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Sally Kuang

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sally [main]
Eucalyptus Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Mermaid Scale
Sally had heard the rumor that her step-mom was going to have another baby but Zac told her that it was a false-alarm. And she had heard that her father was going to have another wife but Zac told her it wasn't true. She didn't know what to believe and Sally had never like younger brother or sister although she had loved little kids. Sally made her way to the corridor as she pulled the coat closer to her. She then run toward the wall and did a salto. Sally had been good in gymnastic and ballet and she had been doing that especially when she wasn't in the mood.

She saw her reflection in the puddle of water, her face was red. She kicked the water as her heart race faster, she was mad for no reason. Sally had never care if her father would want another woman in his life. But deep inside her heart she was upset but she never want admit that. She then heard a foot step, she pulled her wand as she shouted
"SHOW YOUR SELF!" She boasted, she didn't know why she was acting like this.
Sebastian couldn't believe it. He'd just taken a look at his schedule and there was actually no Astronomy on it. Finally, after six years of the dreaded subject, he'd failed his OWL so miserably that there was no way he would have been accepted into the class. He was so thrilled that he could've kissed the witch who had given them their schedules even if she did have a hairy mole on her chin. Thankfully, he'd been able to contain himself and left the Great Hall to head for his dorm room.

As he bound down a corridor, a silly grin on his face, the seventh year heard a female voice yell. Startled out of his thoughts, Sebastian's hands automatically went for his wand and he pulled it out as he inched his way around the corner. "It's just me...Sebastian Rossi" he said slowly as he turned the corner, though he had no idea if announcing his name would help him or make the person curse him faster. Whoever it was, didn't sound very happy and he knew all too well how easily someone's anger at something could easily come to fall on another person. He hoped that wouldn't happen here but he was prepared nevertheless.
Sally sigh as she put her wand back in her pocket. She was a little frustrated earlier but knowing that she wasn't all by her self, she quickly put on a smile on her face. She then walk toward the boy that had his wand ready, she wasn't expecting a duel. She was just preparing if something would happen to her. "Sorry for yelling earlier" She put on her fake smile but she was crying inside. Sally was good in hiding stuff but eyes never lie. Anybody could tell who wasn't in the mood by starring at them in the eye.

Sally thought that it was a little rude if she didn't introduce her self.
"I'm Sally, Sally Kuang and I apologize for yelling" She blushed in embarrassment. "I was acting like an idiot, sorry" She apologize one more time. Sally never want other people to know that her mood wasn't good. She tend to smile all the time like what her brother had been doing. Zac was good at hiding stuff and she had admire him for that.
Sebastian was startled to see that the person who had yelled at him was already smiling and apologizing. He knew if it were him, he would never be able to go from angry to happy in just two seconds. I'll never understand girls he thought to himself,with a slight shake of his head. Taking a second look at the girl as she introduced herself to him, Sebastian realized that she wasn't really happy. She was smiling, but her eyes were kind of...sad.

"Don't worry about it" he said, waving his arm and dismissing the apology. "Sometimes yelling is the only way to get your emotions out" he said with a shrug. For him, music was what helped him get his emotions out but others like his best friend Willow would wail and scream out some lyrics and then feel all better. "I kind of introduced myself earlier, but maybe you didn't hear me over the um yelling...I'm Sebastian Rossi. Ms. Kuang--" he interrupted himself as the name jogged his memory. "Hey, you wouldn't happen to be related to Zac Kuang, would you?" Sebastian had met the guy briefly over the summer and had a good laugh.
Sally blushed, she was embarrassed with the fact that she was shouting. "Sorry" She muttered again like an idiot. Sally's step mother had been reminding her not to shout at someone, not to be too curious about anything. Sally was one of those who would ask so many questions to other people and annoyed them since she was too curious about something. She shrugged and gave a stupid grin.

"Zac? How do you know him?"
She was quiet surprise when the boy mention his name, she never thought that someone would actually know who on earth Zac was since he was one of the quiet one. Or not? "He's my older brother" She said calmly. "I heard you" She blushed as he mention about yelling. "Wait... You're not one of those who would pull pranks to other people right?" She raised her eyebrow and giggle. Sally could remember perfectly what type of boy her brother was. He was one of the quietest in the group but one of those who had idea of pulling pranks. She could remember perfectly when Zac turned her hair blue, it was embarrassing.
When Sally confirmed that she was related to Zac and that he was her brother, Sebastian nodded. He thought he'd seen a resemblance. As she went on and asked whether he was a prankster, Sebastian smirked. "Well..." he began, not sure of what else to say. It was true that he played pranks on people on occassion. It was a fun way to pass the time and that was how he'd met Sally's brother. Sebastian had been sitting in Obsidian Harbour waiting for his grandmother to finish delivering some potions she'd been working on and he'd been using a wind spell to make people's items fly from their hands.

"I'm not really a prankster, just sometimes...every once in a while. I promise I'm not planning anything now" he said hastily, holding his hands up to show her they were empty. Realizing that he still had his wand out, Sebastian hastily placed it in his pocket. Sebastian was trying his best to not have to serve a single detention this year and so far he'd been doing pretty well. The fact that it was only the beginning of the school year did not cross his mind because last year he'd earned a detention in his first week. "So...wanna talk about what made you so upset?" he asked innocently. If she wanted to talk about it, he'd listen and if she didn't, that would be fine with him too.
Sally rolled her eyes as she heard the boy explain how on earth he knew Zac. Just as she thought... Pranks! What else?? "Not really a prankster? Are you sure?" She smirked, she wasn't sure if he was a prankster or not but if he knew Zac then he should be one of those who would pull pranks even to professors. Zac had always been good in those, he never got caught by anyone. She was quiet surprise that he was that good but ohh well...

Sally eyed Sebastian, she didn't feel comfortable that he asked her about her problem.
"Ummm" She didn't know if she could trust this guy but perhaps she could. "I'm getting a new mom" She frowned, she wasn't sure if her father is going to marry another woman or not. She overheard her father, he was drunk and yelled at her step-mother. But Zac told her that it wasn't true. She didn't know what to believe everything was blurry.
Sebastian chuckled as Sally picked up on his words. He shrugged rather than admit his love for pranks. If her brother were any indication, the girl wasn't any stranger to pranks. Even if she didn't participate in them, her brother certainly did. He noticed the visible shift in her when he brought up why she'd been yelling and figured that she would simply change the subject. If she did, he had every intention of letting her. He wasn't a prefect so it wasn't his job to go around making the student's feel at home or dealing with their dilemmas.

As she actually opened up to him, Sebastian listened with little expression on his face. "Oh...Is she like some wicked stepmother?" he asked as he leaned against the wall of the corridor, not sure if Sally was upset because the new lady was a true witch not only by blood but also by her actions or if she was just sad about having her father remarrying.
Sally let out a small chuckle as the boy asked her if the new mother was like the wicked stepmother, she had heard the story. It was a muggle story, Cinderella if she wasn't wrong. Sally adored muggles and their gadgets, if her new mother was going to be a muggle she would probably be thrilled but she knew her father wouldn't do that. "I hope not" She giggle as she continue to think about muggles. She had wish to turn into one but too bad her father was a pureblood.

"So... Who are you Sebastian Rossi?"
Or in other words, I would like to know more about you. Sally wasn't interested in him that way, she was just asking question randomly she wanted to know everything about other people even though it wasn't her business. But she will try to find out and she will get the answer as soon as she could. It was one of her strength. Or weakness?
A small smile crossed Sebastian's face as Sally chuckled. It was good to see. For a second there, when he'd first come around the corner, he was pretty sure that he was going to be hexed or jinxed or something. Now, she seemed a bit calmer. "That's a good thing then, right?" he said, the smile still on his face.

When she asked who he was, Sebastian's pierced eyebrow lifted slightly. It was an odd question to be asked, one that he often asked himself, but not one that he was used to being asked aloud. His hand lifted to his ear where he nervously twisted his earring. It was a nervous habit of his. "Deep question Sally" he said, chuckling nervously. "I guess it depends who you ask. If you ask my old Astronomy professor, then I'm the kid who always fell asleep in his class. If you ask the prefects, they'll probably tell you that I'm Trilby Kiedis' boyfriend or the one who gets detention every once in a while." He smirked at that. "If you ask me, though...I'll tell you that I honestly don't know yet. I'm still looking for the answer" he said slowly and then shrugged.

Sebastian looked around, glad that no one else was in the corridor. He hadn't been asked such probing questions since he'd had to visit a psychologist right after his mother's death. "What year did you say you were in again?" he asked, the smirk reappearing on his face as he relaxed once again.
Sally laugh as the boy told him self about getting detention every week. Zac had been pulling pranks since he was little but he was never get caught not even by their parents, Sally was the only one who knew that it was Zac since she had been spending her time with him. "Ha! You sound like my brother but Zac never get detention" She stopped and smirk as she lean on the wall "He ran away" She wasn't sure if she should be proud of him or not.

Sally kneel down as she took off her wet ballet shoes and put it in her pocket.
"I'm a fourth year, a ballet dancer, a Fashionholic, a muggle lover, and an overprotective sister" She giggle, she knew that Sebastian didn't ask but she wanted to tell him. "Accio shoes" She summon her shoes and put it on, she stood up once she got into her comfortable shoes.

Hogwarts was suppose to be the next school but her parents didn't let her, she frowned after knowing that fact, she had hope that she would be transferred to Hogwarts but too bad she ended up in Beauxbatons instead.
"So I guess you'll be graduating soon hm?" She looked at him in the eye and then to the floor. "Lucky you" She muttered, Sally hated Beauxbatons she prefer speaking in English not French and she was a foreigner there. There weren't many Asians in Beauxbatons, mostly were French.
Sebastian shrugged and chuckled. "I guess I'm not that good." That wasn't true though. Most of the time when he pulled a prank, he wasn't caught because he knew where to do them. Most of his detentions were for forgetting his homework, usually Astronomy, or for fighting and arguing with his classmates. Sebastian had a low tolerance for arrogance and since this school was filled with guys who thought they were better than everyone else, the seventh year had had his fair share of problems, especially when he'd first arrived in the school.

Sebastian listened to Sally describe herself with a smile. "My mom was a muggle" he stated evenly. He rarely spoke about her anymore, because it was still hard to do even all these years after her death.

When Sally mentioned that he would graduating soon, Sebastian nodded. He couldn't believe how quickly time had flown by. It felt like just yesterday when he was walking into the school for his fifth year, knowing only a few words of French and not even those too well. Now, he could actually carry on a conversation with few mistakes. That first year had been incredibly rough and Trilby had definitely helped him to get through it. "Yea. It'll go by fast. It did for me anyway. You've just got to find something to enjoy about the school and ignore everything and everyone else" Sebastian replied, trying to reassure Sally who didn't seem all that happy at Beauxbatons.
(Sorry for the length :doh: )

"Aww I bet you're good" Sally chuckle, she didn't know much about Sebastian but she was going to owl Zac and ask him about this boy. Sally wanted to know everything about him, actually not just him but about everyone. Sometimes people would be annoyed after being asked by Sally, she asked too many questions but Sally never care, she wanted to fulfill her curiosity.

Sally didn't know if she should be happy for him or not after knowing that his mom was a muggle.
"My mom was too but... She died when I was little. Zac's mom is a mixed blood if I'm not mistaken and I live with her now" She didn't mind living with Zac's mom, since she loved her. Sally forced her self to smile, she didn't want to make him uncomfortable around her.

"Thanks for your encouragement"
She smiled at him, she started to like him as friends of course.
((no need to apologize...it's fine :cool: ))

Sebastian listened to Sally say that her mother was a muggle. It was with a bit of surprise that he learned that she had died, just like his mom had. "Mine did too. In a car accident. It's nice that your brother's mother took you in" Sebastian smiled a bit as he said this. "So, she's not the stepmother you're talking about, I'm guessing?" Sebastian asked, his eyebrows furrowing together. He was a bit confused because she hadn't sounded happy about getting a stepmother but she seemed to like her brother's mother, so he figured that she wasn't talking about her.

Sebastian had never had any siblings, but talking to Sally almost made him wish he weren't an only child and had a little brother or sister to talk to like this. "No prob. The first one's free. After that..." he trailed off, chuckling. Seeing students beginning to head to their classes, Sebastian wondered if Sally needed to head to class. He had a free period so he was in no rush. He was only headed to his dorm room to probably write a letter to his gran for some things he'd forgotten at home.
Sally frowned after listening to the boy talking about his own mother "I'm sorry to hear that, my mother died in a car accident too" It was odd that their mothers died in the same way and they were both muggles. She couldn't help but laugh, it was something really unusual for her. "Sorry this is freaking me out" She said with her famous American accent. "It's wierd isn't it? Our mothers were both muggles and they died in car accidents" Sally then frowned she felt stupid for laughing, it was something serious not a joke. "I'm... Really sorry" She looked down to the floor she felt like an idiot for doing that.

Sally then shook her head after the boy asked her if this was the step mother
"No, I like my step mom already, but I've heard a rumor that my father is going to marry another woman, I can't understand him" She said almost yelling, and again, she felt stupid for yelling. "Sorry... Again" She force her self to smile. "Well I'm not sure tho let's just hope he wont" She was making sure that Zac would confirm her about it, she was going to owl him.
Sebastian thought it was odd too that their mothers were both muggles who had died the same way. It was kind of sad actually, and he was startled out of his own sad thoughts by the sound of Sally's laughter. His pierced eyebrow rose quickly, wondering what exactly she found funny about the whole situation when she quickly apologized and looked down.

Glad for the change of subject, Sebastian listened to her talk about the stepmom she liked and the potential step-mom that she didn't. "Oh, I see" was all he said at first. "So, it's not a done deal then. There's a chance that he isn't getting married?" he said, thinking that Sally might be worrying over nothing. "Maybe...you shouldn't worry about it then until you're sure it is going to happen" he advised her. It seemed like a waste of time to him to worry about something that might not even happen. "I'll keep my fingers crossed for you" he said with a smile.
Sally shrugged as she look at Sebastian "Well it doesn't xD matter anymore" Sally had been spending most of her time here in French away from her brother. She was thinking about transferring to Durmstrang or at least Zac should transfer to Beauxbatons. But her father didn't let them be together, he was worried that they would skip class instead of attending.

Sally crossed her finger as she shut her eyes tightly.
"Take me away dear mother of Merlin" She then chuckle and opened her eyes. "Thank you" She bowed pretending that Sebastian was either Chinese, Korean, or Japanese and chuckled. She had never did that before but sometimes she would. "You know what freaks me out?" She said with her famous American accent "Zac's dad, or my dad is Chinese and Zac's mom is half Japanese and half Korean... Isn't that cool?" It wasn't actually that neat, she was just exaggerating since she wanted to be like him.
Sebastian watched as Sally bowed to him and chuckled. He'd never had anyone bow to him before and it was an interesting thing to have happen. Sally was proving to be a very interesting girl, a bit unusual but he liked that. He was tired of all the other kids in the school who simply thought that they were better than everyone else. Maybe it just takes a couple of Americans to change this place up he thought to himself.

He listened as Sally explained the heritage of her family. "Yeah, that is" he said as a bunch of younger students rounded the corner, talking rapidly in French as they headed to class. "It's really cool, Sally" he smiled as he pushed off the wall. "Do you have a class you need to be getting to?" he asked her, his eyebrow raised as he waited for her reply. Somehow he got the feeling that she was trying to distract him from realizing that very fact.
Sally smiled and cast her sight to the window. She then stare at Sebastian for a minute, she had forgotten that she had a class. She then summon her books and did a pirouette on her school shoes which made her harder to spin. And then bowed gently as if she had finish her ballet show. She then chuckle as she hold her books tightly "Yeah I got class and I'm..." She paused as she tried to figure out what lesson she had. "LATE!" She ran away from him and then look back at him while running "Nice to meet yarrr Bazztian!!! I'll talk to you later!" She winked and ran off.

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