Home, Sweet Home

Rodrik Walker

Active Member
Sexual Orientation
Straight 11 1/2 Inch Unyielding Chestnut Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core

Out of nowhere Rodrik and the Herbology Professor stood in front of his frontdoor. His hand quickly shoved inside his pockets to get his keys, unlike most wizards and witches he knew, Rodrik had mastered looking like a muggle so he wouldn't stand out from the crowd. He got his keys out of his coat pocket and shoved it into the lock and twisted the key. It was cold that day so Rodrik couldn't wait to get inside with his quest. He opened the frontdoor and held it open for Phaedra to walk in first. He grinned when he walked in behind her, the house was decorated with the same Chrismas decorations as it was every year and all that was missing now was the smell of the his dinner overcooking again, like it did every year. He was thankful to his grandfather that he had left the house in Rodrik's care, because the Potioneer absolutely loved it here. When he opened the door to the living room a wave of warm air greeted them. ''Home, sweet home.'' He said as he removed his coat and threw it on the couch along with the bag of ingredients. ''Please, make yourself at home. Can I offer you something to drink?'' Rodrik asked her while he stood behind her, ready to take her coat and hang it over one of his chairs.
The hard surface of the ground touched Phaedra's feet once they arrived by apparation at Rodrik's place. She looked at the exterior of his house while Rodrik fumble with his house key. The style of the house was an old Gothic Victorian two story house with an attic, Phaedra shivered as the look from outside was creepy but she shouldn't judge it yet as the insides of houses like this comes out inviting. Once Rodrik opened the door to his house, the young man let her in first and as suspected, it was rather charming and inviting and not even as messy as her office.

It was also Christmasy and thinking about the coming holiday, she wasn't that excited anymore to go home. She's now dreading to come back here in New Zealand with a nephew in tow. Phaedra just plastered her smile as Rodrik lead her to the living room where it was warm and she took off her coat, giving it to him as well. "I'll just have a coffee if you don't mind." Phaedra told Rodrik and continued to survey the little abode. It was cute, that she like.

The Professor doesn't have a permanent house in New Zealand because of how she has her own bedroom at the castle and the only time she gets out is when winter break starts which takes her back in Japan. "Do you live here by yourself?" She asked curiously. The home was neat, in her perspective, only woman can do that. Does he have someone? If so, why did he bother bringing me here? Phaedra though weirdly but then again, he does look like he's single.

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry for being crappy, I'm half asleep when I was typing this
Rodrik smiled as she gave him her coat and nodded when she answered back. While walking towards the kitchen, Rodrik hung Phaedra's coat over the scarlet-dining chair he usually sits in while eating dinner. ''One coffee, coming up.'' the twenty-six year old said when he stood in his small but cozy kitchen. He took out his wand and with a few flicks several items in the kitchen began hovering in front of him; the muggle water boiler refilled itself with cold water and almost immediately made it warm, a old coffee-filter used by Rodrik himself got thrown into the bin and got replaced with a new filter with brown coloured coffee powder in it, and his old, crappy, but still in perfect state to not throw it away, coffee maker started to produce coffee into the glass carafe. Whilst the coffee was in the making, Rodrik flicked his wand once more to make the sugar and milk hover towards the living room table - the same for two spoons.

Once the coffee was ready and Rodrik poured himself and Phaedra some, he walked back to the living room. ''Yeah, I do.'' Rodrik replied and put the two cups on the table. ''Well, actually there's me and my cat, who's probably sleeping upstairs.'' he smiled as he put milk and sugar into his cup and started stirring it. ''I'll start brewing once I'm done with this cup of coffee if that's ok with you?'' Rodrik asked, hoping he could've get a conversation going first.

it was awesome!
While Rodrik went to get some coffee from the kitchen, Phaedra let herself sit at the couch and studied the living room more when her cellphone rang for a message. Mainly, in this age, electronic gadgets are all too familiar to everyone but the wizarding world and hearing her phone ring again was a sense of the modern age and sometimes annoying family members. But she wasn't at the wizarding world now, maybe outside, because her phone didn't burst into flames in her bag.

Phaedra grab her bag and retrieve her phone inside quickly to check the message. It was an invitation to a family reunion. Her eyes rolled once she laid eyes on the message and quickly toss her gadget inside her bag again when Rodrik came in the living room with two cups of coffee. The guy mentioned that he was living with his pet cat, she almost didn't held her laugh back when she heard that. Phaedra's first meeting with a cute guy in ages and turns out that he's a cat lover.

"A cat? No offense but I see you as a dog owner." She said while taking the cup of coffee from the coffee table and sip a little. Phaedra wasn't a milk and sugar type of person as she believes it takes out half of the caffeine. "I'm in no hurry whatsoever but I must warn you that when I'm sick I get sleepy easily, so, you have to talk and talk to keep me awake." Phaedra stated as she sniffed her runny nose. Oh how she look disgusting right now and she's being one in front of this guy. The young lady sip again from her cup, it was like the best thing for her, next to a French macaroon, coffee was the best thing. "So, are you sure it's just you and your cat living here? ... What'[s the cat's name anyway?" She asked Rodrik, Phaedra was being chatty now because she's sure Rodrik's intentions are pure. He can be trusted.
Rodrik laughed as the woman said that he looked more like a dog owner and said, ''I love both, actually.'' with a chuckle, ''I've been thinking of taking a dog for a while now, but I'm not sure if my cat is going to like that very much.'' Though dogs were his favorite animals if he really had to choose, and got very close to at some point give his cat to his niece and take a dog in his place, Rodrik loved his brown, furry pet and wouldn't trade it for any animal in the world. Rodrik laughed and said, ''So I might even have to tuck you at some point? Don't worry, I'm a great talker.'' and took a handkerchief out of his pocket to give it to her. As she spoke again, Rodrik started stirring his coffee once more before taking a huge gulp from it. ''I'm a hundred procent sure it's just me and my cat living here.'' he said to her with a wink. ''I named him after a character from my favorite book series back when I was younger, Rivia.'' the Potioneer told the woman. ''How about you? Have any pets?'' he asked her, curious to know what kind of animal she loved.
Phaedra took another sip of coffee as she listened to Rodrik, the young Professor wasn't expecting that the guy was into both. Mainly, some people just likes dogs as some has allergy on cats. Phaedra isn't against cats but she hates how they scratch things other than their cat post and sheds numerous times as well. Thinking back to her school days at Mahoutokoro where she has taken a cat name Naraku, was simply her worst. Not only she almost used Dark magic toward the cat, which is a straight out expulsion, she almost got expelled because of the cat's disastrous encounter with the caretaker. Since then, Phaedra didn't bother to have another pet, dog or cat.

"I don't have any pet at the moment. I'm kinda still moving on from the ... first one I had." She said cautiously. Naraku was given to the citizens of Tashirojima where thousands of stray cats lives. "Though, don't think me as a hater but I love both as well, but mostly dogs. They seem to care more for you than a cat." The only part she dreaded when she gets a dog is that how in the hell could she take care of it once school starts again? Phaedra could hire a dog-sitter for each whole semester but she isn't that rich to do that. She's afraid that she will be labeled a bad owner. "Actually I'm considering to adopt a dog, too. But the school doesn't allow it. As much as I want to have a pet, I can't." Phaedra told Rodrik and sighed. She continued to sip her drink until she finished it
He looked with curiosity at Phaedra as she mentioned she was still moving on and asked, ''You want to tell me what happened?'' with a friendly smile, hoping it wasn't something emotional that would make her cry because he wasn't good at comforting a woman at all. When the herbology teacher told him about her perspective on the two animals, Rodrik chuckled. ''I don't,'' he said to her, ''So don't worry about that. In fact, I agree with you. Dogs are humans best friend.'' All this talk about dogs made him want to go to the Magical Menagerie right away and adopt a dog even more. Rodrik took another big gulp from his cup of coffee as he kept listening to her talking about adopting a dog. ''Maybe I could take care of your dog in the meanwhile?'' Rodrik said, wondering what Phaedra thought about it. ''I mean, I don't really have a job other than brewing Potions and selling them to several magical hospitals and apothecary's.'' he continued on. ''Though I'm not sure if Rivia will like it, it'd be good the actually see a pet since Rivia usually sleeps in the attic all day long.'' Rodrik didn't know how Phaedra would react to him offering to take care of her animal if she decided to adopt one.
The Professor was just looking at the great beyond with her empty mug in hand reminiscing her old pal. The cat wasn't that bad now that she thought of him. Her thought diverted to Rodrik when the man asked if she wants to tell what happened. Phaedra was so into old memories that she forgot that the man was still there. Listening to her rambling.

Phaedra made a bitter sweet smile, " Long story but to make it short I had a cat once. He wrecked havoc and then he was given away. Sad ending but it does happen." The young lady sigh and pursed her lips. She's pretty much like a drunken sailor right now for telling a stranger her pet stories. Phaedra nod as Rodrik agreed about dogs being humans best friend. She blew her nose yet again on the handkerchief the man had given and apologizes for being ugly.

Her eyes lifted up though when Rodrik offered his service to take care her future dog if she ever adopt one "I mean, I'm not really stuck at the castle that much. We have weekends free and I could see the dog then. Maybe I can even have a reason to not go to reunions every holidays." The last sentence she muttered to herself and smiled giddily. Phaedra would be free of cousins who talk her into applying for a Ministry of Magic position and she won't end up babysitting nephews and nieces.

"I don't think Rivia mind." She joked but deep inside she's now getting jealous of the cat. You getting jealous of a cat? Wake up, Phaedra, you have more standards than the cat Her conscience argued. Though, the conscience has a right on that. "If Rivia don't mind ... what about family members? Do they mind?" Phaedra asked as she bit her lower lip softly.
''You're not being ugly so don't apologize for that. You're being sick.'' Rodrik answered as soon as she was down blowing and sniffing her nose and smiled at her. ''I'd be happy to take care of your future dog even if it was for one day.'' he began, ''Means that I'll get out of this house at least three times a day.'' As a Potioneer who was constantly busy brewing potions and what not, Rodrik had little time to go outside and explore the town of Martinborough, or to go to the Obsidian Harbour and just wander around the place till it was time to go home again. The thought of not having the possibility to go out whenever he liked to made him re-think his occupation, but there weren't a lot of thinks he was good at other than potions, herbology and astronomy. ''I hope he doesn't'' Rodrik said when Phaedra joked about Rivia. Truth was that he didn't actually mind what Rivia would think of it; the cat was usually fast asleep in the attic until dinner time. When she asked about his family Rodrik thought about it for a moment. ''Well I don't think my parents mind, my brother who visites me often absolutely loves dogs so he wouldn't either, and I don't think my younger sister really cares which animal I take care of, she loves them all.'' the Potioneer told his guest with a friendly smile. Noticing that her cold was actually getting worst, or at least so it seemed, Rodrik finished his coffee, stood up and said, ''You mind joining me upstairs? Figure we could talk some more while I start gathering everything and brew the potion.''
She pouted, the guy was just being nice but she knows her nose is red, her eyes puffy and her complexion pale. Phaedra just wished the muggle medicine she took before going at Obsidian harbour would make all these embarrassing encounter vanish and start over when she's not sick. "Well, if that's how busy you are, then you shouldn't be bother. Dogs needs a wing man ... or a woman at least. But I'll be busy too which means ..." Phaedra trailed off, not bothering to continue. Instead, she change the subject from pets to Rodrik's family.

"You have quite a bunch. Are they nice? ... Like family wise." She asked, curious if every family in the world acts like her own too. Loud, frank and loving. When Rodrik stood and told her if she mind going with him, Phaedra shook her head, "No, not at all." She said and yawned and stood as well from the sofa. She then placed her mug on the coffee table and tried cheerfully opening her eyes wide because any minute now, she's going to shut down.
''Oh, don't worry about how bothered I am.'' he told her with a reassuring smile, ''I'll be the best goddamn wingman that dog will ever come across in his life.'' Rodrik laughed and put his coffee mug back on the table. As a matter of fact, he was already looking forward to take care of her future dog in the months she wasn't available to do it herself.

''Yes, I do.'' Rodrik said with a chuckle. ''They're quite nice, yeah. Especially my sister, you would like her, she's also interested in herbology.'' the man could talk about his loving family for hours but because he wasn't sure how his quest would feel about that he decided to only talk about his family when she asked him about them. When the woman agreed on going upstairs with him so he could get started on his self mande potion, Rodrik smiled and lead the way up to the hall, the stairs, and eventually his work space/office. Once he opened the door he said, ''Sorry for the smell, one of my experiments went south and it left a rather unpleasent smell behind.'' Rodrik placed the bag with ingredients on the table and snapped his fingers to lid a fire under the copper cauldron. ''Please, take a seat.'' he said as he turned around to face Phaedra. ''Or if you wish I could get the guest room ready so you can get a quick nap? You look kind of tired.'' Rodrik offered, hoping she wouldn't think of him as some sort of weirdo or creepy guy because he let a stranger sleep in his house.
Phaedra was rather getting comfortable in front of Rodrik, she laughed as he sell himself to her as a dog sitter. The Professor wasn't actually going to go somewhere else when the young man offered his services. "Maybe when I get back from Japan I'll have that dog. I still have a couple of weeks before I go back for another semester." Phaedra stated. She smiled at the thought, she thought it wouldn't be possible to have a pet because of her job but now her world turns upside down when she met Rodrik a couple of hours ago. Only thing she needs to do is name the future dog.

She then found out that his sister likes what she likes which kind of excite her. "Oohh, I would like to meet her. She must be a lovely lady too like her brother." Awkward Phaedra thought. Phaedra rarely liked or dated someone and if she does like someone, she ends up like a stupid belle. She quickly came into defense, "I mean by lovely like you ... what I mean is your parents are lovely, so, they produced lovely kids." The Professor laughed nervously and shut her mouth until they got to the second floor.

Once both her foot landed at the top floor and Rodrik opened a door, she immediately pinched her nose but took a deep breath from her mouth and released her nose from her finger. The smell was rather faint than the first time the air went through her face. "You're fine, I think I have encounter worst than this before." Phaedra assured Rodrik and it was true, some plants she handles are stinky, she even can't stand one plant, the corpse flower. Rodrik then offered her to take a seat or rather a bed for her to take a nap.

Phaedra, cheeks burning, decline the guest bedroom. "I think it's best if I just sit down. Not really polite for me to abandon the guy who is willing to cure my cold ... and now that you mentioned bed, I was stupid to take a muggle medicine that makes me drowse." Whilst talking, Phaedra went to sit a nearby chair and smiled at Rodrik. "Do continue your work."
As she mentioned Japan, Rodrik looked up at her and asked, ''You're going to Japan for the holidays?'' he had been to Japan himself so got rather curious as to where she was going to. ''I reckon you've got family living there? Where from Japan are you?'' Though he had been there himself, he didn't know many people who where actually born in Japan.

Rodrik chuckled lightly when Phaedra tried to explain what she meant and said, ''Well if I can take that as some sort of compliment, you're rather lovely as well. And yes, my parents did produce lovely kids did they now.'' Rodrik gave her a quick wink just to let her know that he was joking about his parents producing lovely children.

When Rodrik saw that she immediately pinched her nose when he opened the door, the man began to laugh. ''I should probably open up my window from now on.'' As he walked over the open one of the windows, Rodrik grabbed the blanket he had folded before he went on his way to the Obsidian Harbour from his dresser and walked back to give it the Phaedra. ''Here, take this.'' the man told her, ''It'll keep you warm.''

''Well it could take a while,'' Rodrik said, turning back the the cauldron and slowly adding some of the ingredients such as Mandrake root and Bicorn horn as well as Flobberworm mucus and honeywater. ''It took me until dinner last time, and that one wasn't even a succes one.'' though Rodrik didn't want to make her wait several hours before the potion was ready to consume, he really couldn't do anything about it other than offering her to sleep in the guests room or talking whilst the potion was brewing.
The young Professor nod at Rodrik and rested her head at the back rest of the chair she was sitting on. "All, I mean all of my relatives lives there. They are annoying but who could hate family? Though, sometimes I have a tiny bit of patient left toward them but once it goes out I lash out and you don't want to be near me if that happens." She chuckled. Phaedra remember when she turned twenty, it was a national tradition for Japanese to celebrate it. She remember that she planned to go to Jeju island with her friends and when she didn't get what she wanted, Phaedra went berserk and trashed their house. She was grounded for a month after that.

"But then again, I'm too old to do that. You're safe with me and as for where I'm exactly from, Sado island, north of Tokyo. It's kind of a little island but not really. But the scenery is a killer." Phaedra was now getting chatty, it was like her sleepiness came to a halt maybe she was just bored and wants a good chat with somebody. Though, another sneeze tells her that her cold is still lingering. Phaedra's cheeks burned again when Rodrik wink at her but it was the truth, he is lovely and she'll stick to it. He called her lovely too which made her chuckled again, no one had ever said that to her. To everyone who knows Phaedra, she's the tomboy of the family because of how she sometimes act like a guy.

But Phaedra thinks of herself as a lady which sometimes been fun off by her siblings. Oh how she hates those rascals. "Do you mind if I ask how old is your sister?" Curiosity got the cat again, it was fair as well to ask him too. He did ask something from her. Give and take. The summer breeze touched her face when Rodrik opened his window, it was a warm feeling. She breath the fresh air, the stench disappearing immediately from her nose. "That's a good idea. You shoudl just let your window open from now on." She comment as she lifted her head up from the back rest. The young lady thanked the man for the blanket as he handed it to her.

Phaedra wrapped it around her shoulder. She bit her lower lip as Rodrik confirmed again if she really doesn't want to take a nap. "If you're really so concern about my well being, Mr. Walker. What if I'll just tell you when I'm ready to take that offer? And maybe while I'm awake I can cook you dinner if it ever turn that way?" She suggested, although, she might do the cooking part rather than the nap. This is the only fun thing she'll ever do while teaching at Hogwarts, might as well enjoy it.​
Rodrik listened as she told him about her family and chuckled when Phaedra mentioned that he didn't want to be near her whenever she would lash out. ''Oh come on,'' he said, ''You're that bad?'' As he looked at her from top to bottom, Rodrik chuckled once more. ''Can't imagine you being that bad.'' he finally said to the Professor. He honestly couldn't imagine how Phaedra would be if she had a lash out. To him, she looked like a calm and kind person, but he had only just met her so didn't know anything about her. Rodrik wondered what kind of person she would be once they knew each other a little bit better and everything wouldn't be as awkward as it was now.

The man laughed. ''Good to know that you're too old to lash out.'' he commented. ''Otherwise I would've kept my mouth shut from now on.'' Obviously joking, he turned to face her. When the woman told him that she was from Sado Island, he shrugged and said. ''Never been to Sado Island before. I should go there next time I'll be in Japan.'' Rodrik smiled once he noticed that Phaedra's cheeks were burning after he winked at her, even though he wasn't really a ladies man, or social for that matter, it was good to know that he hadn't lost his charms after being cooped up at his house, making potions and what not.

He shook his head when Phaedra asked him how old his sister was. ''Rowan is twenty-one years old.'' Rodrik said with a smile. ''She's the youngest one in the Walker family and by far one of the smartest in our family. Rowan's an Auror at the British Ministry of Magic.'' he told her proudly. He and his sister never really saw eye to eye when they were kids, as they matured, the two got rather fond of one another and were hardly seperated during their stay at Hogwarts Scotland until Rodrik's graduation. Though the Potioneer had a twin brother, it was his sister who he loved the most.

''Well, miss Kazuyuki,'' he began, proud of himself because he managed to pronounce her surname correctly in one try. ''That is just the way my mother and father raised me; care about other people even if they're strangers.'' Rodrik said with a smile, stirring counter-clockwise so the potion would turn from purple to a light green colour. ''If it ever comes to that, the guest bedroom will be ready for you.'' he told her as he turned his head to look at her with a smile. ''And please, I can't let you cook dinner, that would be rude.'' he turned back to the cauldron and added one more ingredient to it before it had to be left alone for an hour or so.
Phaedra laughed, a belly laugh. Yes, she was that bad when the Herbology Professor was young but she still managed not to get kick out of the school despite the strictness. Phaedra noticed the young man looked at her with studious eyes. She frowned playfully at him, "So, you rather see my nice side than my mean side? Doesn't other people prefer to see both sides of a person? Specially the ones they just met?" Phaedra asked but other tends to get annoyed at my mean side ... like my students she thought. Her frown gone and lifted her head off the back rest, she doesn't understand men. Everyone would say that women are complicated but Phaedra thinks that men are the once being complicated.

The Professor stood, tired of always sitting around, she went to stand by the window. "Oh, you'll like the island if you like the outdoors." She stated knowingly, Phaedra might not have appreciated her hometown back then but now that she's older, she misses the town. They weren't poor nor rich but the living there was so nice. "Maybe we can visit the island together with the future dog I'm about to get soon? We don't need a hotel then ..." Though, Phaedra think twice what she was saying. "But then again a hotel would be nice ... She trailed off not revealing much if ever he meet his relatives. She's not too fond of her relatives knowing she has a male friend. They will just think that he's the one.

Brushing off the thought, she said, "Huh, I would have thought she's still at school but then again, she's pretty smart to get an Auror job. You must be very proud to be her big brother." Phaedra smiled and looked out the window, cars goes by and people walking, some even have grocery bags with them. The young woman looked back inside to Rodrik, "Hey, dinner is the only thing I can repay you. So, what would you want? I'm good at any cuisine specially Dutch ... because it's easy and mom taught us to cook foods that she grew up with which I think is a torture than pleasure." Phaedra said. If she'll be waiting that long she might as well ask Rodrik if they can go get grocery. Phaedra's other special knowledge is cooking maybe that's why the elders pushes her to get married.

"Don't worry, I won't poison you. I'm kind of hungry as well." She jokingly said and walked toward Rodrik. Phaedra noticed the liquid on the cauldron had turned green or light green and she had no idea if it is done. "I guess we still have to wait for a while?" Phaedra pointed at the cauldron. She sniffled, "Remind me to add a box of tissue on the list." Commenting on her cold and runny nose.​
Rodrik turned around to answer her question. ''I don't.'' he told Phaedra with a shrug. ''Why would I prefer do to see your bad side as well? One would've that since we've just met, showing the other your nice side would be a smart thing to do.'' Though he honestly didn't care how bad her 'bad side' was, Rodrik was happy that she'd been nothing but nice to him ever since they met in the apothecary an hour or so ago. ''I mean, would you rather prefer to see my bad side from the start? You wouldn't have liked me.'' Waiting for an answer, Rodrik turned around and started unpacking the other things he'd bought.

He chuckled slightly and said, ''Well I'm not really that much of an outdoors person, you know. But I'm sure I'd still like the island.'' Perhaps a different occupation would be better for him if he ever wanted to travel or just be an outdoors person, but aside from astronomy, potions and herbology were the only other subjecs Rodrik was good at. When she told him that they could visit the Sado island together in the future alongside her new dog, he cheeks turned a reddish colour. The former Gryffindor smiled shyly. ''Whatever suits you the best, I think.'' the man told her. Had he just been asked out on a date? Whatever it was, it left Rodrik quite confused.

''I am, very much.'' he said. Rodrik had never been more proud of his little sister than the day that she was accepted to begin her Auror training. ''She's still an Auror-in-training though, but I know that she is one of the best members they have out of every trainee.'' Rodrik smiled just at thinking about how succesful Rowen would become once she would be fully patched in. As the herbology professor was looking out of the window, the man couldn't help but to look over his shoulder at her back - especially at her lower body part. When Phaedra turned around, he quickly did the same, looking at the green potion again, hoping she wouldn't have caught him looking at her. ''I have never eaten a Dutch meal in me life before.'' the potioneer said. ''Fine,'' he told her after a few moments. ''But I'll keep watch, just in case you faint or something like that.''

Rodrik laughed softly at her joke. ''I know you won't.'' he replied, still laughing a bit. It was nice to have a woman at his side again, especially since he'd been cooped up in his house for a long time. ''Yeah we do, so let's get some groceries while we have to wait since I'm not quite sure if I've got every ingredients for a Dutch meal.''
What would be the turn out if he was mean the first time? She thought but Phaedra isn't the type of person to challenge someone to reveal their true color. Time will tell and if it happen, her friendship with the guy will not falter. Rodrik was nice enough that he's making her better by brewing a potion. I think he already reveal his true self Phaedra pursed her lips before speaking. "Yep, you're right." She agreed with the man. "Wait, you're not that outdoorsy? Boy, I thought you were but I guess being a potioneer stops you from doing outdoor related." Phaedra exclaimed in surprise. With that lean and muscular body of his, who does he kidding? but then again, she wasn't an outdoors person before as well. Maybe when she suddenly turned on her twenties that she realized parties are not healthy and change her routine.

"None of my family works for the wizarding government, they don't like to work in either one to be honest. I have two brothers and two sisters and all of them works for private companies around the world. The middle child ended up as Professor." Phaedra wasn't sad about it, in fact, being a teacher made her better. "And mom and dad are retired just sitting around ... Their life is good." She stated while nodding slightly. It wasn't long that she sneeze again in front of Rodrik, "I look horrible now, don't I?" Phaedra kept asking about her looks. The only man that she let her see like this is Rodrik and Phaedra hope he'll keep it to himself.

Dutch meals are her favorite, easy to cook and prepare. Living at different countries while her mother serve in the American Military was a hassle to them but the Netherlands was somewhat her beloved place. "I hope you like mixed vegetables mashed together ... It's literally mashed together with smoked sausage." The Professor smiled nervously despite trying to be calm. The dish might be easy but remembering how to cook it was one thing. "It's called stamppot and I have no idea how it got its name. So bare with me and I guess we should go" Nervous, Phaedra went marching down first and grab her coat from the dining chair and her bag from the sofa.​
Rodrik shook his head and laughed. ''I used to be, but I don't know, I somehow prefer to be inside instead nowadays.'' Maybe it was because he didn't want to come home at four-ish in the morning anymore or maybe it was the fact that he just worked really hard to make quality potions and that required him to go to bed early and wake up early too. Though it didn't bother him as much as it should because he nearly went outside these days unless for groceries, Rodrik knew that he had to make the decision on whether he should continue working as a Potioneer or seek another job in the Wizarding World soon. ''How about you, miss? Are you an outdoors-person?'' he closed his eyes the second he said it because he already knew what the answer would be. She was a Herbology Professor, of course she would prefer to be outside rather than inside.

He listened once more as the topic of family continued on. ''Though working at private companies sounds kina shady to me, no offense, you've got a great job as well. I would love to teach children about the art of Potions.'' he told her with his friendly smile.''But I don't see that happen anytime soon unless I move back to Scotland and hope that there's a position available there.'' To be honest, Rodrik had thought about moving back to Scotland countless times before, but his occupation as a potioneer prevented him from actually doing so. He chuckled slightly when she sneezed again, ''Bless you.'' he told her. ''And no, you don't. Stop worrying about your appearance.'' It reminded him how much he didn't miss the always-worrying-about-the-way-a-woman-looks conversation he had with his sister back when they still lived together. ''How about your romantic life.'' the man then suddenly asked, curious to know if there was a man or even woman in Phaedra's life. ''You don't have to answer that if you don't want to.'' he added to it quickly.

He shrugged and let the potion do its thing as he turned to face her again. ''Sounds delicious.'' Rodrik told her as he closed the window with a flick of his wand. ''You sure you don't mind it?'' he asked Phaedra whilst walking behind her down the stairs and into his living room. ''I mean, I'm don't mind cooking for the two of us.'' the man said, making sure it really wasn't a big deal for her to cook for them even though she was ill. As he waited for her to answer, he took his coat, put it on, and walked towards the front door, opened it and waited for her outside; ready to apparate.
Phaedra appreciates everything Rodrik does for her but she hopes her cooking will satisfy the man. She wore her coat again and cling her crossbody bag on her, "Are you kidding? Yes, I'm an outdoorsy person, I love to travel, go hiking and stuff." But she can't do it with this cold underway or already worsening. The Professor looked at him when he mentioned Scotland, "That seems a long way, isn't it? But then again, it's your choice." Phaedra wasn't that different as well as she took a job away from her home but Scotland is at the other side of the world ... almost. Once ready, she got out of the house the sun still up halfway.

"Oh, my romantic life? Umm ... how can I explain this ..." Phaedra was thinking of a good way to say that she was engage to one before without scaring away the man. "You see I'm Asian and Asian tends to do traditions with their kids ... specially on their love life. I was engage once when I was eighteen but my dad broke it off, thank Merlin. I'm single and free now, but of course I would like to settle down in another life." Explaining her situation was more easier than she thought but she like the guy and honesty for her is everything. Phaedra just realized how boring her life is. She can't complain though. She crossed her arms in front of her chest, Rodrik is doubting her cooking. "Let's just go before I change my mind, Mister Walker." She said while buttoning up her coat.​

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