Hi there...

Annabelle Gimlish

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Straight 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Willow Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Hello fabulous RPers, Admins, and anyone in between!

So just a quick introduction so that I don't come off as a complete stranger and so that hopefully I can make some new friends faster :D

My name is Bay, I'm 16 years old, I reside in the east coast of the US, and I'm a sophomore in high school. My favorite color is red and I'm a cheerleader, also my favorite HP book is The Chamber of Secrets. I've RPed on tumblr before and I love it, so I figured why not look try out this super awesome RP website that I've heard of? So...here I am!

So I guess I'm just looking to settle in here and get going, maybe shoot somebody a few questions just to make sure I've got everything sorted out and I won't mess up too badly on my first day here.

I'm really looking forward to getting to know everyone :)

It's wonderful to meet you Bay, my name is Nichole, but everyone calls me by Cole! I'm happy to see so many new faces joining the site. I too am from the US so it's good to have someone else from here online!

If you have any questions it's always a great idea to check out the lovely Site Documentation that our lovely admins have put together. You can also talk to any of our Admins on the site, because they are all friendly! If you're too timid to message them like I am sometimes, I'm always available for questions! Feel free to Pm me on any of my characters at any time!

I really hope you can make yourself at home here, because this is a wonderful site!

P.S: You're still here in time for sorting ;) . And I'm always open for plots :r

Hi Bay,

Welcome to HNZ! Feel free to shoot me a PM if I can be of any assistance. :)
Hi Bay!

I'm Margarette, more commonly known as Marga here in the site.. xD I'm 17 and from the Philippines and it's always great to see a new face around the board! If you have any questions, feel free to PM anyone from the Site Staff.. :D Sorting is still open and my inbox is always open for any kind of PM (cause I like PMs!).. xD Hope I can plot with you soon and I'll see ya around the board! :D

You can call me Tenilee and it's great to see so many fresh faces coming aboard! I'm from Australia, am 18 and my favourite colour is a shade of purple - Byzantium. Cole seems to have set you up really well, and don't worry, the site staff will always be willing to hear your questions (I've asked a few crazy ones in the past!). If you ever want to plot, I have a few characters roaming around. Don't hesitate to shoot me a PM any time, or even if you'd like to just chat! ^_^
Hi there, Bay!

I'm Teigan. I'm 20 and I'm from Australia! Currently I am studying a Liberal Arts degree in Uni and my favourite colour is blue. I don't have a favourite Harry Potter book, just favourite scenes but we'll be here all day if I tell you about them! It's good to see new members poking around! I've never rped on Tumblr before, but i've seen it done, so welcome! This is one of the most organised and friendliest sites you'll ever come across. Hope you enjoy your stay! If you ever want to rp, i have a bunch of characters that would fit into any scenario you can think of. By the way, Tenile is my real life sister. Just so there's no confusion xD
Hey! I'm Dakota and I currently live in England :3 although that could change. I also have a few (although not as many as Tenileee or Teigs) characters and if you ever want to RP just PM me, everyone is really nice here and I'm glad to not be the newest member :3

I don't bite so feel free to PM if you just ever want to have a chat. I do love chatting to people.
Welcome to the site, it's great to have you! :)
Hello Bay! My name is Donna, and I love your name! ^_^

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