Closed Honeymoon Blues

Cassielle Helkovaara

Confident- Black Belt- Settling Down- Mama Bear
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Seven inch sturdy Acacia with Essence of Belladonna core
11/4/2014 (48)
Cassi had really enjoyed a beautiful wedding- she and Celestyn had finally done it, had a gorgeous ceremony in New York and had made it all official. They'd decided to honeymoon in Italy, leaving Caspian with Charlie for a few weeks while they were away. Cassi hadn't expected this- she'd never thought she'd marry, but now, with Celestyn, she couldn't imagine it any other way. She was still running a dojo in New York, teaching self defense to all ages, and living very happily with her three boys dominant in her life. She would admit that Celestyn was just so much better with Caspian, having been the one to raise Charlie, but she was doing her best to help him out where she could.

Still, it was nice to get away. Or at least... it had been, until they'd run into her parents. She'd known it was a possibility, but she'd been hoping to avoid it. She was grateful that Celestyn had stood up for her when they'd been... well, themselves, and had started to tear her down the way they always did. They were back at the rental home they'd booked for the week now. She sighed and moved into the living room, letting the door shut behind her before walking over and falling onto the couch, groaning and rubbing her hands over her eyes. "Well, that was fun," She grumbled, massaging her fingers against her already aching temples.
Celestyn had always figured love would just not be something for him, but then, with Cassi, everything had just turned out right. It had happened at exactly the right moment, it had resulted in now two perfect children, and they were married. The interaction with her parents had been the only thing which soured it. He just smiled at her, watching as she moved over to the couch and he followed behind her, letting her have a little space. "Yeah, I'm sorry, for what it's worth, you're the most amazing woman I've ever met," he said, knowing it would likely soothe little. He moved to the couch with her, and moved to gently guide her into his arms.
Cassi let herself lean into Celestyn, shutting her eyes. "They're always like that. That's why I left home when I was sixteen, that's why you've never met them, that's why I left Charlie with you." She sighed. "How was I supposed to know how to raise a baby if I couldn't even manage to be a good person for my own family?" She rolled her eyes. "Took a few years of therapy to sort that out."
Celestyn didn't need Cassi to explain any of that, he could tell immediately and had always known that Cassi had just needed time, and he just had been in a better place to do it. That and it hadn't been a question to him to do it. "I'm glad you were able to take the time to work on that, Charlie and I are thankful to have you in our lives," he told her. "You're a good person," he reassured her.
Cassi laughed lightly, shifting to face him. "Not sure about the good person piece, but we do make some cute babies," She teased him. "And I'm tough enough to kick your pretty little booty around," She teased, offering out her hand for him. "It's nice to have a house husband to dote on me." She tried to keep the tone light, wanting to just move past it. She wasn't sure if he would let her brush aside the encounter with her parents, but she was emotionally wrung out already and she wanted to try, at least.
Celestyn gave a little shake of his head. "You're a good person Cassi, and we do make cute babies," he told her, agreeing with her on the latter and wanting her to realise that she wasn't a bad person. "And you know I will dote on you until my last breath," he assured her, moving to hold her nice and tightly in his arms.
Cassi chuckled, leaning against him and letting him pull her in. Why did she feel so tired? She sighed, rubbing her hands over her face. "You better," She teased. She leant back against his shoulder. "What do you say we get a few bottles of good liquor, do a ton of shots, toast terrible parents, and just forget the night happened?" She offered, leaning so she could look up at him without pulling away.
Celestyn gave a little laugh and nodded. "That sounds like a good idea, though the last couple of times we did get black out drunk we ended up with kids," he told her with a fondness, but he was already summoning some of the drinks from the mini-bar. Offering one for her and then taking one for him. "Cheers,"
Cassi laughed lightly, shaking her head. "Who knows, maybe we'll end up with a little girl," She teased, though she was fine if they didn't have any more kids. The boys were enough, and if they ended up with another baby, well... that would be great, too. But that wasn't what she wanted to think about tonight. Tonight, she just wanted some drinks and some cuddling and to not have to think for a while. She took the drink and held it up. "Cheers," She agreed, downing it and making a trick shot into the trashcan nearby. She giggled, looking around. "Think there are any board games around? Or some cards?" She asked, thinking that sounded like a good distraction.
Celestyn laughed lightly, as much as having another baby, specifically a little girl would be nice, he paused for a moment. "Do you want more kids?" he asked gently. They had two, of very different ages, and they maybe didn't have a lot of time left to have more if they wanted them, so he just asked it. Even if this wasn't really the perfect moment for it. He held up his drink and downed it in one. "cards would be fun, could play some poker,"
Cassi stood, walking over to see if she could scrounge up some cards and some poker chips. "I don't know," She shrugged. "If it happens, it happens, but I'm not sure I want to actively try either, you know?" She gave a little cry of delight, holding up the poker set she'd found with a wicked grin. "Here we are," She turned back to her husband with a twinkle in her eye. "Ready to lose?"

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