Closed Home Alone

Stan Beckett

Three Broomsticks Server
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody (Tara)
Sexual Orientation
Curved 14 Inch Sturdy Reed Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
11/2039 (17)
Stan told himself that this wasn't awkward at all and that there was absolutely no reason at all for it to become awkward. And rightfully so, he had known his adopted sister for seven years by now and they had had plenty of conversations together in the past. Yet as the two of them sat silently on the couch listening to a very terrible rendition of It's Not Christmas Unless the Family Is There by Ferne Wilmere, the Gryffindor couldn't help but feel awkward. Why were they even alone together in the first place? Shouldn't the others also be here? But as soon as he asked himself that question, he realised that he knew why the others weren't there with them. Allison was spending her free time with her boyfriend, probably thinking of baby names while the two were together. Casper had gone off to Germany with Linden and they had somehow dragged Tara along with them, which meant that he wouldn't be spending time with his girlfriend at all. And the adults had left to do adult stuff, whatever that was. In their awkward silence, he also realised why neither of them was saying anything to the other. They had never actually been alone before. It had never actually been just the two of them. Looking around awkwardly for whatever could grab his attention, Stan figured if he shouldn't just go up to his room and sleep until everyone had returned. That wouldn't be very nice towards Addison though. ''Did you... have a good... Yule Ball?'' Stan asked hesitantly, desperately wanting to break the silence by saying whatever came to mind first.
Addy wasn't often alone with her brother. Growing up, he and Allison had started off inseparable, and when he wasn't brooding on his own someone else was always around. It stood to reason that eventually they would be left alone together. What she hadn't expected was this sense of awkwardness.

She didn't know what kind of facts fit this scenario- and she'd spent too long trying to think some up. She looked to Stan, startled, but gave him a smile. "Oh, it was wonderful. Did you have a nice time with Caspers' sister?" She returned, shifting to tuck her legs beneath her.
Ferne Wilmere was still singing her Christmas songs on the radio but Stan wished that the old coot would shut up already so that they could listen to some actually good music instead. He was convinced that part of the reason why it was so awkward at the moment was because Wilmere was singing about family being together to celebrate Christmas. ''Tara,'' the Gryffindor corrected, not wanting to think of his girlfriend as Casper's sister because the two of them were practically brothers. ''And, yes, we had a lot of fun together.'' And then the silence returned once more as he did not know what to talk about after that. Had he really spent no time with Addison at all in the past? Surely they would have something to talk about?
Addison smiled softly, tucking her hair back. "Tara," She amended. The silence returned, but she was determined now not to let it stay. "Tara seems sweet. Bossy, but sweet. She's more... bold, less angry," She chuckled. "Allie is bossy too, but its more of an angry bossy," She smiled at Stan. "Are you happy?" She asked, genuinely curious. He'd been broody for so long. She hoped he felt better with Tara around now.
''Tara is what Allie would have been if she would just relax every once in a while,'' the Gryffindor replied, hoping that the twin wouldn't get offended by this comparison. ''She's sweet and funny and intelligent, definitely bossy at times.'' He could literally ramble on for hours but stopped when realising that Addison might not want to hear him gush over his girlfriend. He didn't expect Addison to ask him that particular question but he could understand why - he had been a bit of a pain in the ass by not being around for a long time. ''I am happy. I am happy that I've met Tara and that we are graduating soon. And I am happy that I get to spend time with some like me,'' he said. ''What about you? Are you happy?''
Addy laughed at Stans' comparison. "Let's trade them," She teased him playfully. She smiled warmly as he gushed about his girlfriend, offering out her own hand with a soft smile. "Good, that's really good. I'm glad you found each other," She told him gently. "I've worried about you. I just... always thought you were Allisons and it wasn't my place," She admitted gently. "I am happy with Augustus, mostly." She told him. She was sad that Ryan had crashed most of their dates. But she did like that they'd gotten the Yule Ball together, at least. Even if she did still worry sometimes that he was too good for her.
''Did you think that you and I were not allowed to hang out just because Allison and I hung out more than you and I did?'' Stan asked. ''And here I thought that you were supposed to be the smartest out of the three of us,'' he teased. ''Do you want to hang out more next semester?'' He wouldn't mind spending more time with Addison even though he did not really know what they could do. That was something to worry about later. ''What is up with you and him anyway?'' the Gryffindor asked. He could never really tell if the two of them were actually dating or not. It did not surprise him that he did not know for certain, though. Addison was Addison and whenever the Becketts were hanging out with each other they never really talked about their boyfriends and girlfriends. And he rarely ever talked to Augustus.
Addy shrugged at his question. "I thought you just preferred her company," she countered, smiling a bit shyly. "I would like that, yes," she told him. She had always felt like she didn't get to spend enough time with her newest brother. She smiled at his question. "Oh, Auggy is my boyfriend," she smiled shyly, tucking her hair behind her ear. "He's tall, and a bit awkward, I'll give you that, but he's very intelligent and sincere. I love him," She sighed happily. "He likes to listen to all of my odd little facts." She giggled. "Stan, with you and Tara dating, has she mentioned Casper and Linden?" She asked, changing the subject only slightly. "I know Cas went to the ball with someone else, but... I'm not sure, maybe it's just me. Have you noticed the way he looks at Linden sometimes?"
Happy that Addison wanted to spend a little more time together throughout the coming semester, Stan listened as she gushed about her boyfriend. He felt bad when she confirmed that she was dating Augustus because it basically him admitting to his sister that he barely paid any attention to the things happening in her life. Truth be told, the Gryffindor found it hard to pay attention to the things happening in his friends' lives at times because he always worried too much about his own. Perhaps it was time to change that. And perhaps it was also time to befriend Addison's boyfriend if they were indeed in a relationship now. He was his sister's boyfriend after all so surely he'd stop by sooner or later. ''Sometimes, when the four of us are hanging out, she will whisper stuff in my ear. Like how they look cute together and stuff. I think Tara is convinced that they like each other. Casper does look... eh... longingly? at Linden. Does that mean anything?''

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