Homework or Chatting?

Avery Marshall

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OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Vine Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Avery sighed as she made walked across the grass, searching for a nice spot to sit down and do some homework. She normally would've gone to the library or her dorm to make her homework, but today was such a lovely day that she decided to look for a quiet spot outside where she could do it. The eleven year old had made her way to the library beforehand and had been looking for some information about the subject she had to do her homework on. After she had found what she needed and had scrabbled down some notes about it she had made her way outside. Finally sitting down Avery placed her bag on the grass next to her and took out everything she needed, her book, her notes, her quills, ink and parchment. Looking up at the sky she sighed, the weather was lovely and she was wondering if she perhaps should've stayed inside because she had a feeling she wasn't going to get to doing her homework with weather like this.

Almost as soon as the girl had opened up her book and taken up her quill she was laying them both down again. She could feel the warmth of the sun on her face and decided that it wouldn't be a bad thing if she just closed her eyes and sat in silence for a moment before she actually did her homework. However a moment quickly turned into a couple of minutes and Avery had a bit of trouble opening her eyes again. Maybe it hadn't been such a good idea after all, because now she didn't feel like doing her assignment at all. Another sigh escaped her mouth and she just stared at the empty parchment in front of her, thinking of a good way to start her assignment.​

sorry it's so bad
Emily was the happiest person alive. She was so thankfull that she could be on hogwarts. But on second thought she had her witch blood from her father, her mother was just a muggleborn. But the witch blood was the only thing she would ever be thankfull of from her father. Thinking about her father made her angry, he just left her and her mother alone, so Emily would never be thankfull for anything from him anymore. Emily decided not to think of her father anymore, he ruined her mood. Emily had all her homework done, just as always so she could choose something in her free time. Emily did spoke to students and they were all nice to her, but she did not have a long conversation with anyone.
'' I can always talk to myself..or to a rock or something. I really need to tell my experiences to anyone right.''Emily decided that she wanted to go outside, it was a nice sunny weather so why not? She grabbed some books, because Emily could never choose one, and took it with her to the great lawn.

When she arrived there, she looked for a nice place to settle down. She saw a place on the grass and walked towards it. The weather was so nice, Emily could feel the sun on her face. '' I could really use some sunglasses right now..'' She smiled for a second and decided that she needed to choose one book to read. When looking at the books, she walked straight a head. Emily didn't realised that there was sitting someone in front of her, she was just one feet away and BAM Emily fell over some feet she guessed. ''Another great first apperance jeah''..

The girl had finally decided how to start of her assignment and began writing it all down on her parchment, she was pretty sure this was going to end up fine in the end. She never really minded doing assignments, as long as she could finish them quickly and just be done with them because she hated having work she still had to do jut lying around. Being done with it as soon as possible was the best solution for her, because after that she at least would have some time to do something fun. A sudden movement caused Avery to stir and her ink went all over the parchment. Great, now she could start all over again. The girl put her parchment aside and looked up to see what caused the stir and it was only then that she noticed someone lying on the ground quite close to her.

"Are you okay?" Avery asked as she got up and walked over to the other student, who seemed to be a girl, ready to help her up. "That seemed like a pretty clumsy action." She chuckled. Hopefully the other girl didn't get hurt so her remark didn't sound stupid. It as a bit clumsy though, tripping over somebodies feet, but it could happen to anyone really. She recalled herself once tripping over her brother's feet and taking him with her in her fall. Not the greates move she ever made, but probably the funniest.
Emily could slap herself, for being so clumsy. Luckily for her the girl came towards her and asked if she was ok, that was pretty nice. Emily went back on her feet again, and swept some grass of her clothes.'' Oh Hi!, I did not saw you, but you noticed that did you, because I fell over your feet.. so yep.'' Emily laughed for a second about her own comment, it sounded really weird. Emily looked at the girl, she had brown long hair and Emily estimate that the girl was a first year student.
'' But i'm ok, so thanks! I did not broke anything or something so nothing wrong with me! But how about you? it was a pretty clumsy action from me for sure.'' Emily guessed that it was not a mean thing from the girl to say but just a joke. Emily smiled towards the girl after she said that.

Emily looked at the parchment and saw that the inkt was all over the parchment. ''Oops, did i cause that?.. I'm so sorry, i hope you were not so far with your homework.'' Emily grabbed it from the ground and, looked how bad the damage was. She grabbed from her pocket a cloth and tried to make the parchment cleaner. After a second the inkt was on her fingers.
'' Oh how rude of me, i'm Emily Richardson first year Huffelpuff.'' Emily put out her hand towards the girl, but forgot that her fingers were all over the inkt...
Avery let out a chuckle and gladly enough the other girl wasn't hurt. "It's okay, it could've happened to anyone." She smiled at the girl. She seemed to be around the same age as her and Avery guessed she was a first year as well, which only made her wonder which house she would be in. Avery looked at the parchment the girl took up from the ground and nodded. "Yeah, it's mine. I was actually neay finished, but I remember most of what I wrote so it'll be fine." She shot the girl a painful smile, not really feeling in the mood to start the assignment all over again, but she knew she didn't do it on purpose.

As the girl confirmed her guess of being another first year Avery went to shake her hand but stopped herself in the middle of her action and looked at the girls ingers, which were covered in ink from the parchment she had just held. "I'm Avery, I'm a first year too, although I'm a Slytherin. I hope you don't mind me not shaking your hand." She smiled, nodding at the girls hand so she would understand why Avery wouldn't shake it. "So how's Hogwarts treating you?" The eleven year old herself was happy as ever at the school. She enjoyed being around all these people who were new to a lot of magic as well and she was very driven to get through all of her classes with good grades. She knew she had only just started school here but she was very ambitious about what she wanted.
Emily was glad that the girl was not angry at her. Her stupid feet! It was like they lived their own life. But when Emily read a book she could hear or see nothing else anymore, she was so focused then. '' Oh well.. yeah if you think so.'' Emily smiled towards the girl, and was wondering if it could happen to anyone, it was really really clumsy after all. ''Ow oops, well i could help you if you want. Were do have to write about?'' Emily felt really stupid, the girl was busy with her homework and she just ruined it.

The girl introduced herself as Avery a first years Slytherin student. If Emily would guess she did not thought that Avery would be a Slytherin, she had something of a Ravenclaw student she thought, but it was the first time she saw her so everything could be a wrong thought. Avery looked at the hand of Emily and then she realised that she had a dirty hand. '' Oh well, I guess not a handshake after all. But it's not a problem we could do a feet shake or something.. Or just nothing better..'' Emily put her hand back and tried to clean it at her dress. Emily was happy when the girl asked how Hogwarts was treating her. Emily did had a great time at Hogwarts, and she would tell Avery all about it.'' I think Hogwarts is the best thing ever happend to me. I feel really welcome here and the people are just all nice. I love the Library the most and the lessons are really interesting. What about you Avery?'' Emily was curious what Avery was thinkin about Hogwarts.
Avery smiled when she noticed the relief on the other girl's face after she had told her that it was okay. To be honest she was sure it was something she could've done as well, although she wasn't a very clumsy person. Looking at the parchment Avery was glad she still had her notes and still remembered a lot of what she had written down, since she had just made it the moment before, that way she would be able to write everything down again pretty quickly. "No, that's okay." She smiled at Emily when she offered to help her out in writing it all down again. "It was Defence Against the Dark Arts, but it wasn't a lot so I won't be having a hard time writing it down again."

The fact that Avery would rather not shake the girl's hand was luckily understood very easily by the girl as she realised that her hand was still covered in ink. What she suggested next however sounded a bit strange, but nonetheless she had a feeling she might take a liking to the girl. "I think nothing's a better idea than a foot shake, yeah." The first year chuckled before listening to Emily describing how fond she was of the school. Avery had to admit that she had also been greatly enjoying her time at the school so far. There were so many different types of people with different personalities that it would be hard not to be having a good time at the place. "That's great!" She exclaimed, she didn't have to think twice about her answer when the quesion was returned to her. "I'm having a pretty great time here as well so far." She smiled. "I think it's fun to have so many different people running around with different personalities, but they're all here to learn magic so I guess in some way that makes that we all have something in common."
Emily noticed that this slytherin girl Avery was really nice. She was wondering what Avery would think about the muggle world. Sometimes Emily would speak very enthiosastic about the world were she grew up, but some people hated muggles because of that their parents told them so. Emily smiled at Avery when she was saying that it was not was a hard time to write it all down again. '' I am glad to hear that Avery, sometimes my feet does things on their own, like they live their own life.. so strange.

It was clear that a handshake or footshake, will not happen. After Emily told about her Hogwarts experience for so far, she listened to Avery about her experience on Hogwarts. Emily smiled at Avery when she was talking about different people in the school.'' I think you are right, it is good to see a lot of different personalities. After all that is were the houses are for I guess.'' Emily said smiling.'' Which lessons do you like the most? And what do you think about the professors?'' Emily herself could almost not choose which lesson she liked the most. Every thing was new and she liked to learn new stuff. History of magic was interesting for sure, but potions had something too. She needed to figure that answer out.
The eleven year old chuckled when the girl in front of her told her her feet sometimes seemed to have lives of their own. She fumbled up the with ink drenched piece of parchment and put it down next to her as she sat down on the grass again. "Well I don't think you're the only one, I've seen a few more clumsy people around here. Can be rather clumsy myself as well." Avery smiled as she mentioned for the other girl to sit down as well.

Emily agreed with Avery's words and the young girl nodded at her response. When she asked her which lessons she liked most and what her thoughts were on the different professors Avery had to think about it for a while. "I like Defence Against the Dark Arts." The girl then stated. "But I'm even more excited for Transfiguration, it just seems like a really cool subject." Avery had always been interested in Transfiguration, but she was also very interested in Charms, she was lookig forward to both classes really. "As for the professors I'm not sure, they're all just so different. What about you? What's your favourite subject?"

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