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![]() Goodbye and See you Next Year! By: Poppy Perkins |
Welcome one and all to the final issue of the Hogwarts Monthly for the year! This semester like every other was packed with excitement but what else would we expect from our dear school. We had one new Professor join the us down in the dungeons. I hope everyone has welcomed Professor West who has been busy taking over teaching the lower years potions classes. The weeks seemed to fly but lets not forget the Valentine's dance, full of heartache and young love, like always. Clubs and extra circulars also kept us all busy. Including joint events with the Wild Patch and Conglomerated Arts Club to create an elaborate castle out of their green house, as well as the Brotherhood of Magic and Heta Omega throwing an exciting bonfire party to celebrate the end of the year! If you want to learn more about the Dueling Tournament and the thrilling conclusion to this year's Quidditch season, we've got you covered! |
Interview Spotlight: Headmistress Katherine Alicastell By: Adorah Zumwalt |
For my last article with Hogwarts Monthly, I wanted to do something special. I am so thankful to Headmistress Katherine Alicastell for taking the time to speak with me. What a memorable experience! Adorah Zumwalt: Good afternoon, Headmistress! I'm so grateful that you were able to take the time today for us to proceed with this interview. I always like to start off with the basics since many students aren't aware of how much experience the professors and staff have. What's your background like? How long have you been at Hogwarts? Headmistress Alicastell: Good afternoon to you, Miss Zumwalt. Thank you for having me. This year marks my eleventh year as headmistress at Hogwarts — Long enough for me to receive another acceptance letter. What you may not know is that I was formerly a Charms professor here, for a time. Decades ago, now. I had always had a passion for teaching and education, and I found charms work to be my strongest suit. So much so that it lead me into heading the Ministry's Experimental Charms department, before I returned here to continue pursuing my interest in educating. AZ: Wow! You've seen so many students go through these halls, then. Working in Experimental Charms must have been fascinating. Are there any charms you created through that position with the Ministry? HA: Few that I'm at liberty to disclose. I'm afraid to say they might not sound very exciting to most students. You certainly won't come across any of a duelling platform, but it was highly rewarding work. Any students who pursue a career in the Ministry may very well come across some of them as a part of their jobs. AZ: That's good to know! I'm sure it takes very skilled wizards and witches to create new spells. Do you have any suggestions for students who would like to work at the Ministry? What kind of work should they be looking at after graduation, or should they apply instantly? HA: Anyone can create new spells, not solely skilled witches or wizards. I wouldn't want to discourage any creative young minds. All it takes is dedication and determination. As for students looking to work for the Ministry, all I can suggest is to speak with your Heads of Houses to get an idea of what subjects you'll need to pursue, and study hard in those areas. The better your grades, the better your chances. It's as straightforward as that. You won't be able to work in the Beast Division without some knowledge in Care of Magical Creatures, after all. If the Ministry is your goal, students have the best chance of success by applying as soon as they can. There are internships and work experience programs to assist with young witches and wizards to find their footing in the Ministry - or the wizarding world as a whole. It's important to remember that we as professors can give our recommendations, or be used as references when applying for your first jobs. Students should not hesitate to ask. It may make all the difference in being accepted into a new position. AZ: This is really helpful advice, and I know that many students, like myself, will take it to heart. I value your time Headmistress, and I know you're a busy person. I usually like to end the interviews with some fun questions to get to know the individual better. Is there anything else you'd like to add before we do that? HA: I appreciate you taking the time to choose to speak with me, Miss Zumwalt. I would like to make it known that I am as available as your Heads of Houses, if any students feel they have any questions or concerns they might not feel they can speak about. While I have a lot of work to do, I am able to make the time any students may need. AZ: Wonderful! Alright, my first fun question is: what was your favorite subject in school? HA: Charms was both my strongest subject, and my favourite. However, I would have to say Ancient Runes came to a close second. AZ: If you could have any magical creature for a pet, what would it be? HA: A jobberknoll. There's a beauty to them, and the quiet they bring. AZ: What's your favorite color? HA: Mauve. AZ: What's the wand core for your current wand? HA: Unicorn tail hair. I do not know much about wandlore, but I've been told that its pairing with chestnut wood is common in wizengamot members, such as myself. AZ: Would you rather have fame or fortune? HA: Fame, if it were for the right reasons. I find that history teaches us many important lessons, and its the prominent figures of history that offer some of the greatest wisdom. I would love to be able to continue to share in my life experiences to help others learn from them, long after I'm gone. AZ: What are you looking forward to in the next few years at Hogwarts? HA: I most look forward to the sorting ceremonies. It is an interesting experience, to watch each students journey throughout their seven years here at Hogwarts. AZ: These are very intriguing answers. I thank you so much your time! |
Op-Ed: Hogwarts Must Eliminate School Uniforms By: Celia Vuong | Quidditch Highlights By: Rhys Garner |
For most incoming first years, the first school shopping trip looks a little like this: Start at Ollivander's for the all-important wand. Next up are The Apothecary and Flourish and Blott's for textbooks and potion supplies. And finally Gladrag's, where new students get to stare at the bleak collection of school-approved clothing as they slowly come to terms with the fact that they'll be spending the next seven years in a pre-picked wardrobe of gray, charcoal, and black. It's past time that Hogwarts New Zealand get rid of the school uniform. We're not in 20th century Scotland anymore. There's no reason to keep an outdated dress code that robs students of their individuality. This isn't just about how ugly the Hogwarts uniform is (though it's hard to imagine anything frumpier). It's an economic issue. The "uniform bundle," which Gladrag's calls a "steal" despite including exactly one shirt and no blazers, is a hundred galleons alone. There are wands that cost less than that. For poorer families, the uniform is an enormous financial burden. But most importantly, the uniform stifles self-expression. Hogwarts is supposed to be a training ground for the future movers and shakers of the wizarding world, but its uniform policy promotes conformity. It sends a signal that all the qualities necessary for leadership—boldness, originality, individuality—are actually negatives that should be stamped out. And it's not like students have a ton of other opportunities for self-expression or creativity. Although Hogwarts is allegedly one of the most prestigious wizarding schools this side of the globe, it lacks a Fine Arts department. Instead, there is one catch-all "arts" club that has the impossible task of simultaneously accommodating musicians, artists, actors, designers, and more. If the school won't let students explore their creativity in an art class, the least it could do is allow them to choose their own outfits. Proponents of the school uniform like to claim that forcing everyone to wear the same thing reduces bullying. However, Hogwarts is a boarding school where students are allowed to wear whatever they want outside of class. Bullying doesn't just magically stop during class time because everyone is suddenly in uniform. Furthermore, uniforms are uncomfortable and a distraction during class. Anyone who argues otherwise clearly hasn't tried to prepare a complicated potion while wearing robes. If Hogwarts wants to promote diversity and freedom of expression, then the path forward is clear: Eliminate the school uniform. _________________________________________________ | This semester of Quidditch was kicked off with a match between Ravenclaw and the former champions, Slytherin. We were treated to a rather short match, with only one goal being scored all game by Ravenclaw's Hattie Thorne. Slytherin's Vuong seemed as on-target as ever, managing to land two solid bludger hits on Captain and seeker Minnie Calida, allowing Ruben Right to swoop in and grab the snitch, winning the match for Slytherin. The second game was a matchup between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor, both teams vying for the title of Quidditch Champions. There was more action in this match, Jordan Harris making two goals for Hufflepuff and Chloe Thompson and Sully Tofilau from Gryffindor making one and two goals themselves respectively. But it was Emma Van Houten who pull their weight with a bat this match, managing to hit Hufflepuff seeker Lucas Fletcher twice and captain Amy Jewel once. Connor Holland of Hufflepuff also managed to land a bludger hit on Sully Tofilau. But despite Gryffindor's efforts, it wasn't enough to stop Hufflepuff and Lucas Fletcher was the one to catch the snitch and win the cup for Hufflepuff. I don't think anyone could have predicted the chaos which would happen in the final match of the year. Hogwarts hosted the Illvermorny team from America and they faced off against Hufflepuff. The match turned into nothing short of absolute carnage. While it was 30 points apiece, Amy Jewel being Hufflepuff's only goal scorer while Abigail Martin and Lucas Ames scored for Ilvermorny, it was the Hufflepuff beaters who took all the glory in this one. Connor Holland was out for blood, with Tilly Drage, they managed to take down four of the Ilvermonry players, forcing the team to retire before the snitch had even made an appearance. Ilvermorny tried to put up a fight, still managing to take out seeker Lucas Fletcher, but it still wasn't enough to stop the badgers and they walked away with the victory. |
![]() Dueling Tournament By: Sydney Townsend | ||||||||||||||
The arrival of our second semester this year once again saw our SDA's annual Duelling Tournament underway and it is my pleasure to bring you my final coverage of the action for you Monthly readers. This year saw a total of 28 ambitious duellists across four rounds for a total of 32 matches. Round one as always was filled with its usual action, taking up the bulk of the tournament as the wheat is separated from the chaff. Interestingly, not one of the eight Hufflepuff competitors managed to make it past round one. Perhaps Hufflepuff is simply saving all its bloodlust for the Quidditch pitch. With many spells exchanged, it was the duelling rules that truly brought the end to several duels, including Celia Vuong being disqualified on a questionable technicality for interacting with a summoned snake that had been knocked from the platform. Compared to Michael Newton, who was also disqualified for breaking the same rule for summoning a horde of toys in an ill-thought out attempt to be clever, it seems Professor Allicastell is more interested in following the letter of the law perhaps than the intent. It wasn't until round two that the tournament began seeing any real upsets however, with several previous champions losing their spots, including SDA co-leader Juniper Zumwalt losing out to Accio editor Ajaccio Skey. Elara Chatelain, last year's second year champion also lost out to duelling first timer Lucie Vernier, though thankfully Leia Hume managed to continue her undefeated streak, defending her title along with yours truly, Sydney Townsend, remaining undefeated after six years of duelling. Round three saw the continued rise of Slytherin duelists when Indira Khatri was able to claim the third year championship, leaving Gryffindor to continue to scrounge for a champion after many of their top duelists were already knocked out in earlier rounds. After a close match between fourth years Ronald Lazarao, Flynn North was able to retain his title as fourth year champion, with Louis Alcott claiming his first title for second year and ensuring Gryffindor wasn't completely put to shame this year. With the final matches completed, Hogwarts New Zealand has its champions for 2055. On behalf of the school and the SDA, congratulations to our new and returning champions, and thank you to our proctors and competitors for another interesting tournament. We can only hope the SDA leadership can redeem themselves after Zumwalts unfortunate loss in the wake of my departure. Goodbye and good luck. Champions
"If you could trade places with anyone in the world for a day, who would it be and why?" By: Giulia Alcott |
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Gwen Goodwin Slytherin First Year "Hmm, if I have to pick someone I would go for Athena Holmgaard. She's a super pretty and cool model, I'd love to know what that's like!" | Rene Tofilau Hufflepuff Second Year "I'd switch places with my brother, if only so I could mess with all his stuff and he couldn't yell at me." | Julien Beaumont Ravenclaw Third Year "With my dad. I could see where he lives, what he does and how he looks." | Morgan Harvelle Hufflepuff Fourth Year "That's a hard choice... Everyone in the world is amazing in their own way... Maybe the founder of Hufflepuff, Helga Hufflepuff. She seemed like a nice person, and I wanna be as nice as her." |
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Allison Beckett Gryffindor Fifth Year "Um... I don't have a really amazing answer, honestly, but I would trade places with my best friend. I know he's struggling a lot, and I would take a day from him in a heartbeat." | Connor Holland Hufflepuff Sixth Year "Maybe someone who works at a wildlife sanctuary, so I could just get away from stress for a while and hug some cute kittens and puppies." | Noel Waldgrave Gryffindor Seventh Year "I would trace places with an auror, no one specific. Just to actually experiance the job and see if what I want to do is really as I picture it." | Irene Holland Librarian “That would be my husband, Jacob Holland. Silly, I know but he coaches for Moutohora Macaws and I wanna know what his job is like to fully understand and support him." |
Dear Aunt Meg By: Anonymous (OOC: Samantha Jacobs) | Horoscopes By: Poppy Perkins |
Dear Aunt Meg, I have a crush on one of my friends who is dating a girl that I know isn't right for him. How do I get him to stop liking her and to like me instead? Dear to whom it may concern, Sometimes, you just have to leave things unsaid, even if it may hurt you. You cannot always control how to like someone. I guess the best thing you can do is not say anything. But if you really want that person to like you, the best you can do is hang out with them, get to know them more. Dear Aunt Meg, I am sick of people not wanting to be my friend. How do I get people to like me? It has been a very long time and everyone who I talk to seems to not like what I have to say. What makes me so unlikeable? Dear person to whom it may concern, I’m sure that there are people out there who would like to be your friend! But sometimes, it’s best if you listen to them and hear what they might have to say. I don’t think you’re unlikeable. Listen to what they have to say or maybe do something they’d like to do once in a while? Sometimes, you might want to keep some opinions and thoughts to yourself. Dear Aunt Meg, I know someone who has a crush on me but I don't like them like that. Everyone is getting girlfriends and boyfriends but I don't feel that way about anyone. The idea of romance freaks me out a little. What do I do? Dear to whom it may concern, It’s okay if you don’t like the idea of romance. It’s not for everyone. Everyone has different ideas when it comes to romance. It goes at a different paste for a lot of people. Maybe let them know that you don’t like them that way? In a nice way of course. All I recommend is just to take your time on romance. Its different for everyone. Dear Aunt Meg, I'm going on dates with a guy but it isn't official. I like him, but I'm not sure how to tell him that I don't see us having a future together after school. Should I just keep continuing with the relationship or should I end it now? Dear to whom it may concern, My best advice to you is that you may want to end it as soon as you can. Whenever you’re ready to. You don’t want to lead this boy on. You also want to think about yourself. And it's not selfish if you do end up wanting to end the relationship. You're feelings also matter and they're valid. Dear Aunt Meg, My best friend has lots of other best friends. How do I get her to like me the most? Dear to whom it may concern, First of all, it’s okay to have more than one best friend. All I can say is that if you want her to like you, maybe just try to hang out with her as much as you can. Do some things that she likes to do, and she may be happy to do some stuff you want to do. I’m sure she’ll appreciate you hanging out with her as much as you can. Dear Aunt Meg I... kinda have caught feelings for one of my friends. The only thing is, he's so far out of my league. He's just really successful, and really cute, and outgoing, and smart. I'm.... well, I'm not. I've dealt with a lot of rejection in my life, not just romantically. I'm not sure if I should even bother trying to tell him how I feel, when I think there's no way he'll ever return my feelings. Should I just forget about it and let it go? Or do you think... maybe I should tell him anyway? I don't want to lose him. Being with him, I don't feel so alone anymore... If I mess up, and lose him, I'll lose the closest friend I've had in a long while. Do I really want to risk that? ~Agonizing Artist Dear Agonizing Artist, It’s understandable that you are unsure with what to do. Maybe try and give it a shot of you telling him. At least he knows that you like him. You can tell him when you’re ready to or maybe you don’t want to tell him. Sometimes you just have to listen to your heart and see what you actually want. And if he doesn’t like you that way, that’s okay. But seems that it would be his loss. | Aries (March 21 - April 19) It looks like there are challenges ahead of you. But don't worry too much they seem to be tangible which is where you shine when it comes to problem solving. Look out for Leo's they'll be on your side. Taurus (April 20 - May 20) Take time to do things you enjoy, like gardening or listening to music. We all need time to recharge and for as hard as you work you need to play too! Or else you might find yourself burnt out before you realize. Gemini (May 21 - June 20) It is a gift to be able to talk to just about anyone. Embrace that social part of your personality. You never know if you'll run into someone whos going to be very important to you in the future. Cancer (June 21 - July 22) Keep an eye out for the numbers 3 and 15. It's also a good idea to check in with your friends and family. Sometimes it is hard to ask for help so make it easy for those in your life and ask them first. Leo (July 23 - August 22) Watch out for any Aquarius signs you might know. Their intentions are unclear. But don't let that stop you from from being the center of attention like you usual are. We're bright colors, it'll be good luck. Virgo (August 23 - September 22) Nature is calling to you. Don't ignore it. If you've been feeling stressed, now is the perfect time to reconnect with the outside. There are plenty of scenic places around the grounds so there's no excuse, just remember the forbidden forest is off limits. Libra (September 23 - October 22) The numbers 24 and 6 may be important to you sometime soon. You are always so gracious and it looks like you will have to keep that up. Share what you can with others and it will return to you when the time is right. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) The truth is out there and if anyone is going to find it, it's going to be use. Look to those who are Cancers they might point you in the right direction. You might also have better luck on Tuesdays. Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) You contain multitudes and are a complex individual, and that is ok. Don't simplify yourself for others just because they don't under stand you. Stay true to who you are and liked minded people will surely follow. Capricorn (December 22 - January 19) The saying goes "if you want something done right you have to do it yourself" and that is definitely true for you. Now is the time to take things into your own hands and get things done, and not time to leave things to others. Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) You have strong convictions and that is a great quality to have. But it looks like they might be tested in the coming weeks. Watch out for those who are Sagittarius and don't be afraid to take a risk now and again. Pisces (February 19 - March 20) Now more than ever it is ok for you to spend time alone. Take this time and get reacquainted with yourself. It's important to check in now and again. Look to the water for some answers if you must. __________________________________________ |
Poetry Corner: A Hogwarts Haiku By: River Hopkins-Vance |
Hogwarts New Zealand Is The Best Place To Be At Careful to Avoid The Professor Grumpy Pants |
Three Simple Ways to Spruce Up Your Uniform By: Emmaline Hopkins-Vance | Recipe: How to Make Rose Petal Chocolate Slices By: Estella Fuentes |
Are you tired of wearing the same uniform day in and day out? Well here are some fun ways (and as far as I know rule bidding ways) to add a little flare! 001. Jewelry: Unless you have a date with a nifflier, jewelry is a great way to add a little something extra to your uniform. Add necklaces, bracelets, earrings, etc. Anything, even the littlest something, can make your uniform stand out! 002. Hair: Now I'm not saying add hair to your uniform. I mean if you want to stand out in that way, I won't tell you not to! But I suggest adding some fun hairstyles to draw attention from the rather boring every day uniform. 003. Backpacks: One thing that isn't quite added to our uniform are backpacks and bags! Don't be afraid to use these. They no only are great so you aren't carrying on those books piled on top of each other, but they can be fashionable in their own way. Make your own or buy one from a shop. I've noticed muggle shops have a huge variety of styles of bags to choose from. This is a great way to add some flair and save some arm strength. | Ingredients:
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Top Ten Casual Spring Outfits From Estella's Wardrobe By: Estella Fuentes |
![]() 1. Light purple cami top with blue jeans and bright pink knitted cardigan: This brightly-coloured and girly outfit is a great way to stand out and stay comfy in the ever-changing spring weather. Let the cardigan fall off your shoulders and embrace the spring air! A necklace is a great addition to this outfit as the cami top has a low-neck, as well as some white sneakers. | ![]() 6. Cute white floral summer dress with pastel pink buttoned cardigan and white sneakers: A softer approach, the cute summer dress and pastel pink cardigan is a great outfit to wear to a picnic. It is so great that it doesn’t need any accessories! The white sneakers make it easier for long romantic walks in the park. |
![]() 2. White off-the-shoulder floral-style top, with blue denim mini skirt: A simple outfit perfect for all occasions. The white bow around the waist is a great statement, as well as the buttons down the front of the skirt and the small rips on the side which add small detail but complement it flawlessly. | ![]() 7. White strappy top with white mini skirt and pink netted jacket, accessorised with a small grey handbag and white sneakers: White is such a good shade, and that is because it goes with everything! This mostly white outfit looks boring without the pink netted old-school style jacket that is very breathable for the spring weather. A light grey handbag goes with it nicely and adds a little more colour if you’re still thinking it is too boring. |
![]() 3. Pastel pink singlet top and blue denim shorts with floral press and white sneakers: For those hotter spring days, this outfit is one to consider. It is more casual, but still suited to many different occasions. The floral press on the denim shorts gives the outfit a bit of character and matches the pastel pink shirt perfectly. | ![]() 8. Black singlet top with white striped shorts and high-heeled black boots: A simple black singlet top goes pleasingly well tucked into the white striped shorts. These shorts are well complemented by the bow around the waist and the strappy high-heeled black shoes. It isn’t very colourful, but it definitely goes together well for those who don’t mind blending into the crowd a little bit. Better yet, the high heels are easy to slip on and are not as uncomfortable as they look. |
![]() 4. White long-sleeved blouse with mini daisy-patterned skirt and a gold chain around the neck: The ideal outfit for those spring dates. A simple white blouse made of thin material and long sleeves allows for comfort and movement whilst also looking really stylish. It is complemented by the softly-coloured daisy-patterned skirt which has a small slit on the side to give it some style. A necklace (preferably gold) would sit well with this outfit. | ![]() 9. Off-the-shoulder knit sweater with blue skinny jeans: For those cooler spring days, this outfit is a nice and simple way to go. The black double-hoop belt is stylish, as well as the gold locket and pendant around the neck. The neutral colours are also good for those who don't mind blending in. |
![]() 5. Light burgundy strappy crop top with yellow polka-dots and blue denim shorts: The main focus of this outfit is the cute light burgundy crop top. It is ideal for the hot weather and can be worn at the beach. High top converse shoes are a great addition to it, as well as rounded black-lensed sunglasses with a gold frame. | ![]() 10. Dark blue and white striped ruffle mini dress with white and brown sandals and a white handbag: This one is a good outfit for tea parties. It is a nice and neutral colour. The flat sandals make the look more casual, however high heels would also work well with it and will help dress it up a bit more. This is another outfit that doesn’t necessarily require too many accessories. |
Editor's Note By: Poppy Perkins |
Yet another issue of the Hogwarts Monthly completed! It would not have been possible with out the hard work of the entire staff and I would like to extend an extra thank you to the wonderful seventh years we will be losing after graduation. I hope you will all be able to look back at your time on the paper fondly and I wish you all the best! The Monthly wouldn't be what it is without the people that make it all happen. I, for one, look forward to doing this all again next year! |
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