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![]() ACCIO, NEW SEMESTER! By: Joshua Toubia |
Welcome back students, professors, and staffs alike. As we get into the new semester, we should be reminded of the upcoming change in the season in New Zealand. Bundle up as the weather transitions while admiring the work of the groundskeepers who actively maintains the school’s grounds. Can’t forget to always give kudos to where it’s due. Speaking of kudos, Professor Landon Carter is now Head of House for Hufflepuffs. Hufflepuff students or anyone else needing to speak to Hufflepuff Head of House, speak to Professor Carter. Congrats Professor Carter and thank you, Professor Pratt, for remaining with us at Hogwarts. I’m sure many of us would’ve missed your presence had you left us, but we would’ve wished you the best of luck just the same. The new semester technically always brings in a New Year. I’m not big on this, but have you all thought about New Year’s resolutions you want to accomplish this year? It’s a big trend with muggles, and I wonder what some New Year’s resolutions would be if you all had any. Mine is to thank Rose Holland and Lizzie Taylor for putting together the rose delivery service this year. Personally, I wouldn’t have been able to manage and delegate about two hundred rose deliveries. Amazing, are these two cupid’s little helper? That’s a must asked question. Also thanks to Hayden Lavish, who sorted the sign up for the Duelling Tournament this year. I would say it was a success, however, I’ve heard there were a lot of visitors at the Hospital Wing. Is that a normal thing? I’m guessing that it’s quite normal in these tournaments. Ouch Lavish, knocked out of the tournament first round. Poor him. And here a reminder for those who attended the Electives Fair, have you decided what you’ll be taking next year? Given the consideration to which classes interest you the most? Report to your Head of House with your selections. You still have quite a while to make that decision, maybe up until the brand new school year to decide on these electives. For now, everyone studies for these exams, they’re upon us. Do whatever you can to hit the books or flex that wand work as they say. Best of luck everyone! |
Nixon: Hey Professor Carter! First of all, thanks for agreeing to chat to me today, and second of all, congratulations for being named the new Hufflepuff head of house! Being in Hufflepuff myself I know I’m excited, and I’m sure the other Hufflepuff students are excited as well! To start this interview off, could you tell us a little bit more about yourself, and what school you went to? Landon:I was born to two muggles in New Zealand and I had two older sisters, one of which was magical. When I discovered that I was also magical I decided I would like to attend Ilvermorny in North America, and so that's what I did. Ilvermorny seemed like the most interesting wizarding school because it was out of the country and it meant I had the opportunity to travel. It also meant I could have plenty of new experiences and that's really what I wanted. Nixon: What was your favourite memory from when you were in school, if you have one? Landon: My favourite memory is being apart of the Thunderbird Quidditch Team. I was an alternate for a while and was so happy when I was finally given a permanent role on the team as a keeper. Being able to just spend time with my friends was really great. I do miss them sometimes, but I definitely don't miss the study sessions we used to have! I really do feel for you guys as students, but do not take advantage of being so young because soon enough you'll be old and full of wrinkles and that's no fun. Nixon: Did you have a favourite subject? If so, what was it and why was it your favourite? Landon: My favourite subject in school was actually muggle-studies. I like the fact that wizards are so interested in muggle life, and that they are able to learn so much from them. But that's not to say I did not like Herbology. I've always been interested in plants, even before I knew I was magical. Finding out that plants had magical properties is what made the subject so much more fun and really broadened my mind. Nixon: What led you to becoming herbology professor here at HNZ? Was it your first career choice, or something you chose to do later on? Landon: Ever since going to a wizarding school I have always wanted to teach, no matter what subject I taught. Making learning fun for students is what I like to do. It just so happened that the Herbology position was vacant when I decided to apply as a professor at HNZ and I was ecstatic that I was able to do so. Nixon: What’s your favourite thing about teaching at HNZ? Landon: There are a lot of good things about teaching here but I'd have to say that the staff is what really makes this place welcoming and fun. They all made me feel so comfortable when I first started, and it's sad to see when members of the staff go, but it's also good to see new faces each year. Having such a diverse group of people to work with is such a great experience, and all of their dedication to their work is so inspiring. I don't know where I'd be without them. This school has such a wonderful community! Nixon: Moving on to questions related to your new title, are you excited about being the Hufflepuff head of house? What new aspect of this position are you the most excited about? Landon: To have been given the opportunity to be Hufflepuff Head of House is so surreal to me. I've always been interested in students' education, and the fact that I am able to help them even more with my new title makes me very glad, so yes I am very excited. Hufflepuff is such an accepting house and there's nothing I value more in a group of people. I am looking forward to getting to know the students more and hopefully helping them out through their time here. Nixon: What Hufflepuff trait would you say you identify with most? Landon: Hufflepuff does seem like the nicest house of them all, and I'm not just saying that to be biased. I think what I can relate with the most is Hufflepuff's acceptance for others. I like to consider myself inclusive of all types of people and I am open to any and all ideas. Hufflepuffs are good in that they are charitable and selfless and I too like to say I also have those traits. However I would like to add that I don't believe anyone can ever be 100% of their house. Everyone is so different in that we all have our own little bits and pieces of every house, and some of those traits just stand out more than others, hence sorting us into our place. Nixon: If you could give any student, Hufflepuff or otherwise advice for while they’re in school, what would you tell them? Landon: My advice is that, no matter how well you do in school, if you're able to dedicate yourself to something, you will be able to achieve great things. Intelligence is not always what you need to do this and final grades do not determine where you will go in life. Anyone can be who they want to be. |
![]() VALENTINE'S DAY By: Evelyn Manning |
Around first half of the month February it was time again for Valentine's day! Love was definitely in the air around Hogwarts New Zealand during this period. We started off with the rose deliveries. Thanks to Rose and Lizzie for organizing this! But next to sending roses and getting them, there are other ways to tell people you love them or like them as your friend. So if you didn’t achieve a rose, don’t worry! Your time will come too! You are actually really brave if you just say it towards someone, and not just with a note on a rose. But it is a nice tradition around the school, I must say. I hope it will be around the school for very much longer. Than it was time for the Valentines Dance. For me the last dance on Hogwarts and for many more seventh years. The Great hall was decorated with splashes of red, white and pink. The heart shaped tables are one of my favorites. People just sit around and the love will really get to you. The decorations makes you want to feel and experience love already. Even the house elves always seem to look a bit more happy than ever. Some people really dressed up for the occasion and were dressed in the colours red or pink. I wasn’t me if I wrote a bit about the outfits that stood out for me. For example Noemie Vanity looked amazing in her red short dress from lace fabric. Also Lizzie Taylor picked out an amazing dresses full of roses! She really was a queen of roses. One dress that really had my attention was the one from Hufflepuff prefect Signy Forstrom. A long dress with a split at the side and some pattern of roses on the top. Good job girl! Dominique Malone a third year had a short pink dress with a heart shaped in the back of her dress. Really creative and it looked amazing on you! Charlotte Harper was all dressed in red and with the Chanel Bag you really won me over. Everything red rocks too. At last April Ward wore a leather jacket with flowers and a pink top and black skirt. I love this look! We had some boys too of course. But some can really put a bit more effort into it. You can do it boys! Liam Waldgrave actually wore a full pink suit. And it suited him for sure! It’s something different than just black. Rory Fergusson was dressed in a suit with a tartan pattern. Really loved this! And you did Scotland proud I presume. Derek Tahana didn’t looked bad at all! He wore a nice black suit and especially the shoes made it complete. Of course my boyfriend Lucas looked amazing in a blue suit with a red tie made it complete. Proud of you! It was an evening to never forget! Love was in the air with many couples and some people brought it together. I don't want to gossip about anything. I leave that up to you. I just want to say that I enjoyed my night with my love and I hoped you all did. And will do for the upcoming years. After a few years I am saying goodbye to Hogwarts Monthly. I enjoyed writing the articles and hoped you have enjoyed reading them. |
The annual duelling tournament has returned, and once again a lot of students showed up to watch their classmates try to knock each other out. It was an exciting event for many, as especially the third years were eager for a fight. The year below them seemed a lot less bloodthirsty, as only two students in the second year signed up for the tournament. Their match was hardly exciting, which they can't really be blamed for. Second years just don't really know that many interesting spells. Dominique Malone lost in a dramatic display to Arvel Ayers. The jelly fingers curse he sent may as well have been dark magic, for the reaction it got from the girl. In the first round Leda Layton and Mervyn Strangewayes dueled as well. They are friends, reportedly, though did not seem to remember that on the stage. Their duel was chaotic and loud, and Leda finished the duel by setting her friend on fire. Another notable duel from this round was the duel between sixth years Jerara Tapsell and Tristan Collins. They also seemed to temporarily forget their friendship on the stage, as their duel got quite heated. Tristan won the duel after slicing his friend's arm open. Ouch. Here are the winners of each year: Second years: Alice Holland Third years: Willow Cullen Fourth years: Simon Vanity Fifth years: Sara Benivieni Sixth years: Odette Harper Seventh years: Rory Fergusson It was a good year for Slytherin, it seems. With that, the dueling tournament ended. Hayden Lavish did a good job organizing it, even if he didn't get very far himself. | It's that time of year again. The second semester is almost over, and everyone has up to their ears in exam revisions. But there is one group of students with more stress than the average Hogwarts student in these weeks. The seventh years who are preparing for graduation. Not only do they have to prepare for the NEWT exams for every subject they have, but they also have to think about their future after Hogwarts. Future careers have to be planned and jobs have to be applied for. It can't be easy to handle. But it's not only the seventh years who deal with the results of their graduation. Many of them leave friends and family behind at Hogwarts. As the younger sister of the graduating head girl, I know this feeling myself. For anyone else in a similar situation I have compiled a small list of tips on how to deal with the graduation of an older friend or family member.
CLUB MEETINGS By: Nell Wright |
In the day to day rhythm of lesson after lesson, sometimes it's good to do something a little different for a change of pace. That's why I think club events are one of the best things about Hogwarts! There are so many different clubs, all with different activities to offer, and if you're anything like me, you'll want to join them all, to see what different things there are to do at Hogwarts! Hogwarts Monthly had our meeting early in the semester, where we worked on our collaborative writing skills together to see how well we could do as a team! It's loads of fun to work together with other people who like to write! Heta Omega held an event close to the end of the semester, a farewell party for the girls in the club who are graduating this year, which seems to be its entire leadership. I think it was probably a bit of a sad event for older girls who are having to say goodbye to their friends when graduation comes, but there was plenty for us younger girls to do too, with snacks, balloons, and music! Even if it's for a sad reason, I don't think there's anyone who doesn't enjoy a party. (Is there?) There are only two clubs I'm not able to be a member of, as a first year girl. The SDA didn't have any kind of club meeting this semester, but they did organise the duelling tournament, which you can read all about elsewhere in this paper. The Brotherhood's event this semester sounded like fun to me, though maybe not such a break from schoolwork as the rest of the events. They met up to discuss career options together, and share help with anyone who needs it for the career they want to have. There were apparently also words of advice from former members of the Brotherhood. I don't know what someone my age could really get out of a conversation about careers, but maybe there were people helping with homework too! The Wild Patch didn't have any kind of gardening event this semester either, but they did put on a Pride event for LGBTQ+ students and staff to come and celebrate their community. It was a colourful event, with lots of things to do, like face painting, art, and information for anyone who needs it. I'm a bit young to think about those things myself, but knowing people who are LGBTQ+ has helped me understand how important events like this are to members of that community. It's a great place to figure things out about yourself, meet likeminded people, and celebrate how far LGBTQ+ people have come. All in all, joining a club is a great way to break out of the routine of one school day after another. You'll meet new people, learn new things, and have some great experiences to write home about! If you've never joined a club, I definitely recommend you check it out at next year's club fair! |
HOROSCOPES By: Noemie Vanity |
Capricorn: What a stressful time for you Capricorn! You’ve had so much going on in your life recently, just seems to be never ending! It isn’t all bad, some of the stress hasn’t been necessarily bad, but it has just been a lot and it’s certainly taking its toll on you. Capricorn, though life is going like this, just bare with it, it will settle down soon and you’ll be the better for it. The end will provide you with greater self-knowledge, confidence and with new opportunities opening up. These will be incredibly beneficial to you Capricorn, trust me. Though things seem tough now but keep at it, and it will all work out in your favour in the end. Take a breath, and keep going, you’ve got this Capricorn and if it helps going on an occasional run first thing in the day is proven to bring down stress. Aquarius: Time is getting away from you, Aquarius. It feels like you are running a race and the finish line keeps moving further and further away from you. It can feel hopeless and tiring, but Aquarius don’t give up now, the finish line is so close to you. There are ways to help yourself, go on a morning run, work in the occasional work out, this can help you feel so much better, they can make you feel fresh and invigorated. This troubling and difficult time will pass for you, it will get better and the little you can do to help yourself feel better will make all of the difference in the end. Keep at it, do not lose faith, you will be okay, and soon you’ll reach that finish line and be able to relax a little. Pisces: How amazing are you feeling right now? It’s been great for you currently, Pisces! Things have been going well, you’ve achieved highly, good grades, good friends, things have just been going right, in all of the right places. This can be difficult to maintain and know Pisces that this will dip away, but your success will not vanish entirely. Sustained success can be maintained if you work at it. If you keep putting the work into your classes, into your friends, the extra things that you do it’ll keep going. Putting the work in as you have been will help you greatly. Work at it, go for an extra run or workout, be kind to someone new. It’ll all work out in your favour Pisces, if you just keep at it. Aries: Life can sometimes feel like a never ending struggle up a hill, rolling a stone up it in front of you, much like the greek story, right Aries? Whenever it feels like you’ve just about managed it something sends you spirally down to square one. It can be very frustrating, i understand that Aries. This can feel like a pointless endeavour and perhaps some of the things you are doing are. Now is a good time to take a step back and evaluate everything that you are doing in your life, look at what clubs you are a part of, the friends you are keeping, some of these things might just need cut, something keeps dragging you down and letting go of some of it, might be hard but it help you a lot. If in doubt go for a run in the morning, help empty and clear your head, this can help you in figuring out what you need. It’ll help, you will feel better. Taurus: What a troublesome road you have been on lately, ups and downs galore. While everything appears very balanced it has been difficult to know what to expect, how to prepare or even just try and feel okay with how things are. One good thing happens and you fear it means something bad has to follow. It doesn’t Taurus, this road you are will smooth out and settle. This may not happen immediately, it may take a little while for it to happen, but it will. Take some time away from your friends, make some new ones. They can help shape your life in different ways. Take some time with old friends too. Rely on those around you a little more, try new things, get some daily exercise in, just stretch yourself a little further, do a little more, rely on your friends a little more and slowly you’ll find this road stabilising and getting a little bit easier. Gemini: These people surrounding you are not what you expected huh Gemini. You opened yourself up to new opportunities, new people, new classes and it just hasn’t worked out like you had hoped it might. It’s been thrown in your face by their attitude, but the way they treat you. Sometimes Gemini, though always good to branch out into new things, it’s vital to not forget your old friends, the old things that made you happy. Gemini balancing the old and the new is important, leaving behind the old can sometimes be a good thing, but when things don’t work out like you had thought they might, then be sure to turn back to those people. Go running with them, engage with older friends, reach out to family, let yourself be helped by those people and the things in your new endeavours will play out much better. Cancer: With such fruitful opportunities presenting themselves to you Cancer, it can be easy to lose sight of what matters. You’ve been so focused on these new opportunities that you’ve been given, you’ve been so focused on doing well in every aspect of your life that you’ve become a bit blinded to the important friends and family in your life. Don’t get me wrong cancer these opportunities are vital and you should keep doing them when they present themselves to you, but you shouldn’t forget your friends. Turn to them, take a break from everything and spend a little time with them. Rely on them, utilise them. If you’re worried about high, there’s always time for a quick jog between friends. The exercise will help you be more active and fit but will also give you that time to spend with friends. Catch up and these opportunities that you are experiencing will trickle down to them and help you achieve more highly. Leo: Theres a lot of good things happening right now for you Leo, things are good, you are doing well. People always say good things will always come to an end, it always stops, but here’s the thing for you, Leo, the stars don’t seem to indicate that these good times will come to an end any time soon. You just need to keep saying yes to things - of course doesn’t need to be to everything - but allow yourself to be open to opportunities, say yes to people and things. Help out those around you, take this occasion to start exercising, to start eating better and attempting to be the best version of yourself. Keep at it, keep going, keep being open to things, and more doors will open to you, you may make new friends, be introduced to a new love. Things will just be good Leo, rest assured. Virgo: Things had been going so well you’d begun to get a little suspicious Virgo, and unfortunately the stars indicate that you will face some trials soon. This is not likely what you wanted to hear, but what is important to remember is every storm passes. You’ll get over it, it will end and the sun will shine upon you again Virgo. However, of course when these difficult times are happening it’ll be difficult to remember that it will all be okay. Turn to your friends and family during these difficult times, there is no shame in needing to rely on those around you. Build a routine, get yourself eating better, being active and remember during this difficult time that it is still very important to take care of yourself. Virgo, you will be okay. Libra: They say bad things happen in threes, but you’ve had more bad things happen to you recently than three. It’s certainly tiring you out isn’t it Libra? The stars seem dull for to you these days, but it’ll be okay Libra. Even if you cannot see those stars, I can, and I can see good times ahead. Let your heart guide you, let it open to new people and experiences. Get yourself out there, relax a little, let yourself spend more time with friends and less time in front of books. Go for a daily run, get yourself eating better, let yourself be healthy. Say yes to new things and you’ll find everything will work out Libra. Scorpio: Keeping busy in the hopes that your problems will go away, Scorpio is a method that can only work for so long. You’ve been keeping yourself so busy that you simply don’t have the time to spend worrying about other things. This has been working for you so far, but you cannot run from your problems. Face them head on scorpio and you’ll be the better for it. If you give each item a little bit of time, work it until it’s done slowly those stresses that sit on your mind will fade. You can help this by keeping yourself healthier, eat better, exercise more, go for a morning run everyday or nearly every day. Once you face these problems some stressors will fade, life will become just that little bit easier. It’ll provide new opportunities and friends, it’ll give you a chance to relax a little. Maybe even provide you with some new love. You’ve got this Scorpio! Sagittarius: The stars seem to indicate a great love is approaching Sagittarius. They don’t seem to indicate of what kind, but this can mean anything from a new love interest, a new hobby, a new passion, a new class. Anything that could be loved. That is on your horizon. It seemed like it’s waited long enough too. You’ve put in a lot of work and patience with everything, you’re working hard every day, you are putting the time in and not getting enough back it seems, but something good is on it’s way to you. You can help this by eating better, exercise a little more, go running. Allow yourself to say yes to new people and opportunities and the universe, Sagittarius, will give back to you. |
"What is your favourite thing to do on Brightstone weekends?" By: Caro Taylor |
![]() Katia Hensel Ravenclaw First Year "Stay in the castle to get some peace and quiet." | ![]() Vader Hume Gryffindor Second Year "I like taking pictures, so I like having new things to photograph." | ![]() Kinsey Wilde Ravenclaw Third Year "I suppose it depends on my mood but the Three Broomsticks is always a laugh and the sweeties at Honeyduke's are always great too!" | ![]() Leda Layton Slytherin Fourth Year "I love to people watch. Everyone's wrapped up in their world of buying stuff. You get to see what people are really like away from the familiarity of school." |
![]() Gabriel Rosenberg Gryffindor Fifth Year "I always want to go to Honeyduke's! So much candy and sweet things I want to buy. But not too much of course. I have to stay in shape for Quidditch." | ![]() Signy Forstrom Hufflepuff Sixth Year "I like being able to walk around the village, it makes a nice change from school. You get to do something a little different. The sweet shop is also pretty neat too!" | ![]() Flavio Morales Ravenclaw Seventh Year "My favourite thing to do on a Brightstone weekend is to study, other than that I like to shop at Honeyduke's or Gambol and Japes." | ![]() Professor Aspen Faye Care of Magical Creatures Years 5-7 "Work at Eeylops Owl Emporium! Come visit and spend time with the owls!" |
Editor's Note: With this I end my first year as editor of Hogwarts Monthly. I have learned a lot over the past few months, especially how much I can rely on the fantastic people currently working for the club. I want to write a special thank you for Noemie Vanity, who has been an incredible help over the past year as my Co-Editor. I wish her a lot of luck in her future after Hogwarts, and am sure I will see her name in print again before long. Thank you for reading the paper, I look forward to returning with more Hogwarts news next year. Editor: Sophie Wilson |