Hogwarts Monthly Y28: Issue 1

Lennon Cohen-Knight

quiet in person loud on paper | anti-quidditch
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 14" Flexible Larch Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
6/2029 (24)
T H E H O G W A R T S M O N T H L Y: Y E A R 2 8 I S S U E 1

W E L C O M E H O M E , S T U D E N T S
elcome back for another fantastic year at Hogwarts New Zealand. This year has been hectic, and it's only just begun! With a new headmistress, and new professors, there's a lot of things to get used to. Already, our resident poltergeist, Vex, has kept Headmistress Alicastell on her toes with his typical antics. I eventually found my dinner splattered on the roof of the Great Hall after one of his moments, and I'm sure many Gryffindors and professors can sympathise!

With the new year comes new prefects, of course, and in Slytherin house we have Charlotte Owens (that chaser chick) and Daniel Rosemary, whilst in Hufflepuff we have Reuben Lagowski (that crying guy) and Hilton Tiwari. Tholomyes Fontaine (I dare you to say that ten times fast) and Isabelle Marie are it for Ravenclaw, and last, but certainly not least, in brave Gryffindor we have new prefects, James Cade and Rudolf Lagowski, who I'm sure will do an amazing job. Congratulations to all the prefects! The head girl and boy, Alana Finch and Felix Warrick (respectively, obviously) are sure to do a good job, too. Now, for those new professors, we have quite the line up. Professor Matt Ward will be taking History of Magic for the upper years, Professor Maurice Welch for Herbology upper years, and Professor Christelle Benoit for Transfiguration upper years. Professor Dannii Merrythought is taking Care of Magical Creatures third to fourth years, and finally, Professor Styx has been (temporarily) replaced by Professor Alaric Snyder, who doesn't look nearly as scary as the old Slytherin Head of House. Where has he gone? Who knows, but hopefully this won't mean the start of a new prank wave involving Slytherin students...

The new year has a lot to offer, so we at Hogwarts Monthly say have as much fun as possible!​
Author: William West​


his years Halloween Feast came and went in a flash, with everyone (well, mostly everyone) pulling out their best make up kits and cleverest spells to have a night to remember. Vex the Poltergeist didn't seem to cause any trouble, but his doppelgänger Damide Snow definitely had people looking twice just to be safe! One costume that had me staring was definitely Bethany Zanders as Medusa - definitely one of the coolest costumes there. Even the professors got into the holiday spirit with Professor Arvo Tuuri and Professor Monty Pendleton dressed as... er, their wives? Who knows! There was someone running around as a broccoli and carrot, and then Elmo and Oscar the Grouch! (who knows how they didn't get best couple). Professor Maurice Welch was shining as an awesome Egyptian Pharaoh - I'm pretty sure I saw a Cleopatra running around, too - Were there any Roman consuls, perhaps? There was a strikingly handsome young gentleman running around as Dorian Gray, can't imagine who that could've been. My all time favourites, however, were The Flash and Captain America! Next time, there should definitely be a group effort to gather together the Avengers. If anyone needs help knowing what and who they are, don't hesitate to contact - it's important knowledge.

Overall, I think this years Halloween was a success. There was plenty of food, and plenty of fun with dancing and hanging out with your friends - or even making some new ones. At the end of the evening, the best costumes were announced, and here they are:

Best Costume: Overall - Bethany Zanders as Medusa
Best Costume: Magically Enhanced - Minerva Khulik as a Raincloud
Best Costume: Scariest - Damide Snow as Vex
Best Group/Couple - Desislav Zhefarovich & Kayleigh Hunter as Vikings
Most Ridiculous - Elizabeth Chatwin as a Laundry Basket
Most Traditional Halloween - Darcy Pratt as a Witch

Can't say I'd argue too much with that result (except perhaps the best couple, but I've said enough about that)! I personally can't wait for next year's Halloween to see everyone's amazing costumes. Congratulations to the winners of the prizes (especially the Gryffindors)! Let's hope next year starts with the same amount of bang!​
Author: William West​


Lilyanna: Hello. I'm with the Hogwarts Monthly. Can I ask you some questions for a student spotlight?
Amber: Oh, hi! ... wow, really? That's such an honor. Of course you can!
L: What's your favourite thing about Hogwarts?
A: Definitely the people here, most of them are so friendly and I've made a lot of great friends.
L: Friends? What about the classes? After all, that's what school is about.
A: Well, I do enjoy the classes too of course. I would say they are probably my second favorite thing actually.
L: What's your favourite class?
A: I would have to say Potions, though I also enjoy Charms a lot.
L: Do you find them easy? What's the most stressful thing about trying to cast a spell?
A: I find Potions easier than Charms. And uh, I think the most stressful thing is the fear of not doing it right when I learn a new spell. I always feel silly waving my wand around without any effect if I'm learning a new spell and don't get it right the first time.
L: Silly is definitely an understatement! It makes you second guess whether you're really a wizard or not, doesn't it? Have you ever felt that way when you can't get something right?
A: ...Well, not really. I mean, I just remember all the spells I did do right before to encourage myself. Not getting something new at once isn't bad, it just means I have to work harder to accomplish it.
L: That's definitely a positive way to look at it. Are you always this positive? What do you think your biggest influence is?
A: I definitely always try to be positive. I'm honestly not sure what my biggest influence is, but I do try to keep a smile on my face to cheer up the people around me too. I feel like being positive helps create a nicer atmosphere.
L: Oh, well, that's good. Thank you for your time. Have a good time in your classes.
A: Thanks! Same to you!
Author: Lilyanna Hope​
ver the summer, the wizarding world received news that Quidditch player, Jean Snow, had passed away after a sports-related incident during a game. The boy suffered a blow to the head by a bludger, which caused him to fall from his broom. This is increasingly becoming a common fatal injury in this game, which should really deter people from playing it at all.

Perhaps those second year or younger may not realize the significance of his passing, but this hits close to home for Hogwarts students because Jean was a beloved student and the school's Head Boy two years ago.

He was also captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team in his seventh year and went on to play Quidditch professionally as an alternate Chaser for the French National Team. If he hadn't played such a dangerous sport in the first place he would still be alive.

We offer our condolences to his family and hope everyone reconsiders playing such a sport if they don't want to suffer the same inevitable results.​
Author: Lennon Cohen-Knight​
<SIZE size="150">A​
s if getting the prefects to respect Alana Finch as Head Girl wasn't hard enough, you'd think she would at least have the Slytherin Quidditch team under control considering this is not her first year as a co-captain. But it seems people are not happy with her in the leadership position as a fight broke out at the Slytherin team try outs earlier this year.

Fifth year Rome Savage stormed the field to confront the Head Girl and her choices on who made team cuts. Fellow co-captain, Charlotte Owens tried to intervene but she wasn't too nice to Rome either and only upset the girl more. Alana did nothing to diffuse the situation, only making it worse as continued to bicker with Rome. She aimed to hit Alana but surprisingly another teammate, Kimmyeon Kendall-Wu, tackled Rome just in time to stop the blow.

This just shows that Quidditch just makes everyone more aggressive and prone to unhealthy behavior. It seems the Slytherin team would not only take it out on the opponents but on each other as well. With such unstable players, the team is unfit to be 50 feet in the air on brooms because they are a danger to everyone around them and Quidditch should not be played at Hogwarts.​
Author: Lennon Cohen-Knight​

T O P T E N N O T A B L E F I R S T Y E A R S​
<SIZE size="150">N​
ew firsties come to Hogwarts every year, and every time they probably seem smaller and are easy to ignore or dismiss. I can't blame you. But there are some first years you might want to watch out for this year, be it because they might be your Quidditch Captain someday, or because they might want to murder you. Here's a list of ten firsties that stand out in one way or another.

10. Gabriel Rosenberg
This boy is only on this list because it's remarkable how uninteresting he is. He's the guy you have seen a thousand times. The meathead with one interest: Quidditch. It doesn't matter which year you are in, you have a Gabriel in your house. Rosenberg does have one unique quality: he is especially bad at coming up with his own jokes. Let's hope he develops a sense of humor in the following years.

9. Norton Gillespie
If a ray of sunshine manifested as a person, it would probably be Norton Gillespie. He's the most Hufflepuff person you will ever meet, and managed to look charming at the Halloween celebration despite only carrying around a pumpkin. I don't know who else would have gotten away with a costume like that.

8. Elizabeth Chatwin
A Ravenclaw this time: Elizabeth can be seen hanging around some other girls that also appear on this list, but one of the unique things about her is her face during flying classes. I did not know a person could get that pale without being dead. Just a warning, if she ever gets on the Quidditch team you might want to invest in an umbrella. Another thing that can't go unmentioned is her excellent taste in Halloween costumes. Her laundry basket made a splash at the Halloween Feast.

7. Leila Walden / Jessica Cade
A shared place for these two seemed appropriate, seeing as they are hardly ever seen without each other. If you see one of these girls on their own: approach with caution and help them find their other half to avoid tears. Joking aside, the two of them are very friendly and will surely break a lot of hearts when they are older.

6. Geo Volt
Geo stands out instantly because of the color of her hair. Being a Metamorphmagus, her appearance is probably something that people point out all the time. Which is why I am focusing on her personality in this article. Geo is very open, very fair and very persuasive. This girl can get through to the most stubborn people if she wants to, believe me.

5. Phoebe Holland
Alright, remember the joke I made earlier about murder? Perhaps not a joke in this case. Phoebe Holland here seems to fancy herself a real Doctor Frankenstein. Feeling like there weren't enough animal skeletons in the Ravenclaw dorms, she took it upon herself to supply one. Let's hope she keeps it at that, but if Ravenclaw girls start disappearing, you know where to start looking.

4. Andromeda Zhefarovich
Speaking of murder. If looks could kill, Andromeda would have a body count higher than this list. Do not touch this girl in any way unless you want to suffer. It seems like she was put in Hufflepuff for her hard work of keeping people at a distance. Or maybe the hat just liked the idea of putting her in the house with all the biggest huggers at school, it has to keep itself amused somehow, right?

3. Sybil Jin Howard
While we're on the subject of a different kind of Hufflepuff, we can't ignore Sybil. Sybil Jin Howard might be another product of the Sorting Hat's sense of humor, or maybe it hoped Hufflepuff would help her be less scary. Time will tell, but I would recommend not looking into her eyes for very long if you want to avoid having nightmares.

2. Lourdes Brackenstall
One can only assume that Miss Brackenstall was the victim of an unfortunate time turner accident and travelled about two hundred years to the future. That is the only explanation as to why an eleven year old would bring lace doilies with her to school. That alone is enough to earn her the second spot on this list, as I doubt most other first years even knows what a doily is.

1. Nora Seville-Maxwell
But the number one spot can only be reserved for a girl that thought it was a good idea to make a dangerous sport more deadly, right under the watchful eye of Professor Kingsley. Nora seems to think that those expensive pearls around her neck will keep her from getting into trouble, even for attempted murder of a Hufflepuff player during a game. We might want to confiscate her wand during the next Quidditch game, just to be on the safe side.

Honorable mentions:
Veronica Willows: Might be a robot?
April Ward: The girl that that cartwheeled during the sorting
Caelen Maxwell: Proof that first years probably shouldn't be on Quidditch Teams
Oswald Brigham: Seems to think he's a dragon slayer​
Author: Sophie Wilson​
A G O N Y A U N T​
Dear Agony Aunt,
I need your advice! I kissed a boy but didn't know he had a girlfriend, nor that she was standing in the same room. How do I explain it wasn't romantic, and stop feeling guilty for hurting her?

Why are you so concerned about the other girls feelings? Surely its the boys job to reassure his girlfriend it was nothing. You did nothing wrong after all.
Dear Agony Aunt,
How do I tell one of my best friends that I like her more than a friend? What if it ruins our friendship?

I can relate to this. Just tell her, if it ruins your friendship she probably wasn't much of a friend to begin with.
<FONT font="Verdana">Dear Aunt Meg,

I have a problem with my best friend. He's the only person in my House that I really connect with so far, but I think that he is also the reason I haven't made many other friends yet. He's not very social and honestly I think most people find him a bit weird, which makes me seem weird by association. I want to be more popular and well liked, but I also want to keep being friends with my best friend. What should I do?

There is nothing wrong with branching out and making new friends. You don't want to be the loser with only one friend in fifth year. On the other hand don't abandon your friend, but I don't see why you can't do both.
Dear Aunt Meg,
Okay so I'm really scared of heights, which is really embarrassing to me. My friends aren't afraid of anything so I don't want to tell them, but they keep trying to get me to do things that involve high places. I don't know how to tell them I don't want to without looking like a complete coward.
- Happy on the ground

Dear Happy on the ground,
I find this odd, flying is the greatest experience there is. But if you don't want to fly don't. If your friends are anything less than supporting then ditch them.
Dear Aunt,
I haven't made many friends yet but I wanted your advise on how to go about making a good friend.
Also, can a girl ask a guy to the Yule Ball?

Dear Hopeful,
This is two questions, which is cheating but I'll allow it. You make friends by being social, join clubs, be seen.
If that fails latch onto anyone who shows a bit of interest and never let go.

Secondly, it's 2043, grow a pair and ask him.
Dear Agony Aunt,

I complicated feelings for a friend of mine. I get jealous whenever she is around my best friend but when we're alone I can't think straight and can't help but touch her hair.
What do I do?

Why are you jealous? Does your best friend like this girl more than you? Or are you just a crazy jealous person? Get a grip and let your bff have other friends just make sure she knows who her best friend really is.
Author: Diane Winters<i></i>​
<FONT font="Verdana">H O R O S C O P E S F O R E V E R Y O N E​
Aries: When the rain comes it pours right Aries? There seems to just be no end to the waves of bad luck in your life. Whether that be in classes with those dreaded exams coming up, or in love because they didn't say yes to the ball. It'll get better, because things always change, they always change. Maybe it's time to start something new, doing a little bit of exercise every day is great for you in so many ways. Grab your running shoes and head straight out into that rain, face it head on, and you might see those first rays of sunshine. I can assure you Aries that everything will work itself out soon, but you must do a little to help it. You must remember in all this hardship to take care of yourself too.

Taurus: Bulls are a great strong creature, but you've not been feeling as strong as normal, sure the grades are doing how you expected, the friends are good, but it's been lacking something hasn't it Taurus? There is no reason to believe anything bad will happen, keep your doors open to new people and opportunities, not be afraid to grab them by the horns. There are always new possibilities on the horizon for you, they will help you feel strong, but another way to feel strong is to spend a little bit of time each day, doing a little bit of exercise, lifting a few weights to build up that strength. Soon enough you'll feel as strong once more.

Gemini: Working twice as hard for half the rewards aren't you Gemini? There seems to be no end to all the work you've had to do. It seems like all of the classes you've been doing haven't been working out in the way that you meant them to. Now is the time to try to do something new, change classes, take up a new club, try a new hobby. Quidditch can be the perfect stress release and allow you to get involved in something different. If you allow yourself new opportunities like quidditch, or like spending a little time on sports, on exercise. Spend time on your classes, but remember that if you exhaust yourself it won't get any easier, take up something you, stress less on those grades. Things will happen for you then Gemini.

Cancer: There is so much success for you right now, you've been doing well in classes, your friends have been there for you as has your family, things are just so good for you right now! This is because of your current open mind, you've allowed yourself new opportunities. Keep this up Cancer, and it will continue to give you fruitful results. Join new clubs, try new things, the more you open yourself up the more success that you will have. You will make new friends, you will find new love, those old friendships will see themselves grow even stronger. Do a little more exercise, spend a little more time outside each day, get involved in sport like quidditch, let yourself be open to opportunities and the universe will reward you Cancer.

Leo: Be as bold as you can be, when you are bold Leo you succeed. When you are not bold you crumble and fall. When you are bold you manage to make new friendships, you manage to gain opportunities, you manage to do well. When you are weak you do not. Being bold doesn't mean just going straight up to someone. You could just be doing your homework well, or talking to someone new. Having yourself a new opportunity. There is so much that you can achieve Leo when you are bold. Be bold in reaching for it. Be bold and fierce, start doing some sports, start exercising, eat well and learn to be bold in all elements of your life. Leo you'll be grateful when you follow the lion that you are, and get yourself in shape.

Virgo: The friends you have haven't really been there for you recently, with all the stress that you have had, they just haven't been there for you. It feels frustrating, but this is just an indication that these people aren't supposed to be your friends. However Virgo finding new friends can be a challenge. You have to just put yourself out there. Spend a little more time on yourself, do a little more homework over the next few weeks, open yourself up to doing something new, join a new club, spend a little more time in the library. Go out to the pitch and try doing a few laps of the field every morning, either by flying or by running. Take care of yourself, eat well, exercise and you will find new confidence, new friends and firmer relationships.

Libra: To find the balance you need in your Libra, you need to let a few things go. You have too much going on, usually this isn't a bad thing, but you are stretching yourself too thin and that's not a good thing. You need to do a little less every day, you need to focus your energy on less things. Spend a little more time with your friends, with any family you have around. Working too hard on everything will mean you make little progress, and you will only grow more frustrated by your lack of progress. Get together with your friends, play some quidditch together, have a work out together, just go outside and get some exercise together. In allowing yourself a little time for peace you'll know which classes to drop, what clubs aren't necessary for you so that you can find the right balance in your life.

Scorpio: Your life has been plentiful recently hasn't it Scorpio? Success with friends and family alike have put you in a great mood. This good fortune is great, though in that you should not forget about your studies. Having a close knit group of friends and family is amazing but don't forget about those pesky studies. However the confidence you feel with these strong bonds can be spread, explore new ventures, say yes to a few opportunities, spread this success around. You will create new friends, with bonds as strong as the ones you have, if you just allow yourself that. Spread yourself out, take a few breakfasts off from your friends and instead go for a run, run up and down some steps, exercise a little and that will provide you with new opportunities, allow you to meet new people and cement those bonds with your friends or family while also allowing you to be healthy.

Sagittarius: With so much happening for you right now, there is little time for those that matter. You've found Sagittarius that you have so much to do and yet so little time for you to do what you love most. This is difficult for you isn't it? You like all that you are doing, but it's not really what is important. Allow yourself to keep at it, friends will stick by your side and be ready for you when you have time once more, or if they walk away they were never true friends. These opportunities you have will give you more opportunities and they will create better strong friendships with people who are just like you. If you are feeling a little down about things wake up a little earlier in the morning, go outside have a nice long run, a run in the morning will leave feeling fresher for the day, it will be better for you and it will help you make more time for those around you.

Capricorn: What an excellent semester you are having Capricorn! It's great for you, you've made new friends, spent time with some excellent people but unfortunately this appears to be coming to an end. You have been putting off a number of things for a while, and those need done. The bad weather will really set itself in but don't you worry there is always sunshine on the other side. You need to spend more time dealing with those issues, you can rely upon your friends, they will be there for you, spend a little more time on yourself, a little less time in the library and what will be best for you as these dark times. Join some new clubs, meet new people they will prove vital over these next few months. Keep yourself open to new experiences, going out for the occasional run, work out a little more. They will keep you healthy and well as you face these difficult times.

Aquarius: It has been easy for you Aquarius, you've been struggling day-to-day, just everything seems dead set against you, but don't you worry Aquarius, help is on the way. You need to keep your mind and self open. The difficulties that have been plaguing you will eventually leave, it might seem like it won't actually work, but it will. To help this you should try to do a few new things, this routine that you're in to try to help your self is not a routine that it actually works, it is only further pushing you into the rut. Open yourself up to new people, to new opportunities. Eat a healthy breakfast, go for a run, exercise a little more each day, self love is the best kind of love that will help you in the end. It will let you be more awake, meet new people and be able to view the world in a brand new light.

Pisces: There is little to be said here Pisces, you've been doing alright, not great but not bad. It's fine though don't you worry, this will eventually change. There are so many doors that will open to you soon, you will experience so many great things in the near future, you just have to say yes to them. Don't say yes to everything, but saying yes to a couple of new opportunities will help make your life a little better, it will allow you to try new things and meet new people, form new bonds with people, make better friends with those already around you. Do a little more for yourself too, you have to take better care of yourself pisces, exercise, eat better, then you will experience success.
<SIZE size="50">Author: Noemie Vanity​
S T U D E N T P O L L​

Photographer: Caro Taylor


<B>Matt Rosemary
Gryffindor First Year

"Oh, Professor Alicastell? I know from my cousins' view, they loved Professor King but in all honesty, I have absolutely no idea. I mean no offense but I don't necessarily view Professor Alicastell in high regard, at least not yet or until she does something impressive."
<COLOR color="#000"><B>Charlie Abberline
Ravenclaw Second Year

"Wait, what? A new Headmistress? Ohh, that's why she looks different!"
Aaron Walden
Gryffindor Third Year

"I don't really know that much about her to be honest, she keep herself to herself mostly doesn't she? Maybe this one will keep Vex under control."
Elysia Styx
<COLOR color="mediumblue">Ravenclaw Fourth Year

"I don't think much of her, since the school goes through Headmasters/Headmistresses like Christmas candy. I give her a few years before another will take her place."
Kasper Snowhill
<COLOR color="darkgoldenrod">Hufflepuff Fifth Year

"I don't know what to think of her yet. I guess we'll have to wait and see whether she's just as good as professor King was."
Stella Lagowski
Hufflepuff Sixth Year

"Ava's shoes are a hard pair to fill, but she seems like she's up for the challenge. I like her, and I hope other people do too. It's not as easy as it looks at the top."
<COLOR color="#000">Saveli Matveev
Slytherin Seventh Year

"Oh... She's nice... Don't publish this but I'm not really fond of her, I was an Ava fan."
Professor Matt Ward
History of Magic Years 5-7

"Well she hired me and she pays me so she's in my good books."

<COLOR color="#000">
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Editor's note: As you can see, this issue is jam packed with lots of content for you all! This year's staff consists of a lot of newbies and I couldn't be prouder to be working with them because they made my first time as editor go so much more smoothly. They are all eager to work and so patient with me so please enjoy this issue and look forward to more from us!
<SIZE size="50">Editor: Lennon Cohen-Knight​

As always, please feel free to react! I know the issue is a little late but please bare with me and my hectic schedule! The staff really did work hard on this so I hope you guys like it! ^_^ Obviously Lennon has a certain agenda :r but he'll work on trying to be unbiased in the future :p

A school newspaper was quite the idea, and Lourdes was intrigued to pick up her copy. What better way could there be to get a feel for the social landscape of such a large school? Most of it was boring, some Hufflepuff girl preaching about positivity, pointless Quidditch gossip, and Lourdes was about to give up on the paper entirely when her own name jumped out at her unexpectedly. She could feel her eyes boggling in horror. How was it that other girls could decorate their spaces freely with tasteless posters of whoever and whatever, but she dared to decorate her own space in a tasteful manner and got made fun of in such a public way? Seething, Lourdes read down to find out who had written this nonsense. Sophie Wilson? That wasn't even one of the girls in her own dorm, how on earth did she know how Lourdes decorated? One of her roommates had been gossiping! Furious, Lourdes threw down the hateful paper and stormed away, already composing the letter of complaint she was going to issue to this Wilson girl.
Sophie had been waiting for this. It was still hard to believe for her that she had really written something for the school news paper that everyone was going to see. She was proud of her list, especially because she felt like it had been accurate and something people would talk about. She especially hoped she could see Gabriel's reaction to his name on the list. She smirked as she watched people pick up copies and read them, a few discussing it with each other. She spotted the girl Caro had pointed out to her, number two on her list. Sophie could hardly stop herself from laughing at the girl's reaction. The girl threw down the paper and stormed off. Sophie didn't mind, she hadn't written this piece to make new friends. She did hope none of her actual friends would take offense to what she had written.

The rest of the paper was pretty good, though she didn't think Amber deserved the spotlight she got. It honestly annoyed her that even with this thing she was a part of and Amber wasn't, she had her face all over it. The interview was boring anyway, which was typical of her sister. She was nice, sure, but she wasn't very interesting. Maybe more people would see that now.
Minerva picked up a copy of the school newspaper and made her way to the Hufflepuff table to read it. She opened it up and spread it out while she simultaneously reached for an apple to eat. By the time she was finished reading it, there was only the apple core left. She sat pondering over all she had read, the writing itself had been very good, she mentally commended the editor and the writing team but she had seriously cringed when she had seen the list of first years, only feeling relief when she had gotten to the end of the list and not seen her name among them. Her name had only appeared once in the paper and even that felt like an embarrassment but her parents would be proud, especially her mother who had made the costume. She bring the paper home with her at the holidays to show her and tell them about the points she had won for her house.

She went back to the list of notable first years, she had seen Norton's name there and wanted to read what was said about him and found herself smiling. He had looked very charming with his pumpkin and the person who had wrote the article was right, or in Minerva's opinion they were ... she couldn't think of anyone else who could have pulled such a costume off. Glad that nothing disparaging was said about him, Minerva went on to read the agony aunt column, frowning at some of the replies given and finding herself wondering how the agony aunt knew that one was a fifth year when it wasn't mentioned. Did this poltergeist Vex maybe work as the newspapers eyes and ears about the place?

Minerva read through the piece about the new headmistress before flicking back to her horoscope, the entire thing sounded like her mother repeatedly telling her to find some friends, to get out there, out of her comfort zone and do something to find friends. She closed the paper and began folding it perfectly before letting her arms rest on it, part of her was feeling glad she didn't go out making friends willy nilly as some of the first years that were written about sounded lethal - the other part of her however wished she was a Gryffindor and could brave anything just to be able to make friends the way others did. Taking the paper with her, she left the Great Hall but instead of doing what her horoscope or mother had said, she went directly back to her dorm.
OOC said:
love the paper - fantastic job!
Elly really liked reading the paper and searched for a quiet spot to read it. While reading she spotted her name and laughed. Well, at least someone was impressed by her motion sickness. Her costume was praised, well it was brilliant to say the least. Elly giggled and couldn't be sour over a newspaper. She stuffed it away in her bag and walked away.
For the first time in his whole LIFE, Alex decided to pick up the newspaper. Sliding over onto the Gryffindor table, lying across the bench (to the dismay of a couple of students who wanted to sit there) to read it. A random girl pushed his leg to move, but he just shrugged. He didn't expect much from newspaper. Newspaper is boring, right?
Alex found himself reading it, surprised out of his mind. This exists? This much info about everything.. Interviews, polls, a STUDENT SPOTLIGHT? He just had to get a place there at least once in his life. It popped up on his bucket list. He ended up rereading it, and even checked out the horoscope for the first time in his life.
All in all, he's getting all the newspaper in the future. He's surprised he didn't know about this before, and really thought the editors did an amazing job.

OOCOut of Character:
And those are my OOC thoughts as well :p

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