Closed Hiding in the Treehouse

Daiki Saito

calm | alt. chaser
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
Knotted 10 Inch Sturdy Pear Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
June 2051 (12)
Daiki wasn't sure how he was supposed to feel. His heart seemed to physically ache. He was tired, the funeral had been, well awful and he just wanted to hide from the world and never re-enter it. He could tell his mother was frazzled and she was crying a lot. But Daiki didn't know how to help. He wanted to help. In the end though, he just ventured to the treehouse in the garden and sat inside. It was familiar and quiet, it was just a place he could be right now and feel calm. Feel his loss.
Kairi had heard about what had happened with Daiki. She couldn't help but sympathize. She knew what he was going through. Not that he knew she knew that. She had kept that secret. She went to his house, going up to his treehouse in the garden. She didn't say anything at first, instead just crawling up next to him and sitting down. She rested her head on his shoulder, offering her hand out for his and just keeping him quiet company.
Daiki couldn't really imagine his life without Kairi at this point, he was always seeking her out and she was the first person he'd told about what happened. She was sympathetic and he appreciated her kindness in saying nothing and just providing him with comfort. He was trying to be strong, trying to not be upset. Daiki leaned his head upon hers and took her hand eagerly, squeezing it lightly to say thank you to her for just being there.
Kairi wasn't sure how long they sat there, but she didn't move, letting him stay close. Eventually, though, she spoke. "I know how you feel," She spoke softly, squeezing his hand. "I... the reason we never go to my house... is because I don't have one." She admitted, shutting her eyes. "I lost my parents a few years ago... I've been in a foster home since." She told him. "I was littler... but I still remember them, and sometimes... sometimes I still think maybe it's all just been a dream and I'll wake up at home again, with Mama burning pancakes in the kitchen and Daddy coming in with takeout."
Daiki didn't move, glad for her sitting with him. He listened to what she said, and had always figued that there was some issue in her family, though he would've never imagined what it would be. This wasn't it. "I'm sorry about your family," in another life, perhaps where his father hadn't died, he would've tried to get his parents to adopt Kairi but he didn't think it was right to bring Kairi into his home with so much going on. "Thanks for telling me,"
Kairi wasn't sure telling him had been the right thing, but it was done. She snuggled into him. "Thank you," She offered gently. "I just... I want you to know I'm here for you,' She promised gently. "That's what best friends are for, right?" She asked.
Daiki was happy to lean into his best friend. he felt closer to her now than before, someone he could talk to about how things had gone. How worried he'd been about having this thing happen to him and then nothing he could do about it or talk to about it. No one who would understand, but Kairi, Kairi would understand. "Yeah. You're my best friend in the whole world,"
Kairi smiled softly, reaching up to brush at his hair. "It's warm enough out... if you want, we could ask your mom if we could spend the night out here?" She offered, not pulling back at all. "I don't mind staying with you, if you want company... but if you want space, that's okay too," She reassured him gently.
Daiki nodded, she hadn't even finished speaking but he nodded. "Yeah, that would be good, my mum will be happy for that," Daiki was sure she'd say yes, because it meant he was doing okay and he knew he needed to be doing okay, even if he wasn't. "Please, stay," he assured her. "I could convince my mum to let us make s'mores?"
Kairi studied him a moment, considering, before leaning back against his shoulder. "You know I'll stay," She offered gently, rubbing her hand against his. "S'mores sound really yummy," She peeked up at him. "You know, Daiki... It's okay not to be okay," She promised him, though she wasn't sure he'd listen to her.
Daiki was glad she would, appreciating the support his friend, his best friend in the world could provide him. He nodded softly. "I know," he said. "I just don't know how to feel, it's just like, I keep wanting him to come in the door, or I hear the apparition noise and think it's him. I just...don't know how to feel, how to support my mum and how to...grieve," the last word sounded foreign on his tongue.
Kairi shifted, folding her legs under her and holding out her hands for him. "Well," She offered gently. "Just try to focus on today. On right now." She gave him a gentle smile. "I've found that it's a lot easier to focus on just, the moments. I don't have to think about what's going on tomorrow, on what I don't have, if I'm just- looking at what's here." She didn't know if it would help him the way it helped her, but that was alright. "How are you feeling right now?" She asked him. "Honestly- whatever it is, it's okay. Just- let yourself feel."
Daiki had always known Kairi was smart, but it felt so insightful what she said. He went to lean his head a little against her shoulder as she spoke, nodding along, and thinking about it, thinking about this very moment and how he actually felt in this very moment. "I feel sad but comforted, so it doesn't hurt as much," he said, he knew this would be a journey, but one he was sure would go okay since he had a best friend like her
Kairi smiled, moving her hand into his hair. "Well, I'm going to stay right here, okay?" She offered. "We can make lots of moments together, you don't have to be alone." She promised him, before pulling away and offering out her fist, pinky out. "Let's promise. Right now, it's going to be you and me, always. Okay?"
Daiki was glad for her company, was glad for how much she seemed willing to stick by him. He nodded, taking her pinky in his pinky. "I promise, you and me, always," he parroted back to her. He meant it, meant what he said.
Kairi smiled, and on impulse she leant in and kissed his cheek. She snuggled in his neck a moment before pulling back and standing up. She offered out her hand to him, an easy smile on her face. "Come on, Dai. Let's go see about some chocolate," She encouraged.

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