Hollace wants to RP

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Hollace Lutrov

Well-Known Member
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
Hi there :D Hollace is 19, graduate of Hogwarts Scotland (Slytherin) and is an aspiring painter.
She works at the Leaky Cauldron as a waitress/bartender and lives above the place.

Looking for a few good RPs. :lol:

-Friends- She doesn't have many, if any friends. She's pretty nice but has a few anger issues and doesn't like to be compared to her older brother. She loves to dance, do outdoor things, loves magic and isn't all too familiar with the muggle world.

-Enemies- Hollace is a scrapper. She's not afraid to duel or to physically fight. It'd take a lot to make an enemy of her.

-Possible lovers- Hollace has only had one 'romantic' link, with Hades Lutrov. Basically a one night stand. She's open to having a meaningful relationship and wouldn't have a one night stand again.

(she might not rp with all that reply here. :) )
OMG this is Ironic. Kyra right here is also a graduate of HS, and also a Slytherin. They could have been friends or enemies. she could have been one of the few persons that Kyra actually connected with :D.

Kyra was quiet for the most part in school; but one of the more polite Slytherin's. She disappeared after being in school. She could have been a mentor to Hollace if you'd like. Or an older bully to her also; though that's less likely. What do you think?
I could offer up a few of my charries here if you'd be at all interested. Especially since they charries aren't really lined up for anything much.

[li]Leon Snow - Possible Lover or Friend</LI>
[li]Kasura Malkov - Most likely a friend, but she could add up as an enemy too if that works better.


<LI>[li]Nicolette Hensel - She might work as a friend as well, or more like a mentor if she needs one of those as well.[/li][/ul]

Lemme know how these sound. :r:
I Have Alex he is a hufflepuff 7th year who likes everyone and doesn''t like fighting but will if it is for something he loves, but once he gets mad you cant calm him.

Ben, he is like me a very volatile person, if you dont make him angry he will be nice and pleasant. 15

Justice, he is a complete ******* most of the time, he thinks he is better then everyone else, he hates most people but after a while of talking to him he becomes a softy. 21

and Michelle, she is a Irish women who likes to make friends with everyone and loves a bit of a fight 23
Kyra: She sounds like fun!
she could have been one of the few persons that Kyra actually connected with
I think this would be great. Hollace could possibly have looked up to her, as she was a late bloomer. She came to the school in her 4th year after being homeschooled.

Jessye: All three! =)) Kasura could be either way. Niccy, totally, as a mentor. Leon, they could go out. :lol:

Alex: Justice sounds perfect. I could see them getting into verbal transgressions then perhaps over time become friends.
Okay cool; So can you start it please?
I could offer up Leo. He's a Gryffindor 7th year so he and Hollace could possibly have been enemies/annoyances back at Hogwarts. With him being a Gryffindor and her a Slytherin it might not be too hard to think of a few reasons why :lol:

Lemme know what you think :D
Kyra: I started one here. :) Old Friends

Jessye, glad we got Leon and Hollace introduced. :rofl:

Alex, Justice can pop into the Leaky Cauldron anytime. :)
I have Joanne who needs to get out a bit. She is a sociable woman, whom enjoys lunch and drinks with friends. She is older, at 30, though.

Laura owns her own art business .., hmm. *wheels begin to turn*

Either of the two; both; neither; or any other character you see that fits, prod me for more details if you wish. :tony:
Laura would be perfect!! :lol:

Leo would be funny as well. An annoyance from school. :rofl: He could come into her work and order a drink...and she'd tease him about not being old enough. (even though he is.) xD
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