Hoshi Koshiba

Hoshi Icchihara

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ana V
Cherry Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Wood Rose
Full Name: Hoshi Sakura Koshiba

- Birth Date: June 16 2010

- Current Age: 10 soon to be 11

- Basic Appearance: Hoshi has straight black hair that she dyes the tips different colors. She has an athletic build from doing things like skate boarding. She always had the most goofy smile on her face unless she mad at you then she threaten to shove her shoe up up your behind.

- Parents: Haruhi Koshiba, Kaoru Koshiba (Separated but not divorced.)

- Siblings, if any:Twin - Tohoru Koshia (Accepted to Tokyo Magical Academy)
- Pets, if any: None
- Area of Residence: New Zealand
- Blood status:Half Blood

(If your character is a sorted student:)

- Hogwarts House (And why): None yet

- Best school subjects (And why): None yet

- Worst school subjects (And why): None yet

(all characters:)
- What would their Patronus be? A lynx Small but with a kick.
- What would their Boggart be? A clown
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) A multi-colored cat.

- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? Her family back together.

- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? The day she got her first toy broom.

- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:

Dear Journal,

My English teacher said I was to make a journal so I can practice writing in English. This is sooooooooo stupid. Like I have anything I would rather write about than actually do. Haruhi is making me do this too. She said that I will never learn if I don't do what the teacher says. Whateva! I know it' spelled wrong I don't care that's how I say it! Haruhi is my mother but I call her Haruhi her name. There is little way I'm calling her mother or even Mom. I don't hate her I just think it's better. Haruhi is like my best friend not my mother though she's always telling me to call her Mom.

I got my Hogwarts letter today. That so cool but I wanted to go to the Tokyo Academy with Tohoru. Oh well this school could be cool too. And I will get to see my Onii-chan again during the summer. I love my twin brother though Dad is being really pig headed about the whole thing I mean it's their fight why do we have to be separated too. This is getting stupid. Haruhi is trying to win me over by buying me a new broom. Like she can.
Hi Hoshi, Welcome to HNZ! :cool:

I have just two questions (you can answer IC or OOC )

Why would Hoshi's animagus form be a a multi-colored cat? (I think its awesome by the way)


What house do you think you'll be sorted into?

Mark MacMillian said:
Hi Hoshi, Welcome to HNZ! :cool:

I have just two questions (you can answer IC or OOC )

Why would Hoshi's animagus form be a a multi-colored cat? (I think its awesome by the way)


What house do you think you'll be sorted into?

To the first question I would say because I have many different tempers and because of the habbet I have of dyeing my hair different colors. I once had it green with yellow high lights in it.

I seriously don't know. I don't think I'm smart enough for Ravenclaw and I would shove my foot up the Hufflepuff that even thinks they will cry on my shoulder so I think it's a toss up between Gryffendor and Slytherin.
Hi I thought up another one <:p

You mention in your Diary/Journel that you wanted to go to Tokyo Academy with Tohoru but you got accepted to HNZ. If you had a choice to pick would you stay with HNZ or go to Tokyo Academy?
Right now I think I would hop on a plane and go to Tokyo Academy the first chance I got but once I get to know people here I'm guessing it would brake my heart to leave them.
Why are Hoshi Koshiba's parents divorced?
What are her parent's occupations?
Can you give five adjectives to describe Hoshi and then five to describe each of her parents?
Which of Hoshi's parents is a muggle?
Why is Hoshi afraid of clowns?
What is Hoshi's favourite food?
Who does Hoshi live with (her mom or her Dad)?
How does Hoshi feel about attending a different school than her twin in the coming year? :)
Why are Hoshi Koshiba's parents divorced? They are not Divorced yet they are in the proses of doing so. They really haven't explained it to me but I think it had something to do with my Dad's secretary. Haruhi gets mad every time I ask her and sends me to my room.

What are her parent's occupations? Haruhi is a muggle hair styler and Dad is a the wizarding equallent of an business man dealing in developing state of the art brooms and Quiddich gear. ((Note: Drooled over some of the protects that my Dad's company makes.))

Can you give five adjectives to describe Hoshi and then five to describe each of her parents? Me I am small, flashy, hot headed, wild, needy. Haruhi would be kind, soft spoken, giving, lovely, gentle. Dad would be strict, hard, kind (-ish), orgenised, and sarcastic

Which of Hoshi's parents is a muggle? That would be Haruhi. She fell in love with my dad while they where both taking a course in muggle Mythology at Tokyo U or at least that's how Haruhi tells it.

Why is Hoshi afraid of clowns? Long story short. I had a Clown in my face when I was two and he said something that made me cry. I don't remember but ever sense then I can just see that clown coming up to me with the make up running down along with the sweat.

What is Hoshi's favourite food? Vending unit chips and soda. Cold caned coffee too. I know that's not food but hey I love it!

Who does Hoshi live with (her mom or her Dad)? I live with Haruhi after they split. Tohoru had to stay with dad It was almost like they where splitting even us down the middle. So not fair.

How does Hoshi feel about attending a different school than her twin in the coming year? :) I feel like it's soooooooooo not cool. Where were sopped to be together forever and ever. Then again we are severely co-dependent on each other. Maybe I can make friends with Tohoru at another school. I still miss him though!

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