Hospitals need to get better wifi

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Samuel Phillips

Part-Veela | Artist | Scrivenshafts Owner
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Straight 11 1/2" Flexible Cypress Wand with Veela Hair Core
Hey ya'll

This is just a quick notice that I'll be away for at least the next few days. It might even be longer, I'm not really sure at this point. But the reason is one of my good friends is in hospital right now. The doctors don't know exactly what is wrong with her but they do know it's very serious and she is in a lot of pain (she also might be getting surgery in a day or so) and her parents won't be arriving to see her for the next few days. In the meantime I've taken it upon myself to be her "temporary mother". Since early this morning I've been busy running in and out of hospital and until now haven't had a minute to myself. Basically I'm way too busy looking after my friend to spend time online.

I'll let you all know when things have settled down.

Anna :hug:
When I saw the title I nearly freaked out thinking it was you! But I'm sorry to hear about your friend. I hope she is okay! You go be her mother. I love you, will miss you and am hoping for you!

Oh no! I hope the doctors figure out what is wrong and help your friend to feel better. Take care of yourself too.

I wish the best for your friend, and don't overwork yourself either. :hug:
So my friend is still in bad shape, but now that her family is with her I have more time to myself. Should be back as per usual :wub:
You guys are so sweet :hug:
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