🌹 Rose Giving Hopeful Rose

Senna Overby

💫 unofficial quidditch club 💫
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Curly 14 Inch Sturdy Maple Wand with Fairy Wing Core
07/2045 (16)
Yellow rose for @Cassius Styx

Senna had one goal and one goal only: to get her roses delivered as efficiently as possible. She knew a few of the names on her list and had decided on an easy tactic for the others; yell untill her voice gave out. "CASSIUS STYX!" Sen called out as wandered through the halls. "DELIVERY FOR CASSIUS STYX!"
Cassius was in the great hall when he heard his name from above. Merlin's beard. He ascended the stairs and managed to find the loud mouth who definitely needed to just chill out or something. He walked up and motioned for her to bring it down a notch. "What?"
Senna frowned when a boy headed her way, motioning for her to quiet down. He immediately seemed like he was no fun at all and she was curious to see if he really was like that or if this was just a bad first impression. "Do you always greet people like that?" She questioned with a raised eyebrow before picking out the right rose and holding it out for him. "This is for you."

Thanks for not being as bad as everyone says you are. Hopefully we can be friends.
Cass cocked his head to the side when she asked him a question. He shrugged after finally coming up with words. "No, I often don't greet people at all." Cass' tone wasn't exactly the best but it wasn't overly antagonistic either - which meant that he was in a better mood. He took the rose and note, and read it. Oh, it was from Morrigan. Should he have sent her one? Maybe. "Thanks. Good luck with the others. If you insist on yelling, at least try that Sonorus charm, if you know it already. If not, go see Professor Corrins for it." Cass didn't know it because it was above his year, but he simply waved at her and went back toward the dungeons.

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