Home for Winter Break

Blake Zepline

Well-Known Member
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
Blake opened the door of his room and slipped inside quietly. Closing the door behind him slowly, he turned and sat on the spare bed. "Lily," he whispered under his breath, "Are you awake?"
Lily thought she heard the door to Blake's room open. She was not sure who would have entered, so she pretended to be asleep still, until she heard Blake's voice. She turned over in the bed to face him. "Hey. I'm kinda awake. What's up?"
"Nothing. I just can't sleep..." Blake replied, lifting his feet off the floor and tucking them under himself in a crisscross position on the bed. "Have you noticed, Joshua and my mom seem... well pretty close. Enough to make you believe they'd been together forever."
Lily sat up in Blake's bed, making sure to tuck the blankets around her waist. She folded her legs under her and faced Blake. "I have noticed that. Have you noticed that they have been on us most of the time, trying to keep us from being alone too long?"
"Especially my mother, she seems so intent on having me spend time alone with Joshua. As though I would eventually warm up to him," Blake added, ignoring the fact that he had come to like Joshua none the less. "Well, at least we'll be gone soon."
"Yeah. We will be heading back soon. But I will kinda miss being able to spend so much time with you. Even if we have been kept apart so much." Lily smiled at Blake in the low light of the room. "I want to tell you something. I really think that they are more than just friends. I hear Josh walking from his room down the hall most nights after we are supposed to be 'asleep' and he does not return until early morning."
Blake's face was distort as his teeth clenched together forming a haughty expression. "That perving goon!" he hissed loudly. Turning away from Lily, Blake sunk into deep thought. This had been exactly what he was affraid of, his mother falling in love with another man. Without another word he punched the wall in his frustration, not caring if he woke up anyone else.
Lily realized that Blake was frustrated over this fact, pissed really. She moved from the bed to the other and sat down in front of him. "Blake, I am sorry. I shouldn't have said anything." She took his hands in hers. "Are you going to be okay?"
Blake did not answer, continuing to sulk in the darkness. All he felt was loathing for Joshua and his mother. "You know what else really bugs me? The fact that... somehow he looks distantly familiar," he said, horrified of the thought that he may have met Joshua years before. His mother could have introduced them in the early years of his childhood, when she was having an affair. Yes, I'll bet that's it! Blake thought furiously. That would explain why they act as though they've been a couple way before, because they were in fact a couple. And that would even explain why she never loved dad! His mind was soaring with all possibilities, his anger boiling all the more. Blake stood up and began pacing the room, his fists clenched at his sides.
Lily sat on the bed as Blake got up and began to pace. She could see he was really upset, but she was not sure how to help him. She sat on the bed and listened to him, trying to work out why he looked familiar. "I don't want to make you even more upset, but have you noticed how you look alike?"
Blake heard what Lily said, and instantly stopped dead in his tracks, his eyes widening to a deathly width. He felt his heart shatter at the mere thought of there being a possibility that he could have been the outcome of his mother's revolting affair. No, Blake thought, allowing doubt to obscure the idea. "That's just got to be coincidental," he said, reassuring himself. Father wouldn't have been idiotic to allow something like that to happen under his nose.
"Yeah. It has to be I guess. Does your dad and Josh look alot alike?" Lily asked, still sitting on the bed. She was getting chilly so she stood up and walked over to Blake's bed and climbed under the covers again. "Just a random question, but how long were your parents married before you were born?"
"No... they look nothing alike," Blake replied quietly. He heard Lily shuffled back into bed, so he continued to pace around the room. "I don't know how long they were married. They never really talked about it much," he answered truthfully. They never talk much, period.
Lily sat with her knees pulled up to her chin and her arms around them. The blankets were up around her legs and under her arms. "That is kind of strange. Sorry to say this, but I always knew when my parents were married and stuff. My friends knew that info too." She thougth for a minute. "What did your dad look like?"
"Yeah... it is strange," Blake said cautiously. He had never really realised how evidently his parents had been mutually distant towards each other. The realisation only made him more curious as to why. Had his father always known about his mother's affair? But simply chose to keep a blind eye for their family's sake? Blake searched for answers, but found none as the only person he knew could provide them were his mother.
Finally subsiding to the demands of his body in the chilly atmosphere, Blake climbed into the spare bed and drew the covers over himself up to his chin. "Here's a picture I have of him and me, when I was a baby," he said, reaching over to the bedside table and picking up the moving picture of a man with light brown hair, playing with a dark haired baby with blue shot eyes. Holding out his arm, he placed the picture on his bed which Lily was lying in.
Lily took the photo and began to look at it. Wow. His dad and him really don't look alot alike at all. What is up with that? "You both look so happy. He was a great father, wasn't he," she asked. She then heard the familiar creek of the door across the hall. She froze, hoping that Blake did not do anything crazy.
Blake also froze as he heard a door creak open, wondering if it was Joshua sneaking around as usual. Sitting up in the bed, Blake looked over at Lily wondering whether Lily had heard it too.
Lily dropped to her back in the bed and rolled to look at Blake. She put a finger to her mouth to indicate silence, her eyes wide in fear of being looked in upon. The footsteps walked down the hall slowly, and finally the door at the end of the hall opened and shut quietly. Lily took a deep breath and sat up again. "That is what I was talking about."
Blake felt his temper rise as he heard the faint footsteps walking down the hall and into the room at the end; his mother's. His face felt hot and steamy, and upon instinct, Blake stood abruptly and made his way to his bedroom door. Wrenching it open, Blake stalked down the hall as noisily as possible. He did not have his wand on him which was a good thing because he would not have been able to refrain from trying to curse Joshua, thus resulting in his expulsion from Hogwarts NZ.
Pounding on his mother's locked door, Blake soon began kicking at it in his frustration to will it to open.
Lily watched as Blake reacted to the sound of Josh sneaking down the hallway. She had never seen him like this before. Lily jumped up from bed and followed after him, wanting to be there for him, and hoping to keep him from killing Josh in the process.
Cloe was awake, waiting for Joshua's usual visit. There was so much on her mind. Over the past couple of days, she had come to liking Lily very much, even though she had been so intent on keeping her away from Blake. She did have to admit though, that although her first intension was to separate the pair, it gradually became more that she wanted Blake to simply spend more time with Joshua. A feat that was proving difficult to achieve as Blake seemed wrapped up in trying to push Joshua away.
When her door creaked open, Cloe rolled over in her bed and watched Joshua enter and lock the door silently behind himself. She smiled at him in the darkness, sitting up in her bed to signify that she was awake.
Without warning, Cloe heard the disturbing thundering of foosteps across the hall, and instantly she knew it was Blake. At the pounding and kicking of her door, Cloe grabbed Joshua by the arm and pushed him into her closet. Opening her bedroom door, she peered down at the dark outline of her son, unable to see his distort expression. "Blake? What is it?" she snapped, hiding the fear in her voice that would have given her away otherwise.
Joshua entered the bedroom and locked the door behind him. He was making his way over to her bed when he heard the footsteps in the hallway. He froze, not quite sure what to do. Cloe shoved him into the closet and shut the door. He opened it just a bit so he could hear what was going on.
"I know he's here!" Blake shouted, pushing passed his mother. Looking around the cosy bedroom, he dropped to the floor next to his mother's bed and peered under, his eyes searching wildly for any trace of Joshua. "Where are you hiding him! I know what's been going on!" he shouted again.
"What? Joshua?" Cloe asked, her nervousness threatening to crack in her voice. Why am I so affraid of him? she asked herself, her eyes wide as Blake shouted again. "And why is it any of your business, my love life?" she shouted back. She was not going to let her son behave like this to her. "Out! Get out!"
Lily stood by the door watching what was going down. She didn't want to get in the way, not knowing what either one would say to eachother. Cloe was right, she had the right to her own love life, and it wasn't like it was being flaunted in Blake's face. But she could be honest with him and not sneak around behind his back.

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