"Hogwarts University"

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Justin Cliffeton

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Had a quick idea. You know how irl people can do a course where they can "go back to school" and have a second chance to get the qualifications that they would have gotten for going through the first time?

Well, would it be feasible for the same kind of thing to happen in the Wizarding World? For example: say you had a character that you sorted, and then before they could finish you had to disappear or you just couldn't keep up with them, this could be a way for people to still be able to get a more advanced job that they would originally need NEWT grades for.

Just a thought!

Hi Zach,

I do think something like that could exist, but I can't see an entire 'school' or tutoring program being developed for this purpose on the site. It would be a lot to maintain another school, though people are free to say that their character is participating in such a program. I think this would be something offered by the Ministry's Wizarding Examination Authority since they're technically in charge of administering OWLs and NEWTs. It would make sense that they would manage second chances at these exams as well.

I'd imagine that the exams for this 'second chance' would need to be much more difficult than the regular OWL or NEWT exams since the person's entire grade would depend on one exam, rather than lessons and an exam. Otherwise, it wouldn't be fair to the people who did take the time to go through years worth of lessons and exams. I think there's a bit more to think about and consider (which we will do so stay tuned ;) ), but those are some initial thoughts.

Thanks for the suggestion. :)
Thanks for your response, I can't wait to see the idea properly fleshed out! :)
Professor Justin Cliffeton said:
Apparently I can't edit my posts in here for some reason. :o
ZB bug of unknown origin that effects forum sections at seeming random.
You can make the edit button appear again by viewing your post as a single post: http://hogwarts.nz/single/?p=11024257&t=30121115

We could "solve" the problem by deleting this suggestions forum and making a new one, but you don't want to break links to it so this is the best option for now, I suppose.
Thanks, Nick! :)
Oh! This is such a cool idea! I am excited to see what happens!
An update: We tried to come up with a smaller school version of this idea, not an entire university but something that we felt would be fair to those who do complete classes and exams through HNZ and that would carry us on for some time without expecting too much from professors on an annual basis (creating exams each year, etc). What we came up with required support from the professors, and it's become clear to us that this suggestion is not workable for the professors at this time. Thank you for the suggestion, Zach, but we will not be implementing an additional opportunity to obtain or better NEWT grades at this point in time.
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