you come with your parents remember. Children should be seen... Not Heard.​
bad philosophy/10
there is nothing nicer to hear than the sound of children's laughter. as there is nothing more rewarding than knowing those who you love and care for are happy.
Sapphires Friend/10
she talks about you all the time too. If you ever want to come over for dinner or anything you are always welcome.
Just like a child, you should be seen not heard.​
What does it matter to you, You're a Mud Blood, all you need to know is that one day you will be off this earth.​
A Certain Emperor has told me he will wipe you're existence, you better count you're blessings child.​
I mean,why do you hate us so much. We didn't chose to be magical. We were born this way and obviously for some reason or else we wouldn't exist, ye have no right to say ye are better just because ye have magical blood. It makes no difference we are all the same,blood has nothing to do with magical ability. that's like all of us muggle-borns saying "Let's terminate the pure-bloods" which we would never do so get over it because it's not going to happen.

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