Hiding away

Posting as Tasanee:

Tasanee wrapped her arms around Tala when he pulled her into a hug then she said, "Yeah.. sorry." Tasanee shook her head gently and asked simply, "Did I do something foolish?" Should she have kissed him? They were only 11 after all, this was so silly, she had no idea what she was doing.
Tala shook his head. "You didn't do anything wrong" He said rubbing her back slowly. "I know we are only 11...but I'm still willing to wait a few years Tassy, before we take it further" he said, not knowing where to look. "And we can build up our friendship while we wait" he was babbling now, but he had to reassure Tasanee in any way he could.
"I...I don't want to wait," Tasanee murmured quietly, she knew this was true now, but in the long run when they had all those crazy teenage hormones they would probably break up in like a week, she didn't want that. Part of her didn't actually want to date him because they were good friends and she was worried this would do something to hurt their friendship.
Tala looked at her and then kissed her forehead "Alright, we won't wait. But we do everything at your pace." he said, he didn't want Tasanee to get hurt in anyway, so she has all the control. He just hoped that if, and the if is there, it ends badly, they stay good friends. Tell me I'm doing the right thing here Bry. He thought to himself.
"My pace?" Tasanee asked curiously, she wasn't sure what he meant, actually she wasn't sure if he just gave in because he wanted to date her or he just didn't want to see her upset in any way. Tasanee looked at Tala and she said, "Do you want to do this..because if you don't we can wait, I understand completely." Part of Tasanee wanted Tala to say 'no, I'm not going to date you', but the other part wanted him to say that he did, she was just very confused right now, but who could blame her?
Tala cupped her cheek with his good hand. "Of course I want this Tassy. I like you very much" He said and he knew she could hear the 'but' in his voice. "But I don't want us to rush into it and regret it in the long run" A blush rose to his cheeks "That and I don't know what to do...I've never liked anyone like this before."
Tasanee looked up at Tala and a small smile played on her lips at his touch then she smiled when Tala blushed and she said, "I've never liked anyone like this - or like you - before either." Tasanee blushed brightly but ignored it and she said simply, "You're going to have to make a judgment call Tala, I don't trust myself."
Tala felt his cheeks heat up lightly when he heard that she had never felt this way before either. "Tasanee..." He said, trying to think about how he was to say what he was ging to say. "We should wait to officially become a couple. But unofficially..." He broke off and gave her a small smile.
Tasanee raised her eye brows curiously and said, "What so unofficial dating consist of?" Tasanee blushed at the thought of the two of them dating.
Tala grinned and kissed her cheek. "Spending loads more time together, going out places together" He gave her a light kiss on the lips. "And maybe a little handholding and such...If you are up for it" He said with a cheeky grin on his face, though it was quite red.
Tasanee blushed brightly then kissed Tala back when he kissed her then she said, "I think I'm up for it." Tasanee blushed brightly her thoughts moving around a million kilometers an hour. Wow! This is probably the best day ever! Tasanee smiled inwardly then mumbled inwardly, "I'm glad my sister is mean." Tasanee wasn't sure if Tala would understand her logic or even hear her she just felt like it had to be said.
Tala let out a delightled laugh when Tasanee said she was up for it. He hugged her tightly and smiled broadly. "Now can we go to the hospital wing?" He said, his hand hurting really badly "My hand is killing me" He pulled away and brought his hand up to his chest, hoping he won't knock it again.
Tasanee let out a soft frown then she took Tala's good hand in hers and she said, "Alright lets go." Tasanee took a deep breath, she hated Hospitals with a passion. But she led Tala to the wing anyways.

[Can you start it?]
((Sure thing))

Tala let out a small smile and let her lead him to the Hospital Wing


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