Hogwarts Monthly: Year 43 S1

River Hopkins-Vance

Metamorphmagus, Persuasive Writer, HM Editor
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 10 Inch Flexible Fir Wand with Mermaid Scale Core


By: Ruto Vernier-Raison
Welcome back to yet another year at Hogwarts, or welcome to Hogwarts if you’ve never been here before and are spending your first nights within the castle - that must be very exciting for you. This is another issue of the Hogwarts Monthly, which everyone on the team hopes you enjoy. After all, you are our target audience and we wouldn’t want our work going to waste.

There weren’t many new announcements to make for the year during the start of year feast, but rather a reminder to not enter the forbidden forest. If you’re wondering why it’s forbidden, I am too. But blessed are the curious, for they shall have adventures.

So sit back and relax while you read through this issue as it summarises everything that happened throughout the semester and more, including club events, the Halloween Feast, and Quidditch, if that is something you are interested in. May each article provide you with the knowledge and entertainment you were looking for.

Club Events
By: Margo Fox

There never seems to be a dull moment around the castle and this semester has been no different. All of Hogwarts’ clubs have been busy at work to provide fun ways for us to get to know each other a bit better. Of course, the diligent members of the Accio yearbook have been hard at work capturing memories at all the different school events and putting them together for all of us to enjoy at the end of the year. I’m sure you’ve seen them lurking around with their cameras in hand. All of us at the Hogwarts Monthly have been hard at work as well putting together this wonderful issue for you all, and brainstorming how to make it even better!

But not all clubs work behind closed doors and are meant for socializing. The sisterhood of Heta Omega really knocked it out of the park with their event this semester, or rather out to the lawn. They sisters went on a camping trip! But they didn’t go too far but there was still plenty of fun to be had with arts and crafts, games, scary stories, and more! The Brotherhood of Magic also had an eventful first meeting but turned their focus inward and had a day dedicated to self care. There were lots of activities covered like yoga and kickboxing, or if you wanted something a bit more relaxed there were also games as well as hair and skin care stations if you wanted to freshen up.

The Conglomerated Arts Club kept things simple this semester and hosted a jam session for all those who are musically inclined. Who knows, maybe your new favorite song was just written? The Wild Patch club got their hands dirty, literally, by harvesting fluxweed during a unique late night meeting supervised by Professor Miller. If you use fluxweed in potions anytime soon be sure to thank the Wild Patch Club.

The SDA is mostly known for their dueling tournament and they are already hard at work getting their practice in. This semester a maze was constructed on the dueling platform where students were able to enter, if they dared, and test their skills against practice dummies. It sounds rather straightforward but the shifting walls I’m sure presented quite the challenge.

It was a busy semester for clubs all around and we are only halfway through the year. We look forward to seeing what they do next, and if any of these activities interest you make sure to go to the Club Fair next year to get involved!

By: Rhys Garner

The seasons may come and go, but one thing that never changes at Hogwarts is the Quidditch. There is always excitement in the air when the first matches come rolling around and attendance is always massive. But these days you might be forgiven for expecting short games are the recent slew of almost near-instant catches. But fans were in luck as Ravenclaw stepped up to play Gryffindor for the first match of the year.

Students actually managed to get settled into their seats as the players took to the rather cloudy air. It was not long before the Gryffindor beaters woke up, Captain Thompson quickly making two hits in quick succession towards Ravenclaw seeker Hamish Reid. But it was Ravenclaw who put the first points on the board when seventh-year Branson Archer scored for the Eagles. But Gryfifndor was never far behind, scoring again to bring the scores to level footing. But the nail was put in the proverbial coffin for Ravenclaw when Isaiah Thompson knocked the Ravenclaw seeker out of the game with a third hit.

The poor replacement seeker Savannah Walters wasn't in the air for very long before she too was targeted by the bludgers. But it didn't matter in the end, with Elara Chatelain catching the snitch for Gryffindor shortly after (even after being smacked by a bludger hit at her by her own teammate. Yes, we all saw that).

Unfortunately, the second match was another short-lived one, but quite a surprise to everyone in attendance when Slytherin took on Hufflepuff. I would not be alone in thinking that Slytherin were the sure favorite for the match, but that didn't seem to phase the Hufflepuff players in the slightest. With a few goals between both teams and even some bludger hits, it wasn't very long at all before Felix Carnahan was holding the snitch high above his head for Hufflepuff.

It was two exciting matches and next semester we will see Ravenclaw take on Slytherin and Gryffindor up against Hufflepuff in the finals. And, of course, the match against the foreign team to look forward to as well.

By: Marnie Frogg
As the end of the year grows closer and closer there are many things to look forward to, the end of exams, school celebrations, Christmas, and in this reporter's humble opinion, the best of them all, the Halloween feast! While October in Aotearoa doesn't bring with it the spookiest of weather, Professor Alcott-Ward once again did not cease to dial up the spooks in this year's decorations with fun and creepy games, attractions, and seasonal foods and lollies for us all.

But of course, while lollies are a big draw, the biggest fun of the night always lies in the school wide costume contest and this year did not disappoint! From greasers to hippies, cats to royalty, there were plenty of excellent costumes wondering around the hall for All Hallow's eve. Some of my favourites have to include Leah Thorne as a pile of leaves, Sky Eriksen in a truly spooky mask, and Lillian Morrow as a dark angel with beautifully enchanted moving wings, there was no shortage of effective, scary, and wonderful costumes on display this year.

If you're looking for true inspiration for your own costumes next year though, look no further than this year's contest winners who I am definitely not bias in saying were the true creme of the crop!

Gwen Goodwin was awarded Best Magically Enhanced for a truly impressive display of magic as the Queen of Diamonds, enchanted to look like a playing card no matter what angle she was viewed from, something which this reporter took great delight in testing while walking around the hall. Most Scary was awarded to Ethan Alexander for his Mothman costume, who's glowing red eyes certainly gave me the chills when lurking in a dark corner. Best Group went to June Davenport and Tempest Vero for their collaborate cat costumes as Pretty Cat and Ugly Cat, a cute and clever combo! Most Ridiculous however was awarded to your friendly Halloween correspondent Marnie Frogg for my deliciously silly Gingerbread House costume! Max Goose took Most Traditional for his Headless Hunter costume with a mundane yet highly believable headless effect that had me do plenty of double-takes! And finally, Best Overall was rightfully awarded to Aine Thompson for her pristine and sleek all white Ghost costume.

Best OverallAine Thompson as A Ghost
Best Magically EnhancedGwen Goodwin as the Queen of Diamonds
Most ScaryEthan Alexander as Mothman
Best GroupJune Davenport and Tempest Vero as Pretty/Ugly Cats
Most RidiculousMarnie Frogg as a Gingerbread House
Most Traditional HalloweenMax Goose as a Headless Hunter

Well done to all our winners and attendees, truly the costumes are what makes Halloween such a fun event, and don't forget to thank the school staff for helping put together another fun evening and terrifying evening. Until next year!

Interview Spotlight:
Spotlight interview with Indira Khatri

By: Emery Mettlestone

Emery Mettlestone: Hello, thank you for agreeing to this interview. Would you mind introducing yourself for those who have been living under a rock?

Indira Khatri: Right, I'm Indira Khatri but you can call me Indi. I'm Head Girl which is I guess why you wanted to interview me but I'm also president of the SDA.

EM: Yes, so how has it been so far to be Head Girl? Was it a surprise?

IK: It's been fine so far. It was only a surprise because I wasn't a prefect before this year. But I've definitely put the work in.

EM: That must be quite a change. Do you have any advice for students who may be hoping for a similar badge someday?

IK: I'm not sure I'm the best person to ask all things considered. But you should focus on your studies and doing well in your extra circulars without worrying if you're going to end up with a badge one day, because it's not up to you if you get rewarded. It's up to the faculty. So maybe you should suck up to your Head of House too. That probably can't hurt.

EM: Makes sense, thank you. You mentioned earlier you also run the SDA, what's that like? What do you enjoy about that club?

IK: I do. I was co-president last year so it was nice to get some experience before taking over. But so far it hasn't been very hard. I think the club is one of the most important ones we have here at Hogwarts. Not all of us will grow up to be Aurors but it's always good to know how to defend oneself. And it's a great place to show off what we learn in lessons and to learn from others.

EM: So you think it could be useful for everyone?

IK: Sure. I don't want people to be forced to join or anything. I'd prefer to keep it for people who actually want to be there, obviously.

EM: Understandable. What do you like to do besides being in the SDA?

IK: Are you asking me what my hobbies are? Well, I like playing quidditch even if this season is off to a rocky start. And I like to read and hang out with my friends.

EM: That was what I meant, yes. Graduation is getting closer, do you know what you plan to do after Hogwarts?

IK: I haven't decided if I'm going to take any time off, but I know eventually I'd like to train to become a healer.

EM: An admirable career path. Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers before we wrap up the interview?

IK: Not really. But if first years could learn not to take up so much space in the library that would be great.

EM: Thank you for your time.

How To...
Decorate Your Dorm

By: Elara Chatelain

As much as we all love Hogwarts, this castle isn't really that up-to-date with the times in a lot of ways. Particularly, in the decor. While there is something nostalgia about dimly lit hallways, gaudy frames, and an aroma of decades of history, it is also okay to make the space you will live in for seven years more home like. Here are a few tips to keep the space feeling like a home away from home!

  • Update your bed! - It is very easy to make your bed feel less blah by changing out your comforter and even the curtains surrounding your bed. If that feels like too much, adding a few unique accent pillows and a throw can instantly make it scream YOU. Plus, it will (probably) help you get a better night's sleep!
  • Make sure your storage situation has multiple purposes. - Finding cute containers to keep the trinkets on your nightstand or your school supplies organized can be tricky - however, look for pieces that blend in. You can use the baskets to pack in your trunk, carry items around the castle, and keep your room organized.
  • Add a unique light fixture! - This may require a discussion with your roommates, but adding a little more light to your room or bringing in a statement piece can add so much life to your dorm room day and night. Just make sure it's compatible working around magic.
  • Speaking of life, add a few plants. - If you have a green thumb or ask the Wild Patch nicely, you might be able to bring a few plants into the space. Think small (succulents are a great starter plant), and add a few in the window sills of your room. Just don't forget to water them!
Muggle Moment

By: Lorenzo Vero

As someone who grew up in a magical family, I am just now discovering things about the muggle world. And I would like to take some time this paper to share with one particular object that I have found quite interesting in case you are like me - clueless.

You might be wondering - what is this tube on a handle? Is it a receptacle to hold liquid inside? Is it a small combat weapon? Is it a handheld light? No, my friends. This mysterious item is called a lint roller. The white part (although it can come in many colors) is sticky and can gather dust, hair, and other mysterious lingering particles on your person. Muggles even use it on their pets, as evidenced by the photo below. It is a replacement for proper grooming routines in many circumstances. What a wild convention!


"What's your favourite thing to do on Brightstone weekends?"
By: Giulia Alcott
Oswald BrambleheartHufflepuff First Year"Use the art room without anyone else being there because they're all in the village."
Anisha KhatriGryffindor Second Year "I love going to Honeydukes, but Gambol & Jape's is a fun stop as well."
Michael WatsonRavenclaw Third Year"Don't know if I've got a favourite thing, probably getting to catch up with family I guess?"
Soren GatesGryffindor Fourth Year"I just like to wander around with my friends and enjoy being out of the castle for a bit."
Brevity BooneSlytherin Fifth Year"Literally anything. Anything which isn't this school is preferable."
Zephryn SpencerGryffindor Sixth Year"Probably the food there. It's nice to be able to order whatever, but also the Quidditch collectable store is cool too."
Juno BelgraveHufflepuff Seventh Year"Honeyduke's is pretty alright, but I just like leaving the castle and seeing different stuff. Did you know there's some people who choose not to go to Brightstone and stay trapped on school grounds? Something wrong with them, I swear."
Professor Grace HollandFlying Year 1"Honestly? I tend to stay in the castle, enjoying the peace and quiet."

Ban The Ban on Underage Magic

By: Celia Vuong

For many students, the school breaks represent freedom — freedom from early morning classes, freedom from endless piles of homework, freedom from exams. However, that freedom comes at a price: magic. If you are under 17, then leaving school during the break means sacrificing your ability to do magic, thanks to the Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery.

No one should have to make that sacrifice. Though well-intentioned, the decree is an outdated, ineffective, and discriminatory law that only serves to hamper the development of young wizards and witches. The main justification for the ban is to prevent underage students from performing magic in front of muggles. However, we already have a law that covers such situations: the International Statute of Secrecy. Exposing muggles to magic will continue to remain illegal even if the ban on underage magic is lifted. The difference is that students would be allowed to practice magic in muggle-free areas.

And students need that practice. Under the current decree, students' spellcasting skills are left to atrophy for three months every year. Research has shown that learning loss is a risk for any school that has a lengthy break. We should be doing everything we can to combat this. If students were allowed to continue learning over the breaks, then professors could teach more complex material during the semester. For OWL and NEWT students in particular, the summer break can be a valuable time to prepare for those career-defining exams, but the inability to use magic makes that task much more difficult.

The other major argument for the ban on underage magic is that it reduces the possibility of magical accidents. However, students would be safer if they had better control over their magic, which can be best achieved by giving them more opportunities to practice. Moreover, the ban in its current state is ineffective and applied unevenly across blood statuses. The Trace can only detect the presence of magic, not the source of it. That means students who live in magical communities can easily skirt the ban. For those students, the Ministry relies on their parents to enforce the ban because the government cannot tell the difference between an underage wizard using a spell and an underage wizard who happens to be in the vicinity of another person's spell. The consequence is that the ban on underage magic really only applies to muggleborns and students who live in muggle communities.

Magic is our birthright. It is in our blood. Young children are able to perform acts of magic without any training because it is just as much a part of them as their heart or lungs or soul. Why is the government allowed to regulate such a fundamental part of us? As an institution whose sole purpose is to serve young people and promote their development, Hogwarts must lobby the Ministry to eliminate the restrictions on underage magic.

Branson's Book Club
The Da Vinci Code
By: Branson Archer

Folks, this will be the last Branson’s Book club I do. There will be so much NEWT work for me to do that I have decided this will be the last one. While I could for this last book pick some epic that has resounded through the centuries, I decided I would revisit a novel that I once said we would do and feels a little apt to the fact that I will be graduating. So, today we’re covering the Da Vinci Code. This book was written by Dan Brown in the early 2000s and was a massive success. With its own muggle movie and stage adaptations. It is not the best written book, and is rather simple, but I re-read it recently, and given that I am about to step into the unknown world of adulthood, I felt a good amount of nostalgia and appreciation for this novel.

The Da Vinci Code is a thriller which follows cryptologist Robert Langdon as he gets wrapped up in an age-old mystery around the muggle religion of Christianity and a secret plot to keep secrets hidden. It is a decent enough thriller, though a simple read, not overly complex and something that you should switch your mind off to. The plot itself contains a number of twists and turns, as do most thriller mysteries. It is an adventure taken by the titular character in which he faces foes that have been fighting for centuries. It is a fast-paced novel, any decent reader can likely finish this book relatively quickly, even despite its length. The main crux of mystery does leave a little to be desired, but really, sometimes it’s good to switch off and just engage in a story at that level.

Though this is in part why I think I enjoyed it. In the midst of my NEWTs, picking up any book which is simple and doesn’t require my already overworked brain to function. It is not a school or educational book, and it is a simple and enjoyable book.

As NEWT students we can get lost in what is required of us with classes, homework, and revision. We only have time for one or two elements outside of that, but it’s important even in all of this, to not lose sight of who we are, to not only become revision and studying. Our NEWTs will end, and we can pick everything back up.

I think, too, that the story asks us to lean into the mystery to absurdity of some plot elements, and I think this element as seventh years face their adulthood outside of a place they know for seven years is good. Lean in, let yourself enjoy things, find passions and interest and do what brings you joy. If that’s uncovering long forgotten secrets, then that’s what it should be.

There hasn’t been a lot of discussion about the book itself, and a lot of people will consider this review of the book a bit of an easy one for me, and dislike the book entirely. That’s fine. Books, media in general mean different things to different people and on different days, depending on our moods or where we are in life. Books are an excellent escape from modern pressures of the world, especially when you can just switch off and read.

This is Branson, signing off from the Branson Bookclub for the last time!

Aunt Meg

By: Aine Thompson

Aunt Meg,

I don't like my roommates. I don't want to be friends with them. How do I get them to leave me alone?


Loner at Heart

Understandable. You could always just ignore them until they stop bothering you but if you’ve got roommates that are super nosy that’s easier said than done. And I assume just telling them that you like your space and don’t want to talk hasn’t worked. My advice? Be unfathomably horrible to them and pick on their insecurities. Make talking to you the worst possible experience and they’ll eventually get the hint and leave you alone. And if they don’t, then that’s a whole other world of problems I’m not even going to try to solve. Good luck.

Dearest Aunt Meg,

How do you tell your dark and twisty roommate that they smell? It's like they need a public service announcement.


Sweet as Apple Pie

Ooh, sour as apple cider vinegar, are we? You’re right, though, we probably need general PSAs around the school about using deodorant. I can only imagine how dire the Quidditch changing rooms must be. If you want to be a bit more subtle yet brutal about it, maybe bring it up to your Head of House and they might be able to take them aside and gently talk to them about personal hygiene and cleanliness. Or you could just be blunt with them if you prefer. You’ll probably hurt their feelings but they might start taking more baths.

Dear Aunt Meg,

There's someone I'm interested in but I feel like I'd have to change my entire personality and style just to be good enough for them. Is that a good idea? What if I change everything and they still don't like me? Maybe it's not meant to be?

- Struggling to Measure Up

Alright, let me put it to you this way. Say you do change everything about yourself and the person decides that they like that version of you. Are you going to ever be confident that they do genuinely like you? And are you going to be happy being someone else for as long as you’re with them? I feel like it’s a pretty safe bet the answer’s no. If they don’t like you as you are, there’ll always be someone else - and if you really like them, maybe trust that they won’t judge you by some arbitrary expectation of what’s ‘good enough’.

Traditional Māori Fashion

By: Alexander Woodlock

Are you curious what were the Māori fashion was before? Māori are the indigenous Polynesian people of mainland New Zealand. They came in New Zealand between roughly 1320 and 1350. As they settle in New Zealand they settled their own culture, religion, food, arts and most importantly their clothing. The Māori used what the new land could offer them. From new plants to animals, they hand woven all their clothing.



These are a waist girdle that both men and women uses. The most common traditional garment of Māori. The photo is a women's maro.


Kaitaka Paepaeroa

A cloak made out of fine flax with its intricate borders, this cloak belongs to a woman with a high status


Lacebark Piupiu

This particular piupiu is made out of the soft inner bark of the Lacebark with a flax band and string. Whist putting white kererū and brown kiwi feathers as adornments.

Looking back, the first people of New Zealand were innovative of their new surroundings. To survive the four seasons of an unfamiliar land, they have created unique and beautiful clothing to fight the changing weather of the Southern Hemisphere.

By: Georgia Astor
Aries (March 21 - April 19):
You always want to be the first. Let go of the grip a little bit,
enjoy the actual process. Let people be closer and
be a little easier with yourself. Or you will burn out.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20):
We all know you’re loyal to the core but try letting people
go sometimes. It might come in handy at some points.
Especially the one you’ve been questioning
for some time now. Your lucky number is 9.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20):
Hate the game, not the player. You can use your curiosity
and playfulness to your own needs once you master
reading people’s emotions and go hand in hand with them.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22):
Revalue what you hate the most because sometimes the
one you hate the most can turn out to be what
you need the most. Your lucky number is 7.

Leo (July 23 - Aug 22):
Use your confidence to make friends and get the best
out of the life that you can. You never know how lucky
you can be unless you actually try it.

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sep 22):
Sometimes making peace with yourself can bring you
more results than trying to please others. Acknowledge
your needs and what you have, you may find out
that you already have way more than you think that you have.

Libra (Sep 23 - Oct 22):
Make the decision. It might be hard but you will have
to listen to signs from the universe to make the
right decision, don’t miss them. Your lucky number is 1.

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21):
Make that step, take that offer. The universe is on
your side, enjoy it and take your chances. Challenge
your options and have a good time as you always do.
You’re on the right track.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21):
You have the best jokes and everyone knows it. Embrace
yourself, use that energy to attract positivity and
luck to your life. No one can do it better than you.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19):
Working hard is what you are the best at. No one stands
close to that. But can you have as good a time having fun
as you’re having while working?

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18):
People are wrong, not you. Stand your ground and
make yourself a priority. You can be and do whatever you set
your mind to, just don’t take the wrong turn.

Pisces (Feb 19 - March 20):
Not all people might understand you. Make something
unique, do something original and stay with those people
who will understand it. Those people are with you for life.
Poetry Corner

By: River Hopkins-Vance
The Fire of the Dragon

Little Dragon, are you ready to see the world?
Do you have something to tell?
Much time has passed
Since you first shed your shell

Little Dragon, do you think you can go?
Find wonderful places to explore
Fly high above, to the beyond
Spread your those great wings and soar

Little Dragon, I know
You have your doubts
Will that fire burning inside
Be enough when it comes out?

Little Dragon, it's time
Get on the attack
Don't let those dragon handlers
Hold you back

The time always comes
To see what you can do
Even if that fire within
Turns out less than what was expected of you

Hogwarts Snippets

By: Riley Fisher

Are you the best in spotting the finest of details?
Then this is the game for you.

In Hogwarts Snippets you will be shown a photograph
and it is your task to find out where this photograph
was taken!


Do you know where this photograph was taken?

Comic Corner

By: Jupiter Ascot


Editor's Note:

By: River Hopkins-Vance

Thank you everyone who contributed to this amazing paper! This wouldn't be possible without your amazing writing, photography, and drawing skills! Thank you also to all our readers. You keep this paper alive. I hope everyone has a great break after this semester and comes back refreshed and ready to start semester two.
Isaiah got a little excited when he entered the great hall and noticed copies of the Hogwarts Monthly spread across the tables. He wasn't much of a reader but for the Monthly he'd always gladly make an exception. Even if it was mostly because of the quidditch section. He quickly flipped through the pages to get to the quidditch reports, grinning at the mention of his name. It was only then that he remembered what else had happened during the game, carefully scanning of the remainder of the words. Ofcourse. Ofcourse him hitting El hadn't gone unnoticed. Zay dragged a hand across his cheek at the mention of his failure, although he was glad they hadn't named him specifically. Writing it as El getting his by one of her teammates sounded a lot less worse than being hit by her captain or even her boyfriend. Was he pleased it had made the report? Nah. But could it have been worse? Definitely. They could've dragged it out for all he know and he was pleased they hadn't.

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