History repeating itself.

Maria Granger

Well-Known Member
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
Maria was collecting some plant samples for potions class. The assignment was to differentiate between different species. She was near the edge of the water and was just about to pick up a slimy looking herb
Hamza wanted to take a stroll near the Lakefront, just wanting to be by himself for once instead of being around people all the time. He wanted to feel relaxed and comfortable. Hamza having his hands in his pant's pocket's and walking slowly, he was thinking about his break up with Maria and how she was now with Max all of sudden, which didn't bother him, but to his surprise, Maria moved from guy to guy pretty quickly, although Hamza still remembered the good times he had with Maria and chuckled a little bit at some of the memories. He was walking and came to the lakefront. He put him hand in the water to put on his head and saw Maria on his left at a small distance picking up some plant samples. He assumed they were probably for her Potions class. Hamza started to walk towards Maria and reaching in front of her with a few feet away. "It's been a while since we saw each other. How's it going?" said Hamza with a smile.
Maria picked up her sample, and put it in a jar. She stood up and saw Hamza standing there in front of her. "Hi, what are you doing here?" She said a bit surprised. "Im doing good, how about you." Maria asked
Hamza saw Maria standing up and then asking him what he was doing out here, which to Hamza's was a surprising question since The Lakefront was one of Hamza's favorite spot to come from. "Umm, Lakefront is my favorite spot... I thought you knew that." said Hamza looking towards the lake. "I've been doing fine, just you know, here and there, trying to get things done and such, but thanks for asking. I see your picking plants, I suppose that's for your Potions class?" said Hamza with a smile.
"Oh, I forgot, you did mention that to me." Maria said apologetically. Hamza was asking her about her samples." This is for potions, but I find it very disgusting." Maria said making a face. She walked back to where her bag rested and placed the jar beside it. "So how's everything going?" She asked.
Hamza guessed correct about Maria gathering the plants for potions. He then followed Maria back to where her bag was and sat down 2 feet away from Maria, so he could keep his distance. "Well, I've good, just busy with studies and such." said Hamza. "I heard you and Max are going out now." said Hamza looked towards the lake.
Maria sensed that Hamza kept his distance which she didnt mind since it would have been awkward if he came close. She raised an eyebrow when he mentioned Max. "You heard that already?" She asked him
Hamza was chuckling on the inside that Maria thought he wouldn't know yet. Maria didn't know that Hamza was there that day when she was with Max and both were talking to each other, and then eventually kissing. "Not only did I hear, I was there." said Hamza. "I was there the night you and Max talked, then kissed and then Max gave you a guitar that he made out of materials from his bag." said Hamza.
Maria was surprised that Hamza was present that night. "Thats a little awkward." Maria commented, unaware that she said it out loud.
"Yea, it was awkward, which is why I left right after some of the stuff I saw you two doing." said Hamza. "So, how are things going between you and Max? I suppose it's not any of my business, but it's a general question." said Hamza with a smile. Hamza went forward, took off his shoes and put his feet in the water. "Man, this water feels good." said Hamza.
"Um, we re doing fine, but I want you to know that there was nothing going on between us while we were dating." Maria said. When she saw Hamza put his feet in the water, it was like a flashback. Maria didnt say anything when he commented on the water.
Hamza could care less of what happened between him and Maria while they were dating, that was old news to him. Hamza just looked back at Maria and listened, then turned forward. "Telling me now doesn't help now does it? It's pointless. We aren't dating anymore and whatever happened between us is old news." said Hamza in a bitter voice. "Whatever you and Max do, I really don't care, that's your business." said Hamza.
"Why are you getting upset with me?" Maria asked. If her memory served correctly, he was the one who ended the relationship with her. She wasnt sure why he was bitter towards her.
Hamza was surprised at how Maria was responding to him about why he was upset with her. "I'm not upset, I'm just speaking the truth, that's all. Truth hurts sometimes, we all get over it." said Hamza with a serious tone. Hamza continued to enjoy the water more and then washed his face with some water. "Jeeez, that was is a little too cold for the face. Now I feel refreshed." said Hamza while kicking it back and relaxing. Hamza was glad to be single again, he can have all the freedom he wanted. "So, I hear that you two have been having quite the fun." said Hamza. Hamza was starting to feel like a different person, a person who was proud of himself, a person with a lot of pride, a person who was better than everyone around him.
Maria was surprised by his attitude. "It depends what you mean by fun." Maria replied crossing her arms.
"By fun I mean you two are quite the couple so far, having good laughs together and what not." said Hamza. Hamza wasn't surprised between the stuff that was going on with Max and Maria. "You two deserve each other." said Hamza. He then laid back, still keeping his feet in the water and his hands under his head. "Ahhh, that hit the spot." said Hamza while relaxing.
Maria wasn't sure how much Hamza knew and by his tone of voice she wasn't very pleased. ' I can't tell if you really mean the stuff your saying.' Maria replied in a quiet voice. She didn't want to argue with him but it seemed to be heading that direction.
Hamza started to laugh inside that Maria hadn't figured him out yet. "Maria, chill out. I'm only joking with you." said Hamza with a laugh. "I just wanted to see your reaction if my attitude were to change. Sorry, I just wanted to test you." said Hamza with a smile. "So, how are classes going for you?" said Hamza. Hamza was in a relaxed mood that he had already caught up on all of his assignments and everything else.
"Why are you testing me?" Maria asked. She wasnt as amused as him. Hamza said he wanted to see her reaction if his attitude changed, but why does it matter anymore. Maria thought
"No reason really, just felt like it, that's all." said Hamza while splashing his feet in the water. Hamza didn't really feel anything between him and Maria and he was sure that Maria felt nothing either, but he felt like he should have tested her anyways. "So, how's everything else going for you? Your classes?" said Hamza.
Maria felt no doubt for letting Hamza go, and for some odd reason she started to become bitter. His questions bothered her and the fact that he was present when her and Max got together was a little weird. ' Classes are fine.' Maria replied coldly.
"Good to see your doing good in your classes." said Hamza. "Have you sent an owl to your parent's to let them know how your doing." said Hamza with a smile. Hamza had been wanting to send an owl to his parent's, but had been busy so far.
' No I haven't had time, but I should they would want to know about Max.' Maria said wanting to see his reaction. His back was facin her so it was hard
Hamza knew that Maria was trying to get him to be jealous or something. "That's cool, let them now asap." said Hamza with a smile. "I'll be owling my parent's soon hopefully. My dad might visit me at Hogwarts, since he works at the Ministry of Magic." said Hamza. Hamza was getting tired of sitting down, so he got up and started to stretch. Hamza then did two quick backflips and said, "That hit the spot." said Hamza while grabbing his back.
Hamza was clever he caught on to what Maria was getting at. His reaction proved to Maria that he didn't care for her anymore or ever did. ' I ll do it today.' Maria replied. Hamza mentioned that his father was coming for a visit. ' Are you excited to see your father?' Maria asked

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