Closed Hiding Away

Zion Lind

Normal- Bookworm- Quiet
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curved 15 Inch Swishy Yew Wand with Fairy Wing Core
15 (8/23/2046)
Zion didn't really feel safe in his own dorm. Between Cassius and Terror, Zion was sure that something horrible was just waiting to happen. And personally, he wasn't wanting to sit around for it. So instead, he'd moved to the student longue, hoping at least here he had a bit more safety. He had made himself comfortable in a little corner of the room, his slippers on and wrapped up in a blanket as he flipped through a magazine. He had a cup of hot cocoa, and he was content in his lounging.
Snow was sick of some of the attitudes around the school. Cassius being the main one. He had managed to irritate her in the owlry and so she decided to spend some time in the student lounge, hoping he'd stay out of there since so much mixed company would occur. She couldn't help the annoyed expression on her face as she entered. All the seats were mostly taken, it seemed to be a popular spot that day. Snow sighed, she might as well try and make a friend then, so she could sit near them. In the corner was a person she recognized form her classes and she decided to approach. Putting on a smile and trying to wash the annoyance from her face she greeted them. "Hey, don't I have some classes with you?" She asked being polite.
Zion almost jumped a little when he heard the voice, bringing up his magazine as if to block a hit. He let out a little yelp, but relaxed as he saw it was just a girl from class. He sighed in relief and smiled. "Oh, hello. Yes, we are. Snow, isn't it?" He asked, relaxing and settling back into his seat, smiling shyly up at her.
Snow returned the smile, her face looking much less irritated. She took a seat on the floor, sitting on her knees and looked at what he was reading. "Yeah, Snow. Sorry I don't quite remember your name." She said honestly. "Is what you're reading interesting?" She inquired, hoping to have some normal conversation for once.
Zion smiled. "It's alright, I'm Zion," He introduced himself, offering out his hand. He smiled a little more at her question. "Oh, I'm just looking through a magazine on musical artists," He told her. "It's interesting." He offered it out for her to look at.
Snow took the magazine as he spoke, leafing through it slightly. She wasn't usually that interested in celebrities if she was honest. "Who's your favorite artist?" She asked, handing him back the magazine. She couldn't even think if she had one, her parents didn't listen to a lot of music around her.
Zion chuckled, smiling softly. "I like this band called Ashes a lot, though I've been hearing some more stuff lately from this other artist, Vivian Brackenstall, he has some good songs." He offered, relaxing a bit. "Who's yours?"
Snow listened and couldn't help but think she didn't know the band or the person he was talking about if she were honest. She didn't listen to a lot of music. "I guess I don't know who my favorite artist is. My parents don't really play a lot of music so i haven't been exposed to much." She admitted. "I like most everything I hear when I'm out and about but I don't really... listen? I guess."
Zion nodded along easily. "That's fair," He offered to her. "What sort of things do you like then?" He asked. She knew about some things he liked, he thought it was only fair he got to know her, as well.

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