heyy baby, i think i want to marry you

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Isaac Pike

Well-Known Member
Almond Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Phoenix Tail Feather
Here's a few people, who need people to RP with. I may add to this list so keep checking. Thank you if you do reply. Will give cookies to those that do


Hello there! This here be Isaac. Now, while he is set in the field of love, he is in need of practically
everything else. He's going through a ruff spot currently. With his sister sick, and his now ex-girlfriend
getting on him with some veela boy. Isaac is not in a good place. But, he is a charming lad. He enjoys
having fun and being with the people he calls his friends. He is not afraid to start a fight or get dirty.
He likes girls, and likes drinking. He is currently in New Zealand, with his sister, but, will be going back
up to Beauxbatons fairly soon, so, he's going to need beauxbatons buddies.



Next up we have Ava. Now, Avarice is a very beautiful girl. She's a veela with a surprisingly studious
nature. She doesn't like girls who put themselves all out for guys. Avarice, is going into a plot with a
guy so she doesn't need a boyfriend, she is however in need of friends. Avarice is a friendly and nice
girl. She can be mean if she needs to be but she takes a while to get angry enough to fight. She isn't
as confident as she could be, constantly living in the shadows of her elder sisters, Avarice has felt the
need to be more than just the best. So she needs a few friends to show her, where she's gone wrong.



Zander is up now. So, Alezander Valentine is the eldest of the Valentines. And ever since there
parents died it has been up to Zander and the eldest sister to take care of the valentines kids.
This is easier said than done. With 8 children to take care of, it is hard work, and Zander feels
tired all of the time. He feels cheated on part of his life. And generally just hasn't had enough
time to get over his parents. He works for the ministry of magic in the UK, and so is very busy.
Zander needs friends. And a girlfriend & final. Someone who can see that Zander is drowning
under everything and just wants space to breath.



Say Hi, to the adorable Bowie, better known to his closest as Bo. Now, Bo, is 21 years
old, and has just applied to the Ministry of Magic, here in NZ. He is a very friendly and
slightly crazy guy. At school, he was a Gryffindor, and liked to go on adventures round
the school, which often meant he was getting into trouble. Nothing ever serious, just
fun. He has been traveling around and seeing the world. But now that he is back, he's
deciding what to do with his life. He doesn't know if he'll even stay in New Zealand. Bo,
is very protective of his sister, and the rest of the family. He enjoys winding people up
and having a good laugh. He's energetic and fun. Now, Bo needs friends and a girlfriend.
I have a plot for this so if you have a single female around 18-21 then say, if you then
don't like the plot, just say, and I'll look for someone else.


Elijah is a 14 year old Hufflepuff. He's very music centered. Like to a new extreme. He's fun and engergetic
Not at all studious. His family is rich, but he lived with his aunt and uncle, whom he didn't know was his aunt
and uncle. And so grew up knowing nothing of his family. Now however he's adjusting into his new life with
his family. It's a well off family, so he has everything he could possible want, which is difficult for him to adjust
to. He's soon going to find out about his aunt and uncle, when tradegy befalls his family. Which will cause the
hufflepuff to consider who his family really was and that he doesn't fit in with his new one. He needs a few
friends, and a girlfriend. He's going to develop a crush on someone else, but he's going to need someone else
after that.

[color=53bfb1]BY APPLE OF CAUTION 2.0[/color]
All Banners made by me. Like them, Request from Emzies to get some
Alrighty, while I know I'm RPing with Kynleigh with two of your other characters I have loads more that need a little bit of RP-age so I figured I'd offer up a few of them (and if you get sick of RPing with me then please let me know...trust me I will take no offense to it...I just get really bored lately xD ). With that being said let's get down to business.

First off I have Mariska Franz. She's 20 years old and has just recently moved to NZ. She is a Slytherin graduate from HS. I can offer her up as anything that you need for any of your characters. I'm always open to for ideas because I really haven't used her.

Secondly I have Peyton Davidson. She's 23 and a muggle. I'm not sure if there would be anywhere she'd fit in with these, but if you can think of something then I'm all ears...or eyes rather.

Next, I have Tanner Sullivan. Earlier we had mentioned something about he and Bowie being old school buds from HS. I wasn't sure where to start a thread at, but now that I know he is in NZ I shall work on getting something started up for the two of them.

Lastly, I have Daniella Snow. She's a prefect at Beauxbaton's and part veela. She has a twin sister, Amethyst, but other than that she's not exactly what you would call a social butterfly. She's not really sure how many people she can trust because she's never really certain if they are attracted to her personally or if it's her charms that attracts them.

I think that's all I have...I'm sure I have more, but for the time being my poor brain is wrecked and so that's about all I can think of.
Dakota Howard: 22

She's quite mean to begin with and is mistreated by her siblings. Her and Zander could work out... She wants to be a DE

Okay, Domino, I can see Dakota and Zander as being Friends. Since she wants to be a DE, and I can't imagine Zander liking DE's. But, I think if they were to become friends, and she was never mention it they could make good friends. Although he would be a little put off to begin with if she is mean.
Would you like to start something?


Yeah, I would've said a little more, but a friend came to the house, and I forgot.
Yeah, for those two, I was thinking that, we could have them randomly meet in the
street, and both can be a little, Heyy! You're in NZ. So, like Brightstone Village. Type
place. Bowie would be happy to see an old friend, and from that a new better, slightly
less high school based friendship could form. What do you think?

I can see something really sweet forming here. He's got a lot of home stress, and he
has to work with magic, and basically has children. I can see him, really taking to a
muggle. He'd not talk about magic, but being able to talk to someone who didn't straight
away know everything would be nice. She could be a friend who helps him vent, or a
girlfriend. He asks her out, but he doesn't turn up and then does show up at least three
hours late. Finds she's gone, so he finds her, and tries to apologise, but she wouldn't believe
him, because it's not possible to be 23 and taking care of 8 siblings. But, he waits all night
outside her door and then takes her to breakfast with his family, so she see, and then
nice little friendship/relationship begins.
I am just spouting ideas here, lol. So if this sounds confusing that is why. It would depend
on if Peyton would be like that or not. And if you'd want to do something like that, also they
would not have to finals, can just be a passing relationship.

Blonde veela's unite! Lol. Avarice isn't actually aware that she is veela, and she doesn't think
she is as pretty as people say, despite the effect she has on most people (mainly men). Her
mum split with her dad, when she was young. Avarice sticks to her friends, but would be classed
as fairly popular, like people know who she is, she just doesn't spend a long time with any of
them, unless they are good friends. Maybe they could know off each other, but have never
had a long conversation. Daniella would pick up on the veela traits in Avarice. What do you think?

And I can't think of anything for Mariska. Sorry
I can offer some of my characters, though, they're kind of young I guess.. :r

Chantal Himmelreich (16)
Chantal is a part-veela as well, being Alois' cousin. In terms of personality, she is good-natured and caring towards her friends, but she is very clumsy. Her clumsiness may lead her to trouble most of the time, but she has a very determined spirit. She is incredibly a brave and compassionate person. She is very caring and somewhat stubborn, but she mostly appears happy and smiling. She is the type of person who easily forgets her worries and problems.

Alois Eisler (15)
Alois is a part-veela. He is candid and confident. He is well aware of his good looks and on the surface he could be seen as arrogant by some. Alois is kind by nature, yet he can be very childish at times. He is also unafraid almost to the point of recklessness. He rarely gets angry or out of control.

Kier Myung-Dae
19, Kier is cool, logical and is is good with smooth-talking and charming around his peers. He is very cheerful but he also can come across as rather detached and sometimes downright threatening when he wants to. He never turns people down for help, even when their intentions are not as good as he believes. He can also be mischievous and playful at times. He's a shop keeper for Flourish and Blotts.

Gavril Baskov
I applied him for a position in the ministry, but he's not accepted yet. Personality-wise, he is serious, reserved, independant and highly principled person. He is fair and sticks to his word, punishing everyone even if the rules are broken by only a few. He's a young dad I suppose, being a donor for Dymetris, but the said boy wasn't aware that Gavril is his father.
Well I have a few guys to offer up to ^_^

Jacob Holland-My qudditch dude, Maddiie's brother and also he's the guy that those random stunts to WHOA muggels (but is using magic to do the said stunts) xD Besides that he's laid back and I can-
Seth Makwa- Say the same thing about Seth, except he's much into traveling the world (so he works off site for the Ministry) he's also a true Ocean boy being born out of the blue oceans of Hawaii. And being a hundred percent Native Blood, but-
Jonathan Holland-I can't forget about my man Jon, who takes life seriously though he has his down side for his true ride and die chick Willow :wub: He plays professional Quidditch much like his brother Jake, and Seth knows them both. So I think that's all I can say about these three :)
Soz I can't. Have to develop Kailey...

Do u wanna be a valentine? We need like 3 more!!

I think they could be friends, like all three, if you're not keen on that, I think Avarice can be
friends with both. They both seem like people who would get along with Ava. She's not bothered
by age gaps and in fact llikes them from time to time. It brings something new to the table, she finds
so, I think it would be a good distance friendship.
What do you think?

I think they would make good friends. Since they are roughly the same age. I see them having disagreements
but it being nothing that they can't eventually work through, Sort of like a frienemy. I think perhaps they could
meet once he's graduated. I'll PM you when that is. Since then it would be more likely that they would meet.

I can't think of anything for Gavril

Friendship with underlying jealousy on Zander's part. Since he would see how easy Seth has it, being able to
travel, and since he can't he would be annoyed and would want to swap with Seth, so that he can have the
option of a slightly freer life. He cares for his family but feels cheated. So I think a friendship would be good.

I'll get back to you about the others soon.
List updated with one more guy.
Isaac Pike said:

Friendship with underlying jealousy on Zander's part. Since he would see how easy Seth has it, being able to
travel, and since he can't he would be annoyed and would want to swap with Seth, so that he can have the
option of a slightly freer life. He cares for his family but feels cheated. So I think a friendship would be good.

Kay Cool, I also have his sister who's a twin.
Her names Leia Mawka and she a squib for Zander too.
Just let me know when you want to set something up, I am new with both of them.
I never actually rp Leia that good and Seth was shared too.
hey emzies

can u post as Zander in the family thread??
Seth Makwa said:
Isaac Pike said:

Friendship with underlying jealousy on Zander's part. Since he would see how easy Seth has it, being able to
travel, and since he can't he would be annoyed and would want to swap with Seth, so that he can have the
option of a slightly freer life. He cares for his family but feels cheated. So I think a friendship would be good.

Kay Cool, I also have his sister who's a twin.
Her names Leia Mawka and she a squib for Zander too.
Just let me know when you want to set something up, I am new with both of them.
I never actually rp Leia that good and Seth was shared too.

Okay, sounds good.
Also, thinking Leia would be better for Bowie. He'd get along
well with pretty much anyone, but, I think having a squib friend
would be nice for him.
As for Zander&Seth, would you like to start something, or shall I?
Zander Valentine said:
Seth Makwa said:
Isaac Pike said:

Friendship with underlying jealousy on Zander's part. Since he would see how easy Seth has it, being able to
travel, and since he can't he would be annoyed and would want to swap with Seth, so that he can have the
option of a slightly freer life. He cares for his family but feels cheated. So I think a friendship would be good.

Kay Cool, I also have his sister who's a twin.
Her names Leia Mawka and she a squib for Zander too.
Just let me know when you want to set something up, I am new with both of them.
I never actually rp Leia that good and Seth was shared too.

Okay, sounds good.
Also, thinking Leia would be better for Bowie. He'd get along
well with pretty much anyone, but, I think having a squib friend
would be nice for him.
As for Zander&Seth, would you like to start something, or shall I?
I can start the topic.
Whenever you feel like role playing with Leia as Bo lemme know :)
This is Leia BTW
She has a son, his name is Isiah :wub:
he should be like a year and a half.
The father is Connor (I think) that's Laura character.
Heeeey Emzies,

I could offer up Arabelle here for Bowie (changing the group :p ) if you're still looking for a girl. She's a BB grad and just out of a long term serious relationship with her 'high school' boyfriend, she's pretty heartbroken about it but she's a strong girl and has decided to up and leave from France and move to New Zealand after hearing some good things about it from her old school friends.

She's looking for a job, probably in the Ministry (a case of transferring from the French Ministry, but I haven't decided on the department yet :lol: )

She was always the studious type, Prefect and Head Girl and has only ever known what it's like to be in a relationship so she wants to learn what it's like to let her hair down and have fun like her friends used too and what she missed out on at school.

Let me know what you think or if you have someone else then no worries :)

For Leia and Bowie.


That sounds good. I like it. Although, I think they would make good friends.
Friends with benefits perhaps. Bowie isn't too into that, but I can imagine him
having one person that is just that. At least until he settles down with one girl.
I think that the fact they were different in school, could help them out in becoming
friends to begin with. I definitely like them as friends.
What do you think? Would you like to start something or shall I?
kalani and isaac
click here. i think that maybe they could have dated once in the past
and are now friends still. kalani is the type of girl who is like love 'em
and leave 'em, as you know from mal so they would have a certain
understanding i guess.

kalani and avarice
so these two are in seventh year so i'm thinking they could know one
another and be friends. kali isn't too interested in relationships but she
is really confident and maybe even a little cocky at times so maybe
ava could feel the same way around lani that she is with her sisters?

jennifer and avarice
so i think that if ava happened to be in new zealand they might
be able to meet and become friends because jenn really does
need more of them.

pandora and zander
so panda is a graduate from hogwarts scotland as a hufflepuff
and moved from england to go to new zealand to be a healer
which she now is. she's tends to keep to herself unless she
finds that she has a great connection with somebody and so
far it's only been one person that she is not related to but i
think they could be good friends because she would help him
out with his family stuff because she knows how stressful it
is to take care of children being a healer. maybe they grew
up together which is how they know each other?

nina and zander
so nina has a daughter and although she manages her pretty well
i'm thinking that maybe she and zander could trade horror stories
and all that (depending on how young his youngest sibling is). so
they'd basically be friends.

nina and bowie
nina went to hogwarts scotland until fourth year (when she was in
the triwizard tournament) but maybe they could have known each
other. she was this studious, slightly creepy, loner. she had a huge
crush on alex cullen and it was known throughout their whole year
(they would have both been in the same year) but now she's changed
but maybe they bump into each other and he still thinks of her as this?
i think that she'd be surprised to see him and be pleased anyway...
depending on their relationship as children which is your choice.
Isaac Pike said:

I think they could be friends, like all three, if you're not keen on that, I think Avarice can be
friends with both. They both seem like people who would get along with Ava. She's not bothered
by age gaps and in fact llikes them from time to time. It brings something new to the table, she finds
so, I think it would be a good distance friendship.
What do you think?

I think they would make good friends. Since they are roughly the same age. I see them having disagreements
but it being nothing that they can't eventually work through, Sort of like a frienemy. I think perhaps they could
meet once he's graduated. I'll PM you when that is. Since then it would be more likely that they would meet.

I can't think of anything for Gavril

Friendship with underlying jealousy on Zander's part. Since he would see how easy Seth has it, being able to
travel, and since he can't he would be annoyed and would want to swap with Seth, so that he can have the
option of a slightly freer life. He cares for his family but feels cheated. So I think a friendship would be good.

I'll get back to you about the others soon.
List updated with one more guy.
Sounds good. :D
Would you like to start something
for the three of them, or shall I?

And about Kier, yeah, I think
that it would work out just fine with that.
Will wait for your PM then. :D
Sorry it's taken me so long to reply. Work sucks :/ anyhoo...I think it all sounds good especially how cute the Peyton Zander thing is ^_^ and don't forget about kynleigh and elijahs thread :r :p

I will try to get a few threads started in the next day or so. :)

@Enzo - Topic for Avarice and Lawrence, is Here, As for the other topic, would you like to start it or shall I?

@Rui - We could have one for Avarice and Chantal and one for Avarice and Alois, and then later have a topic for all three. I can start one and you can start the other? Which would you prefer starting? Unless you'd prefer to have one for all three, then you can start, if you would like.

@Katie - I can start the Tanner&Bowie one. Shall PM it to you. I'll let you start the Peyton&Zander one. And If I have a few minutes I can start the Avarice&Daniella one.
For Kynleigh&Elijah ((yeah apologises for forgetting)) Would you want to continue with the old one, or start a new one?


Kalani&Isaac, it could be a past fling. I can really see that. I think it would be possible for them to have gone out, but he would know that she had a use once policy, so there would no hard feelings. Plus, it could be just before he fell for another girl, so it wa perfect timing for him. Would you want to have a topic for them? I think it would be best to wait till he goes back to school.

Kalani&Avarice, I like it. Considering that Kalani is the head girl, and Avarice has worked incredibly hard, she'd easily be friends with her, but also see her as someone like her siblings. Someone she looks up to and envies slightly. Definitely a fan of that friendship. Would you like to start a topic for them, or shall I?

Jennifer&Avarice, passing friends perhaps. Like they meet once, and then don't meet for a few months. But still are friends and still know of each other. Something of that sort. Distant friends. What do you think?

Pandora&Zander, Maybe they met at school. Shortly before Zander left. He finished his studies from home. I think when she was a first year he would've been a sixth year. So maybe he could've helped her out a little, helped her find her way in the corridor, nice little mentor, mentee relationship, but then Zander had to leave, and then they could randomly bump into each other, and he'd remember her by her name, but she'd have little recollection of him. But, it would be good for him to meet someone from his school years. What do you think?

Nina&Zander, The youngest is now Seven but he practically raised him. So he's been through everything with him. maybe they would be at the park or something. Would it be in NZ or the UK? If it's not in UK, I can't imagine Zander taking the youngest on that kind of a trip. So how would they meet?

Nina&Bowie, What house was she in? I can see, Bowie as being the type to have really taken the mickey out of her. But, meeting her again, he'd probably feel fairly bad, and want to make things up to her. While also wondering if she crushes on him. But overall pleased, and want to form a new friendship, better one. What do you think, would you like to start something, or shall I?

Thanks everyone! Y'all are seriously awesome ♥
I'll start the one for Alois and Avarice if that's fine with you.. I'll do
it later and post the link here.. :D
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