hiding from time

Professor Elvera Le Fey

Seer, Mother of twins, Divination 3-4
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
53 (11/2009)
It was the weekend and elvera had just got a message from Lilith asking if she would babysit Padme for her as she has something urgent to see to at work and it had long since been decided that letting a one year old free in gambol and japes whilst trying to get any work done was a bad plan. instead she had said she would pick the little girl up in half an hour if praneil could last that long. she then raced around getting changed into something more suited to looking after a toddler (i.e something not cream) and made her way over to the shop Praneil owned to pick her up. she was wearing a brightly coloured tutu like skirt and a black singlet. the reason for this choice was because the girl was getting really into fairy tails and once whilst watching a muggle movie called cinderella she had asked who her godmother was. ever since then elvera had been referred to not as aunty but as fairy godmother. she didn't mind it it as really quite sweet. as soon as she opened the door of the shop she saw the little girl toddling over to her in a fairy dress before she fell and continued crawling. "airy" she smiled and picked up the girl giving her a big hug that left her laughing. "want to go out" she asked the girl who smiled enthusiastically. she looked a lot like Lilith though a darker colouring of course. "what time would you like her back" she asked praneil. "whenever you have had enough." he answered his indian accent clipping off a few of the words short. "sure. I think if the weather is nice we will go to the park then maybe go to grandmas for cake" she said.
it wasn't long before they were in the park. padme had quickly got gored of he swings (why would she enjoy them when she had her toy broomstick at home) instead she had found herself settled in the sand pit. just digging around and heaping sand onto piles. Elvera too was having a go. she had managed to conjure a slightly dodgy bucket and was fling it with sand with the aid of padme to make sandcastles which were knocked over with the help of a small fist. both of them were enjoying themselves. elvera for the first time since she had heard about Morgause was not worried or even having that playing in the back of her mind. "lets make a big castle" she said filling the bucket again.
OOCOut of Character:
pick which RP you would like to have and i will remove the other.
Tention was a permanent resident at the Sanctuary, the Stratis' concealed property located at the Rangipo Desert in the heart of the North Island of New Zealand. Icarus had arrived there four years ago while he was in pursue of his life long dream of becoming a professional Quidditch player. He began with small but steady steps, working as a flying professor at first and eventually becoming the keeper of the local Quidditch team. He had thought he had escaped from his parents' constant patronizing until his uncle's unexpected abduction occured. The Sanctuary suddenlty turned into a headquarterfor for the multi-member family. Relatives from Greece were visiting the Sanctuary daily when those hard times needed the family more bonded than ever. Icarus' parents were not the exception. The multi-member family was alerted while the threat was remaining unknown. Because of this, every sunday a family council was taking place with the adults joining to discuss about different topics and this sunday was no different. Icarus was feeling quite uneasy during these wide family reunions as his father was coming from Greece to attend as well. This father and son relationship hadn't healed yet. Even the simplest conversations were concluding to Icarus' future, leading inevitably to disagreements. Icarus had made his choices but his father was insisting. He wanted to see his firstborn son taking over the reins of his dragon breeding business in Greece but Icarus was rejecting this each single time. The gap between father and son seemed to only be getting wider and wider. Yet no one seemed eager to through a bridge over it.

This time around, Icarus only stayed to listen about the new safety measures and protocols. He had promised to his younger cousins to take them to a playground. For him it was the best available excuse to stay away from the council and avoid another doomed discussion with his father. So he left the meeting room, took three of his underage cousins with him and apparated away from the residence.

Takarokaro Park had the nearest playground or more precisely the only playground he could remember of, so this was their destination. He entered the park accompanied by three of the youngest members of the family. Usually, Icarus wasn't the type of person to take over the responsibility of so many children but he was so desperate to get away. He took them straight to the playground. The place was buzzing with children's voices and laughter. "Okay here we are." he said to the three children who looked ready to abandon him and rush towards the swings. "You're free to go. Just don't fend off, okay?" he asked and received a nod from the youngest boys who left to share the closest seesaw. "Demy, please keep an eye on them." he said to the seven years old brunette who was still by his side. She was the oldest out of them and far more responsible. Maybe even more responsible than him. The girl promised to look after her younger cousins and left to join them. "Finally." he sighed and conjured with a snap of his fingers a Quidditch-oriented newspaper. He marched for the closest bench where he could sit down and read. On his way though, he noticed one of his former colleagues and friend by the sand pit among children. "Elvera?" he sounded surprised.

OOCOut of Character:
2nd. You know what? You're really going to spoil me by offering alternative posts :p
Elvera was actually enjoying looking after padme, not that she surprised. she actually liked children one of the reasons she liked teaching so much and often her students felt like her children (even the ones who she knew disliked her but particularly the ones who were keen for the subject. she kept building padme was happy enough to hit the sand into the bucket and not the castle so it was growing quite well. she couldn't remember the last time she had built a sand castle, she guessed she had at least once but couldn't place when. she had never been the kind of girl to enjoy that kind of thing and growing up she hadn't lived near a beach or a playground. she heard some other children arrive and glancing around they all looked older than padme attacking first the swing then the see saw. then a boy who looked around four came running across the sand pit in some kind of emergency that was only relevant to the four year old. as he went he trampled on the castle. she half expected to hear the angry cry of a one year old but was pleasantly surprised to see padme crawl over to the castle and knock down the rest of it. before siting right on the top of the lump of sand.
It was then she heard her name in a familiar voice. she looked around thinking to begin with she had imagined it before she saw Icarus partially hidden behind a news paper. deciding now was as good a time as any to leave the sandpit she picked up padme who was getting heavy. waved her wand to get rid of the bucket and whilst subtly trying to brush the sand off herself made her way over a little nervous. the last time she had seen icarus she had not been herself, said things she could only half remember saying and now only half regretted. "Icarus. I didn't expect to see you here. How have you been? well i hope" she said. honestly it was as good a topic opening as any other she could think of. "this is padme, my niece" she said introducing the girl and not wanting him to get any wrong impression as to who the baby was Airy odmo came padme as if realising that introductions were being made. she wanted to ask him what he had been up to, but she had heard a fair amount of stuff through the grapevine about him and although she hoped t weren't true she knew that it was most likely that they were. she just hoped that he was happy. that was all she could do and she knew he deserved it at the least.
Icarus remembered the last time he had seen these dichromatic eyes. He was still teaching flying at Hogwarts and he was in his office when he was visited by his colleague and friend. Although he was eager to listen to her problem, he didn't manage to make much sense. She almost looked like not herself and Icarus figured out it had something to do with her being a seer. He wasn't good with divination staff so he didn't ask more about things he could comprehend. He was content to see her alright now.
"I have been fine." he replied while recovering from his surprise. "And you?" he asked back and his eyes paused on the sand pit behind her.
"I had no idea you were enjoying building sand castles." he attempted to break the ice and flashed a smile. Whilst Elvera was introducing him to the toddler with her, turning to be her niece, Icarus had a flashback to his last love affair. He was terrified to find out at first that his ex-fiancée was a mother already. It was a shock at first but eventually he managed to get over his baby phobia thing. He ruffled the little girls hair as she attempted to introduce herself.

"I have a somewhat juvenile company with me as well." Icarus admitted. He wasn't expecting to ever hear himself saying that. "The two boys currently abusing the see saw are Agenor and Lynceos." he said looking at them from the distance. He didn't bother to call them over right now. He just let them play or do whatever they were doing. "The girl that is trying to prevent them from decimating the whole playground is Demitra. They're all cousins of me." he explained while he watched Demi desperately shouting in greek in an attempt to make them sit properly on the see saw. "So, what have you been up to? How's Hogwarts?" he asked her. It was over a year since he resigned the post of the flying professor. Although he wasn't made for teaching, he was missing the magnificence of the castle.
hearing that her friend was fine she nodded. that is if she could call him a friend still and she hadnt medded up the friendship they had whilst she had been 'sick'. then thinking about it fine could mean a lot of things. "that's good. to hear" she said smiling slightly. "I'm good thank you." she said she was a thousand times better than she was and most of this was due to padme sitting on her lap oblivious to the roll she had already played in her life.
Elvera felt her heart skip a beat when Icarus smiled at her and that crush on him she had denied ad eventually managed to suppress since he had left the school was back forcing a smile on her face even though she tried not to let it show. "sand castles are more fun than you would think." she said chuckling at icaruses expression trying to understand the nfant. "I think she is saying Fairy godmother, her name for me at the moment" she said explaining. interestingly she wasn't the only one supervising younger relatives at the park. Icarus introduced her to his three cousins. playing on the seesaw and causing a little chaos on the playground. "they seem to be having fun and Demitra seems in her element. maybe she will be a teacher some day she said thinking she really did seem in her element with the other two and getting them to play on the see sw properly.
the divination professor was glad that icarus didn't hate her for what she had told him and that conversation was flowing freely. "that sounds about right. the same old. everything at hogwarts is going fine. she said not sure if she should mention minoas's antics to him. she decided not to for now she continued. "what are you up to now? how is kid and everything going? how about your family?" she asked. the second question was more out of duty than anything. she didn't really care how kida was as she wasn't keen on her at all but she felt it right to ask. the last thing she had heard (via eden) they had gotten engaged. it was then that Padme started to get bored she squirmed out of her arms and went towards the sand astle airy" she said trying to put the sand into the bucket with her small pudgy hands. "it looks like there is still some building to be done. join in if you want you can should still be able to see your cousins from there" she said walking after her niece. sitting down and starting to pit sand into the bucket which padme enthusiastically started hitting it down.
Icarus noticed how natural was Elvera with children. He had noticed that back at Hogwarts when she was doing anything possible to make her students feel comfortable around her class. He didn't make a comment about it though. He still rembered their talk about a family curse preventing her from having children. He wasn't believing in curses, although there was supposedly existing one in his family as well, but there was no reason to argue with someone who was believing in them. He casted a look back at his cousins, now trying to climb up the slide's tube. "Maybe." he said with a smile as he watched Demy chasing after the little ones, telling them they might get hurt. "Women in our family are like that. We think we are the heads but a head needs a strong neck to stand." he used a quote of his grandfather to show how helpless the men of the family would be without the women's prudence.

Icarus have been missing Hogwarts from time to time. It was true he had accepted the job just to find another step in order to climb up the ladder that would bring him closer to pro-player but he couldn't deny he had fun with the first years. He decided to cooperate with Elvera's goddaughter and help them build a castle so he joined them to the sand pit. "We are doing alright. We actually got engaged." he revealed, avoiding to make eye contact with Elvera while saying this. Instead, he flicked his wand and the plastic shovel started digging, filling the bucket with soft sand. "I know, it doesn't sound like me but it happened." he shrugged and the enchanted bucket tipped over, leaving a block of sand. "My parents, especially my father are not really happy about it. They don't like the idea of me marrying a woman with a child one day." he said wryly about his parents' tendency to stuck their nose in anything he was choosing to do.

With another flick of his wand, another sand block was erected next to the previous one, having now to sandy towers. "Overall, we are on edge." he said when she asked about his family. He knew she was aware about his uncle's events but things were getting worse each day. "Someone or I should say some people, are targeting the Sanctuary. Do you remember the sphinx we had at the entrance?" he asked her and waited for a moment to see recognition on her face. Elvera had actually answered correctly that sphinx's riddle in the past. "We found her murdered the other day. It wasn't a nice thing to see. Possibly, someone answered the riddle incorrectly and tried to gain access. She in return attacked and she got murdered." he made an assumption about what could have happened to the creature. "We have started patrolling the perimeter of the property in shifts and we got attacked once. We couldn't see who were they or how many they were but my brother got hurt." he said and instinctively looked over at the playground. The children were still playing carefree surrounded by too many parents and their own children. It was unlikely they were in danger there but still, while referring to these latest events, he couldn't help but feel responsible in case something was going to turn wrong. "He's recovering now." he added about his brother relieved. "What about your family? How's your mother? Are you still operating the shop?" he asked about her own family in an attempt to cast away the unpleasant thoughts about his.
Elvera absentimndedly shovled sand as she listened to icaruses fine voice. she smiled as he said that most of the women in his family were like that. "our family is like that too, without the femails it would just fall together" she said wondering if icarus remembered her family. other than eden and liliths husbands and now edens son there were no males in it. she had never known her dad, Morgan hadnt known hers and she doubted morgause had known hers. she tipped the next sandcastle up and watched as Padme sttarted putting more sand in the bucket. however she stopped mid scoop when Icarus said he had gotten engaged. she hadnt expected that. not at all. "oh, well, well, congratulations to you both" she said stumbling on her words a little. she just couldnt believe that he was engaged. thankfuly Padme was preoccupied watchingthe magic bucket wthat she didnt notice Elvera stop her shovleing. "It doesnt sound like you. but it am sure that your parnts are happy for you, they just want to be sure you are making the right decision. but as long as you are happy, they will be" she said. feeling her heart drop to her abdoman as she said those words. she wanted him to be happy too. but part of her, a selfish part that she tried to suppress didnt want him to be happy with kida.
she was thankful when the subject changed to his family. well at least briefly she knew things werent going well with it but she hadnt bbeen expecting such bad news. she remembered the sphinx well. although Elvera wasnt big into magical creatures she had respect for sohinxes, they sounded so wise "goodness. the poor thing..." she said befoe being interupted by padme pulling at her arm. she had gotten bored at watching the magic bucket and had realised that she had stopped building. "okay i'll keep going" she said starting digging again as Icarus continued his families tale of woe. how his brother had been attacked. "oh my god. is he okay? what did they do to them?" she asked every bit of news shocked her more. "you know if any of your family need somewhere to stay. our house is charmed to have as many bedrooms as people who need them. or if you need somewhere more secure morgan has a tower in cornwall that has a lot of enchantments around it." she said not quite realising how much like her mother she sounded.
when she was asked about her family she smiled. "we are all alright. morgan is still going with the shop and taking in kids left right and centre. I am still teaching at the school. the only thing now is that Eden and Lilith aren't talking to each other" she said. she had decided to omit the part about her grandma being sick. there was no point telling him. he couldn't do anything to make her better and he had enough on his plate. besides he was engaged to kida now. she shouldn't be worrying him with her problems any more. he had made it perfectly clear what he wanted their relationship to be like.
Icarus nodded with a smile as Elvera was attesting that women where the mainstay of her family too. Only then he started to wonder if he had heard anything about a male member of her family. He couldn't remember her even referring to her father. In the end he decided not to ask anything. In case she had talked to him about her father, he didn't want her to realize he wasn't remembering it.
"Thank you." he replied to her kind words but he chuckled when she continued saying that his perents were going to be happy about him. "I highly doubt it." he said as his father's image popped in his mind. "My father is a person that interests him first the name of someone's family. I'm pretty sure he will have already started investigating about Kida's family background." he continued half-joking, half serious with a slight hint of desperation lacing his voice. He was just fearing the day when Kida was going to meet his family and especially his father. Just the thought of it was making something unidentified stir restlessly in his stomach.

Icarus appreciated Elvera's sincere interest about his family. "He's getting better. He was hit with some kind of strange curse. I've never seen something similar to be honest. His whole arm turned into magma and we didn't know what to do. We were afraid he was going to lose it but the healers of St. Mungos did their best and save it. Now it is covered with a crust of ignious rock but it soon going to disintegrate and his arm will be back to normal." he said looking utterly relieved about his baby brother. Moments later Icarus was even more appreciating her eagerness to provide the best of her assistance. "I really appreciate it." he assured her, his eyes full off gratitude. "But if we are not safe in the Sanctuary, we'll be nowhere else." he added although he hadn't completely dismissed her offer in his mind. The tower she was talking about was sounding really promising in his ears, not to protect his family but to protect something else.

He casted away the thoughts about the enchanted tower for a while and listened about her family's welfare. He hadn't met most of the people she was talking about but he had met briefly her mother and she had earned his respect from the moment he had learnt that she was taking care of strayed children. He smiled slightly when she referred to those he remembered them to be her cousins. "This happens to the best of families. Believe me." he chuckled while having a couple of instances inside his head about his own family. "I hope the reason they are not talking, doesn't have to do about a man." he jested, thinking of this case as the most possible reason for two women to start a catfight. He abandoned the magical building of the castle and decided to get his hands dirty. With his wand now in pocket, he started building manually along with Elvera and Padme. "Tell me more about the tower in Cornwall. It sounded interesting." he said with an obvious hint in his eyes that some scheming was going on in his head.
elvera bowed her head when icarus said that the first thing his father wants to know is the name of the family. it was sad. she knew full well that there was far more to a person than where they came from. but even so it still showed that even in some way he did care about him as family was still a good indication as to who someone was. "I am sure he is just trying to find out a little about her. and if he is he isnt doing any harm rifht?" she said as she wondered what family would say about her. the Le Fey's were an odd sort of family in the wizarding world, no one would dispute that they were an old wizarding family, however they were known for keeping to themselves, and they werent pure bloods (or if they were they didnt know). it was the family myth that was the interesting part of her family, those that believed in myths believed that they were the direct decedents of the legendary Morgan Le fay.
Upon hearing what had happened to icarus' younger brother Elvera put her hand to her mouth in shock. "that really does sound terrible. at least he is okay. i hope it crusts off and heals soon." she said wondering what it would be like to have a arm of larva and then of rock. she would bet it wasn't a nice experience. she nodded when he said if they weren't safe in the sanctuary then nowhere else would be. "even if your aunts and uncles just want a break morgan and i will be happy to babysit" she said making the offer for both her and her mother as she knew her mother well and knew she would be happy to.
she hoped he was right when he said it happened to most families. somehow she hadn't thought of other families having the same problems. when he asked if it was a boy problem she shook her head smiling at the thought of that. thankfully her two sisters had totally different taste in boys. Eden went for the bad boys, her first love had been sent to azaban Lilith on the other hand liked the sort of goofy boys. elvera had to admit she preferred her younger sisters husband to her twins. "No they didn't fall out over boys, both are happily married with children" she said gesturing to the toddler who had gotten up and come over to her sitting herself on elvera lap and putting her arms around her in a hug. she was already pretty, a mix of half indian half english, and Elvera knew she would be stunning when she grew up. "no it was that Eden didn't like it when Lilith started her new job. so they haven't spoken since, and any family events have to be held twice" she said.
Icarus seemed rather interested about the tower. Elvera tried to remember the best she could about its protections. she had been the one to break through them when she was twelve, but that didn't mean that it was easy to pass, it just meant that she had all the desired qualities. "lets see, it is on the south coast on the top of a cliff and i am pretty sure it used to be part of a castle though the rest of it has long since been left to ruins. in fact it too looks like a ruin until you enter it. the first time you enter it it has to be through a tunnel at the back of a cave concealed by a fake back. the front of the cave is also a problem as it opens out half way down the cliff and although it is free of water most of the time, in high winter tides it can get quite wet." she said. trying to remember the whole list of spells that surrounded it. "you can only enter if it is accompanied by a le fey, and one can only be shown it by the current owner or her decedents. she said. "what else do you want to know about it?" she asked.
Icarus shrugged his shoulders as to what his father was capable of doing. His father was many things but he wouldn't harm anyone. However, he was afraid that bribing, threatening and other less honorable means were in the menu and he was afraid that Kida might change her mind about their plans. He tried not to think of it. Bad thoughts were bringing bad results. He just hoped they weren't going to have an unforeseen contingency. He preferred to focus more on his younger brother although he was safe and sound now. "It will heal soon. It's just his grouchiness we have to put on currently. He wasn't used to stay in bed for such a long period of time." he explained amused and let the soft sand slide through his grasp. "Oh no. I wouldn't like to do that to you or your mother. Just look at them now and imagine they are breaking the crystal spheres in your shop." he turned around and looked at the boys who had climbed up an apple tree. They were plucking and tossing the fruits down to Demy who was trying to convince them to climb off the tree. "Hey! Get down that tree or we leave immediately!" Icarus stood up and shouted in greek. It was enough for the boys to climb down and rush back to the playground. "They must been putting something in their milk when we were babies. That would explain the hyperactiveness." he shook his head and crouched down again.

"Oh right." he said as the baby seeked for Elvera's warm embrace. The situation sounded familiar although Elvera didn't explain why exactly Eden didn't like Lilith's new job. "My father had promised to never talk to me again if I was going to continue as a professional Quidditch player. He didn't keep his promise as he's still bugging me about this so don't worry. They'll talk again soon." he said, assuming the reason behind their dispute was meaningless behind the caprice of a father, wanting to control everything and everyone in his family. Icarus suddenly stopped talking for quite while as he was listening carefully to Elvera. The tower she was describing was sounding really promising and with each detail she was adding, he was more convinced that the structure could be proved useful. "When we could visit it?" he replied to her question of what else he would like to know about it. He had no problem to explain to Elvera why he was so interested about it. It was just that the less she knew the better for her.
Elvera nodded understandingly when he said it was just the grouchiness that they had to put up with and that he wasn't usually used to staying in bed all the time. "maybe you can see if he can go out maybe harness a few brooms together if the healers wont let him move too much." she said it was just a thought and probably would be impractical. "and you wont have to worry about them breaking the stock in the shop. she has a charm on anything that can lock it all in place when she wants to. mainly a security thing, but also useful when there are children around" she said rambling to herself slightly. it was a useful investment that charm was. when Eden came with Aine it was activated straight away. she turned to Padme when icarus stood up and shouted in greek, she assumed it as something to do with climbing the tree as the boys promptly got out. "even if they are hyperactive, at least they are obedient, assuming you did tell them to get out of the tree" she said.
She was unsure if her sisters would ever talk again. she knew Eden had a shop in bleak street, and Lilith was an auror. generally those two didn't conduce good relationships. "one can hope so." she said non-committedly.
Elvera could see a spark start to form in Icarus's eye when she spoke about the tower, he was coming up with a plan. remember he IS engaged she told herself firmly before her subconscious could make its ideas heard. "well Lilith is due back by five and she usually stays for a chat. whenever you are free after six, or some other day" she said. thinking. "be warned it will be cold getting there, and i don't know the tide timetables" she said. it was winter in cornwall at the moment and that usually meant hight tides so they would have to wait until low tide. "what is the idea you are having" she asked though she wouldn't mind if he didn't answer. at least whilst he was in the park.
Icarus and his two years younger brother were two completely diferent universes. Maybe the only thing in common was their family. "He doesn't really enjoy flying. He's actually afraid of heights." he scoffed. It was almost rediculous the fact he was a professional Quidditch player and his brother was getting sick to his stomach by just looking at a broom. Icarus' brother also used to be too quiet for a Stratis, unlike Icarus' little cousins who were rioting currently at the playground. "I'm sure your mother's spell will sound really interesting to my aunts." he joked but the truth was that his family should have hit the record for the most mend charm casts per day.
"Not quite. I threatened them a little bit. It always works." he said with a chuckle. He wasn't the best with children but he was always finding a way to get on with them.

Their pleasant conversation turned again into scheming as they were discussing again about the tower. Icarus was actually lost in thought but he was tuning in to hear anything new she was mentioning and he could include in his plan. "Some other day would be better." he said thoughtfully, wondering what would be the best time to execute his idea. Cold and tides were the least of his concerns. "I'll make sure I'll be dressed warm. As for the tide..." he paused for a second and gave her a mischievious smile. "...well, leave the tide to me." he hinted he had something in mind, in case mother nature was going to be against them with her forces. Icarus trusted Elvera to death. She was one of the few people he didn't mind telling her what he had been up to. His only reservations were about getting her in trouble but that was unlikely to happen. No one knew about what he was intending to do.

"Okay, I just want to take something out of my uncle's property and hide it somewhere else. Somewhere safe." he started explaining to her in a conspiratory manner. His voice lowered and he checked over his shoulder to make sure that no one was close enough to eavesdrop. "My uncle returned back home a few days before his abduction with some sort of parchment with incomprehensible symbols on it. I bet these people lurking around the Sanctuary, really want this." he reckoned. It was just an assumption but he couldn't risk it. They were persistent and they could find their way into the Sanctuary. His uncle had hid the piece of parchment for some reason and Icarus had decided to move it to a more secure place. Elvera's tower was the best candidate so far. "I need to take to your tower what my uncle thought of to be of great importance. I mean, he have put his life in danger for this. Maybe his abductors were looking for this in the first place." he made another assumption but he was almost convinced about it. "Are you willing to help me with this?" he asked her and his grey eyes searched for eagerness in her eyes.
elvera smiled when icarus said that his brother didn't like flying. "to be honest i am not a fan of flying either. she said she was pretty sure she had said that before but it was still true. her sister could also have become a professional quidditch player if she had wanted to, there were a few teams who had offered her contracts. however she had eventually decided against it and decided to become an auror. "it is designed as a security for the shop to stop people taking things if they break in but it has many other uses. she said rambling now. when she was around icarus she felt butterflies and she felt them now. she always felt bad about that as she knew he already was engaged to kida and she would never be able to make any more of her feelings than friends.
She agreed that a different day would be better. She would quite like to spend time with lil this evening. as she was sure the girl didn't have much time for relaxing "just let me know when you want to. and i am interested what you have planned for the tides." sue said wondering if he meant a simple tide timetable or something more 'interesting'.
she listened intently what it was icarus wanted the tower for. it sounded interesting. she wondered what parchment was about. where it was from, what secrets it contained. maybe she would be allowed to have a read. maybe, just maybe. "sure that should be easy to keep there she said thinking about where would be the best place to store it. well away from the window that was for sure, the old windows had a tendency to leak and that time of the year there were a lot of storms. if the document was so valuable that people would try and infiltrate the security of the sanctuary then it would be a shame for it to get water damage.
Icarus' eyes lit up upon hearing Elvera eagerly offering her help.
"I can't really describe how much I appreciate this Elvera. I knew I could rely on you." he beamed his appreciation. Suddenly, a strange necessity creeped in. Sitting in the middle of the sand pit, he felt the urge to reach for her lips and kiss her, like he had done once before out of his superficiality. This time it was different though. It was something he couldn't explain emanating from deep inside him. He lowered his head closer to her, forgetting where exactly his was for an instance but a tap on his shoulder reminded him and brought him back to reality. Behind him was standing his cousin Demy. "What's wrong?" he asked the girl, managing to restrain his irritation from showing. "Pardon me for interrupting." apologized the girl at both of them in english. She decided to continue in greek since she wasn't really fluent with english yet. "Agenor is hungry and Lync wants some ice-cream. I told them to wait a little bit longer but they threaten to walk away on their own if we don't go now." she informed her older cousin.

Icarus scanned the playground to make sure that they boys were still there and hadn't carried out their threat. "Okay, go tell them we are going now." he gave in to the children's desire. Icarus sighed and stood up as Demy went to inform the boys they were leaving the park. "I'm sorry but I should be going now before they decide to run away." he explained and watched Demy assembling them at the playground. "When threatening doesn't pay off , it's time of bribing to keep the little monsters in order. Fortunately, it only takes an ice-cream." he shrugged, wishing he could stay longer. "It was nice seeing you again. You can expect my owl soon. See you then." he smiled while taking a few steps backwards and then turned around to get to the children. He left the park with them, looking forward for the next time he was going to meet with Elvera.
A wave of pride washed over icarus as he said he knew he could rely on her. of course you can, i will always be here if you need anything she said. it was then that she realised why her family held such aodd position in the wizarding world, or at least the british one. The le feys were necer a name that was big and seen on the textbooks, no, instead of seeking fair and fortune like the Malcolm's, the bones' the fudges or the blacks the le feys were the supporting family, helping anyone who needed it.
Sometimes things happen in strange ways. For example right there in the middle of the sandpit elvera felt a need to get closer to Icarus, was it her imagination or was he getting nearer to her. She was creation that padme was sitting on the other side of her lap she started to bean towards hom momentarily forgetting all the reasons she shouldn't for example she wasn't 'that girl' she had seen how that had messed up her sister and Eden hadn't even known that she was that girl. She was momentarily releaced but also saddened when the younger girl that Icarus was looking after tapped him on the shoulder cou,d you have just waited a minute longer her heart was screaming at the girl. She sat back up and ideally ran her fingers through the sand as Icarus started to talk in Greek again. That's it she decided, this evening she would go and get some books on Greek out of the library. When Icarus said that they had better go so he could bribe the kids she nodded understandingly though disappointed that he had to leave. enjoy, the cookie dough is the best " she said holding padme as she too stood up "and grandma will be wondering where we have got to. I think I saw her making your favourite pumpkin soup, and strawberry fairy cakes she said ticking the girls stomach causing her to get out a yell of both joy and pain. "I am looking forward to seeing you soon, just send me an owl when you want me to show you she said. As the young boys appeared next to Icarus chanting icecream. Before they left across the park in the other direction to that in which she had to go. A smile playing on her face as she thought of the next time she planned on seeing Icarus.

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