Closed Holiday Fun

Basile Durand

Gentle | Show-Off | Beauxbatons 2nd Year
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
4/2040 (12)
To say that Basile was excited to spend time with his friend over the summer break would be an understatement of how excited he was. It had taken his parents a bit of persuasion but in the end, they agreed to drive him to Élise's house. He had called his friend earlier that day to let her know at what time he'd be arriving. He still wasn't convinced that Quidditch was something that he would enjoy doing, but Élise seemed determined on changing his view about the famous wizarding sport whilst he was there. His Muggle mother wasn't all too sold on the idea of her son flying on a broomstick either but he had convinced her that he would be perfectly fine with Élise and her family, they were pros after all, or so he assumed from what his friend had told him. Other than his dad's old broomstick, which he was kind enough to lend Basile for his visit, the boy bad brought his football with him as well just in case her family wanted to play that instead. Once they were at the house, Basile said his goodbyes and excitedly knocked on the front door.
Élise had made preparations so Basile could come over. Her parents were already in the back with the rest of her family. Making sure the parameters were secure and no muggle could see some flying broomsticks. They had also forwarded a message to the ministry that the Moreau Family event would be happening today and that magic was going to used around underage wizards. With that permission the fun could begin and Élise received a message from Basile that he was on its way. Her parents had baked cookies and cakes and made some fresh lemonade. It was pretty hot outside since it was mid summer. She heard a knock on the front door and excitingly opened it. ''Hey Basile'' Élise said excitingly she also embraced him into a hug. ''How are you, come in!'' Élise said while closing the door behind him. ''My mom and dad baked cookies and cake, there is also some freshly made lemonade, suit yourself though everyone is already in the garden preparing everything.'' Élise said excitingly.
Basile smiled when Élise pulled him into a hug and clumsily put an arm around her too, making sure that he wouldn't drop his football. "I am good, you?" While he enjoyed his schooling very much, he couldnt help to be really happy that he would be able to spend some time with his family and Muggle friends again. He followed his friend inside and started to look around curiously as she told him to get some refreshments if he wanted. "How many people are going to play today?" Basile asked after she once again mentioned that everyone else was already there and busy setting up the whole thing. He was all about giving Quidditch a shot if they wanted him to do it, but he didn't like to embarrass himself in front of a crowd. He helped himself to a cookie after putting his belongings down against a wall and turned to his friend again. Even though they hadn't been friends for that long, he was excited to be in her company once more.
Élise had completely forgotten Basile was still holding a football, she grinned. ''I am good too, special day today.'' Élise was sure that Basile hadn't realized her whole family was outside. ''There are about twenty people, cousins, nieces, nephews and my aunts and uncles.'' Élise grinned and showed Basile the house. ''Don't you worry, you will do fine.'' Her family was accepting and Basile was fun to be around with, so they would get used to him very quickly. ''We can play football together first on the side yard we have, the rest is at the field in the back.'' Élise laughed.
Basile was quite taken aback by how many family members were going to play Quidditch in their backyard today. And it all of them were indeed pros in the sport, he was surely going to make a fool of himself once he was in the air. ''I had no idea that your family was that big,'' the boy told Élise, munching on the cookie. ''Oh, that reminds me, I brought marker pawns with me so we could make goals,'' Basile said, moving over to his backpack and getting the pawns out of it. They generally used these to make exercise parkours when training but they'd make great goals. ''Are you sure you want to go up against me again? It did not go well last time,'' he teased, grinning widely.
When Basile said he had no idea her family was that big he would soon learn this wasn't even half of her family. This was only the Moreau side of her family, since her mother's family were all muggles. They couldn't attend the event, nor were they allowed to learn what Magic was. For them they used a special house that was in the middle of Nice, no magical things were allowed there. They used that to keep up the appearance of being normal. It was weird to do everything so meticulously, but it was necessary. ''This is only half of my family'' Élise grinned ''Ill explain the full story later'' Explaining you had multiple houses to keep family separated was quiet weird. ''That sounds like fun'' Élise was sure her parents wouldn't mind that their side yard would have some holes here and there. ''I don't mind, Ill take you with the Quidditch part of this day and you didn't win last time exactly anyway.'' Élise was ready and grabbed a tiny tray of glasses and food to go to the side yard.
Basile could feel his jaw drop to the ground when Élise told him that the twenty family members present at today's Moreau Quidditch event were only half of it. He knew that families could get big sometimes but this was kind of ridiculous. How were they even all going to play? Didn't a Quidditch team only have seven players? He then laughed at Élise's retort and nodded his head to say 'fair enough'. She had beat him rather easily the last time they played Quidditch that he got embarrassed every time it was mentioned or he thought about it himself. He followed Élise out to the side yard, looking around curiously as her relatives were setting up everything for their event. It was definitely big enough for all of them to play. Once they had set up the goals, Basile placed the football in the middle and walked back to his side. ''Are you ready to get your butt handed to you?'' he said with a slight grin and a waggle of his eyebrows, readying himself to sprint towards the ball.
Élise was curious to know what the ideal position for Basile in quidditch would be. Élise loved being a beater, but she did like seeker as well. Basile was quick and he had a good feel for the ball, so he probably would make a fair chaser. Élise helped Basile setting up the goals so they could play some football. ''Never'' Although it was harder to win against Basile. He was bigger than she was and he was way stronger. When Basile tried to sprint towards the ball, Élise readied herself. She wasn't going to let Basile win. ''I am not that easily pushed over.'' Élise grinned.
Basile was still grinning a little at her retort when he sprinted towards the ball. He knew that she wasn't just going to let him win even though he was bigger than her, which made this all the more fun. Although she might be a better Quidditch player, the boy was still going to try and be just as a player later today. He got it before she could and immediately backtracked with the ball so he could look for an opening. It wasn't as easy as he thought it would be, as Élise guarded her goal well, so instead he tried to confuse her by dribbling the ball right in front of her in search for an opening.

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