Closed Home To You

Einar Haines

drop out; healing; alaskan
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Swishy Redwood Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
12/2038 (23)
Einar had expected his school break to not go well, it was par for the course for him, but it had gone worse than normal. The new family were....bad and despite all his social worker's threatening she hadn't checked up once. But it had just been too much for him. He didn't want to bounce between places anymore and had in the end, gone to Lucas. He knew where the boy had been staying, since he'd been over a few times over the holiday so far but he'd turned up in the middle of the night, soaked to the bone from the summer downpour and visibly upset. He didn't want to encroach upon Lucas' life, didn't want to ruin him and Cassi's chance to get to know each other. He didn't want to be the one to make things go bad, but he couldn't deny the way spending time at the house had made him feel, comparatively to where he went after.

Einar just wanted to be happy again, he wanted to not worry about where he'd live, he wanted more than just his rucksack. He needed to be able to stop living life one holiday to the next. He was so tired, tired of having to be so much every day. Pretend to be okay. Einar was shaking lightly, something that could be chalked up to the fact he was soaked. Cassi had let him in and sat him in the kitchen next to a heater, wrapping him in a blanket. The room was dark, some small candles lit the room, but did little. He was content to just stare forward, frozen in place. He wanted to ask Cassi if he could live here now, but didn't want her to have to adopt him or foster him, he was so close to seventeen that he just needed somewhere for this break and then it would be fine.
Lucas had been sleeping soundly. It was surprising to him how well he slept knowing his brothers were nowhere near. The apartment was certainly comfortable, he'd done a lot to make it so. He still wished he could keep Einar here, wished he could give Einar the home that Lucas craved, but he knew better than to push.

He was startled when Cassi woke him up, and groggy for a moment. that passed quickly, however, when she told him what was going on. Lucas jumped out of bed, hardly caring that he was just in a pair of boxers, and rushed out to the kitchen. His heart both leapt to his throat and sunk to his feet seeing Einar sitting in the kitchen. Lucas hesitated a moment before walking over slowly, putting a hand on the back of Einar's chair and letting his other hand hover.

He leaned down a bit, trying to catch Einar's gaze. "Baby? What happened? Are you okay?" Lucas asked gently, his voice soft and his gaze tender. He wanted to just pick Einar up and carry him back to bed, hold him and soothe him until the boy wasn't shaking anymore. But he also knew that wouldn't help.
Einar jumped in surprise at the new voice, before settling. He met Lucas' gaze and tried to give him a little smile but couldn't. He was just trying to get dry and warm and trying his best to just ignore everything. He knew he probably looked a state, drenched and tired, had visibly been crying but no longer. He shook his head lightly, not really in answer to the question but mostly to just get himself to focus. "baby?" he asked, poking at what lucas had called him, ignoring the other two questions. He hadn't been called baby since his mother had died. He'd always been the baby of the family and in a few short years he'd be older than either of his brothers had ever been. Einar wasn't sure he liked it even but he was too tired to say or do anything else. "You were right, I should've just come with you here," Einar's voice was low, tired and appeared to have dropped a few tones he'd last spoken to Lucas a few days ago.
Lucas yawned, shifting to sit down on the floor by Einar. He was tall enough that his shoulders were about even with the other boys lap. Lucas reached up, wrapping the blanket a bit better around him. "Einar, sorry," he corrected himself tiredly with a light apology. Lucas should've known that pet names were a big no, too. He shook his head at the boys words, summoning the bear Einar had made him and setting it on Einar's lap. "It doesn't matter, you're here now," Lucas gave Einar a tired smile. "What happened?" he asked softly, concern clear in his voice. He wanted to touch Einar, but he kept his hands limp in his lap. Lucas knew better.
Einar shook his head, "It was just surprising," he said, he wasn't sure if he liked it or not, but he didn't think he'd be able to know until a little more time had passed and perhaps when he wasn't feeling like he was currently. He looked down at the bear which appeared on his lap, he didn't touch it, just let it sit there as he shook. He looked at Lucas and gave a little shake of his head, "Nothing," he lied, and his gaze moved back to the bear. He felt tears well once more and he moved so his hands covered his face and he just started crying. He was so tired, he wanted his mom, he wanted her to be there with him, he wanted his brothers, he wanted his dad. He wanted to be a little kid again in northern alaska spending the nights looking at the stars. He didn't want to be alone, he didn't want to continue to bounce between places with no where that was his. He wanted to be normal and not constantly make Lucas feel bad. He was so tired. His whole body shook hard as sobs wracked his wet and cold frame. "I miss her so much," he garbled out, though he wasn't sure how coherent it would sound to Lucas.
Lucas felt his heart twist in his chest, a nearly overwhelming urge to pull Einar into his lap hitting him. He managed to suppress it- well, most of it. He reached up, slipping his hand over Einar's. It wasn't much, but he was the most he could do without upsetting Einar further. Lucas didn't speak, there wasn't anything he could say, he didn't understand what Einar was going through, or even really understand what he had lost. He just sat there, rubbing his thumb gently over Einar's skin and waiting to see where he was needed. He took his other hand and pulled the blanket a bit tighter around Einar.
Everything felt entirely overwhelming, but he gripped Lucas' hand with a tightness as all his feelings overwhelmed him. He was so tired and bored of bouncing around, of having no place to go, of being unsuccessful. He just wanted to spend time with his boyfriend without seemingly the world on his back. Einar wasn't sure how long he cried for, but eventually his tears dried up, his shaking stopped and he looked to Lucas. "I don't want anything to change between us, Cassi doesn't need to foster or adopt me, I just need a place to stay," he asked. He knew Lucas would probably say yes, but he needed it to be clear he didn't need anything more than a roof over his head.
Lucas sat there quietly, keeping his hand in Einar's and holding it just as tightly. He smiled softly, tiredly, and shook his head. "Nothing has to change. You can stay here as long as you like," he promised, rubbing his finger gently over Einar's hand and biting back a yawn. "You're soaked. What about dinner and a warm shower? Have you eaten? I have clothes for you here," Lucas stood, and stretched. He held out his hand for Einar. "Let me take care of you," he added gently, almost afraid to say it.
Einar nodded slightly. "I just want to sleep," Einar said tiredly, he knew he'd probably be awake a little longer, but he knew he should aim to sleep. Aim to rest. "You don't need to take care of me but I appreciate that you always do, even when I'm being stubborn," Einar was speaking softly, his tone lighter and softer than it had ever been. Perhaps it was the reassurance of having a place for him to be where he knew he wouldn't have to go somewhere or didn't have to worry about it working out. "I love you, Lucas," he added, perhaps it was the tiredness that made him say it, but he felt it now, had felt it for a while, entirely why he'd been so stubborn, so worried that agreeing to it with Cassi would make it impossible.
Lucas nodded slowly, smiling softly. He could tuck Einar into his bed easily enough. He was about to move away when Einar spoke, and Lucas stopped, taken aback by the other boys tone. His breath caught, his heart fluttering. He was quiet a moment, shifting a moment to kneel down in front of his boyfriend again. Lucas kept his hands in his lap, looking up to Einar through his hair with a warm smile and adoration in his eyes. "I love you too, Einar," he replied tenderly. "Come on. I'll tuck you in," he held out his hand.
Einar gave a little half smile, an attempt at a smile. He was pleased he could say it back though Einar wouldn't have minded if he said nothing. He nodded, He got to his feet, unsteady and shaking slightly. He took small steps forward and headed towards the bedroom. "I'll take some clothes and meet you?" he told him. his tone was tired and he wanted to sleep but he did needed to change out of his wet clothes and into something he could sleep in.
Lucas nodded, fully intending to sleep on the couch that night. He stood and walked back towards the room, actually putting some pajamas on and ruffling his hair idly. He made his bed a bit, pulling back the covers and pulling out his bear for Einar to sleep with. He looked up, smiling as the other boy came in the room. "Come on, get in bed," Lucas nodded at the mattress. "I'll tuck you in and I'll move to the couch, okay?" He smiled shyly at Einar.
Einar was given some clothes and put them on. He dried himself off and came back into the bedroom where Lucas was already excusing himself. "I could really use the company," he told him with a slightly shy expression as he sat down on the bed. He just wanted his boyfriend by his side for a night, needing the company that he brought. He knew he would sleep better with him there.
Lucas was a little surprised that Einar had asked him to stay, but he nodded along easily. "Of course," he agreed, smiling at Einar before moving to the other side of the bed. He shifted under the covers. "I'll stay right here, lay down," he murmured, pulling the blankets up around Einar before summoning over a few extra pillows and building the usual pillow wall between them. Lucas was fairly tired so he would probably pass out fairly quickly, but he wanted to be sure Einar had settled down first.
Einar lay on the bed, and watched tiredly as Lucas made the usual pillow wall. He shook his head and with a tired motion he removed the pillows, "Not tonight," He told him, trying to say without saying it exactly that he didn't want to sleep with the wall tonight but he was falling asleep as he was doing it, trying to reach out to at least hold Lucas' hand.
Lucas' breath caught as Einar pushed the pillows away, surprised by the gesture. He hesitated a moment before scooting a little bit closer. He brought the blanket up around Einar, tucking him in. Feeling a little bold, Lucas pressed a tender kiss to Einar's cheek. He held back from doing more, settling down next to Einar and shutting his own eyes. He wasn't sure he would be able to sleep soon, he was too worried he would try to cuddle Einar and he worried he'd upset the other boy.
Einar's eye's were mostly closed, he let Lucas settled him in and he then smiled. he could feel him lay down next to him, and he reached out and put his arm over Lucas' chest. He was asleep in moments. Completely dained from the day.
Lucas thought his heart stopped when Einar put an arm around him. He stayed completely still, not wanting to move and ruin the moment. He was sure he would be up all night, just savoring the contact, but it wasn't long before he was lulled to sleep himself. He sighed softly, resting his cheek on Einar's head and gently pulling him in closer.

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