Hoshi should not be allowed to be bored

Hoshi Icchihara

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ana V
Cherry Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Wood Rose
Hoshi Koshiba had been allowed to get bored. Something that she should never be allowed to happen. Bad things happened when Hoshi was allowed to become bored. This was not so bad though. She was humming a song in Japanese while tapping her wand. She was levetating ribbons to wrap around odd points of a few suits of armor. If they where touched they would turn into slime of diffrent colors and it would be impossable to get off for days.

She grin at the thought of some of her fellow classmates with colored stains on thier hands leaving techacolor handprints on everything. Hoshi had proven early the year before that the suits of armor did in fact move by painting to bottoms of the feet. It had beenn funny to a lot of people to walk by the next day and find diffrently colored foot prints all over the place. This was something simmiler but she wanted to see who would touch the ribbons. Hoshi kept humming to herself as she moved from suit to suit. She even put some on the hour glasses that kept score for all of the houses. Borem made Hoshi do bad things. It always had. Hoshi had a wicked grin on her face.
Avadia was in a particually dreamy mood today, and she danced around the floors, wondering what to do. Half-formed thoughts of apologising to Wish floated through her mind, but she didn't want to, and besides, she was still furious as her 'sister'. She hummed a waltz as she swayed through the corridors, people looking at her like she was a lunatic. She stopped as she saw a ribbon floating around the entrance hall, and reached out and tried to touch one. As soon as she touched it, blue slime appeared on her hand. She stopped humming, and looked at her arm like it was some alien thing, a frown appearing on her usually vacant face.
Hoshi turned to see who had been humming. She saw that the girl had touched one of her ribbons and turned again tossing the bag she was getting them from behind the suit of armor that she had been 'decorating' then walked over to the girl. "Suckish isn't a few have gotten their hands painted already." She said looking at the girl's hand. Her face was completely innocent but inside she was trying hard not to laugh.
Maisie had been wondering around, looking for an easy target to victimise. Shegsaw something going on in the Entrance Hall, specifically a girl covered in blue gooey stuff. The werewolf strutted over to the two girls and smirked. "Well whoever did this is pretty pathetic" she laughed, looking at both girls up and down.
Hoshi looked at the girl. This had to be Masie the one who messes with Larissa. Hoshi put a big smile on her face. "You think so? I think it's pretty funny once you get over the colorfulness of it." She said looking around. Hoshi had most of the Great Hall covered in ribbons. She looked at Masie again. Slytherin, weather or not she was Slytherin b1tch was yet to be determaned. Hoshi crossed her arms, showing the spiked armbands she had been sporting for the day.
Hoshi shook her head. "Would rather be Goth than Mt. Peptobismal." She said eyes going up Maisie's pink hair. "Just so you know you just talked to me so in retrospect I just did hear your voice. Believe me your no Evanjaline Blue." Hoshi said in a stage whisper. As if she where letting Maisie in on a big secret. Evanjaline Blue was one of Hoshi's favoret Wizarding World soloests. She was a bit soft for someone who looked at harsh as Hoshi but in her mind Evanjaline was right up there with Amy Lee from Evaenssence (Sp?).
Hoshi a finger to her lips as if thinking about what Maisie said. "Um you know what thought about it, bad idea, thought about it, bad idea. Koshibas, especially Koshiba girls don't worship anyone." She said her hands on her hips. "But there is something I can do." She said brightly with wide eyes. With lightning speed Hoshi took out her wand and pointed it at a clump of ribbons. "Wingardium Leviosa!" She yelled making them flowt up and over Masie's head. She let them hover there for a moment before taking off the charm and making them drop with a muti-colored squish. "Hey look everyone, Mt. Peptobismal erupted into a rainbow!" She cryed. The hall rang with laughter as Hoshi summened her bag and ran towards a corridor hidden by a tapestry. Hoshi may have just pwned the Slytherin b1tch but there was not way she was sticking around for the older girl to get her revenge. Hoshi was not that supid.

((Sorry if there is god moding.))

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