Hosting Family

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Demeter Dallamoor

Well-Known Member
If anyone interested in hosting the twins for their one year experience at Hogwarts that would be delightful. I'm looking for a family, or perhaps a professor who desire to have twins that are from Salem. If they do decide to stay longer,(which is more than likely), than you will probably host them until they are done with Hogwarts. Bit of a warning don't expect much rping from the twins. I don't mind just RL can be hected sometimes. So if your interested post here and just tell me a bit about your family.

Thank You :)
I have Rosie King (not related to Nicolas King) ...

She works for the ministry as an unspeakable, Rosie is a single mother has one daughter Carmina. Rosie has a nanny that take cares Carmina which is a 6 years old girl. So, no worries for taking care of Carmina. Rosie owns a manor near Obsidian.
Perfect I don't mind :). And if you still want Deviant to rp with Ashley or whoever I'm up for it. Still have Brightstone weeks open.
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