Closed Hey Look Ma, I Made It

Miro Morales-Albertson

🌻 Confident & Impatient 🍄
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 12 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Fairy Wing Core
Miro had made the Gryffindor quidditch team, and he was so exited, he almost couldn't believe it! He was so happy that after all his time in the latter half of his first year practicing had been worth it, that all the hard work he had put into his flying had meant he was good enough to play for the team. As soon as he spotted the team's listing in the Gryffindor common he couldn't contain himself, letting out an excited squeal before immediately running down through the castle and to the owlery so he could send his mum a letter and tell her the news. He was so caught up in his excitement he had scribbled down a letter on the first piece of parchment he could find and with the first quill he could find, not realizing in his haste to tell her whether the letter would be readable as he sent it away with the first owl he saw. His mum always knew how to read his handwriting so he didn't think to give it a second thought as he watched the owl disappear over the horizon. Making it onto the quidditch team had been one of the things he had talked about all during the holidays, so he hoped she would be just as excited as he was.​

Letter said:
GUESS WHAT??! I tried out for the quidditch team and I made it as an alternate!!
I'm part of the team!!!!! YAY!!
First practice is right away I'm gonna play my best and tell you all about it when I get home!!
Love you!!
November spent most of her days working, she felt her youth slipping away. No longer did she have carefree summer days leading up to the school year. In truth, it felt as though ages had passed since she was a teen at Hogwarts. Now her pride and joy Miro was oof starting his second year. His father Flavio was still her friend as they spent the years co-parenting. Miro was certainly taking after Flavio, his looks were so similar to his father at his age that she worried Miro would be a heartbreaker in the future. She was sure a few students would have crushes on her little boy in the next few years. He still seemed focused on school and fun more than relationships and as any mother she hoped that would be true for another year or two. She was washing a few dishes at the sink when she saw an owl approaching the house. Opening the window she saw a familiar chicken scratch of writing on the front. Reading the letter, she went to the desk and wrote a reply. A smile was on her face but a worry line appeared on her forehead at the same time.

Dearest Miro,

I am so proud of you! It's a very competitive sport to get into at school but all your practice has paid off! I look forward to hearing about your games and hope you get a chance to play. Always be safe! It's dangerous on a broom and practice your evasive maneuvers as much as you can. Please do also send word of what position, your father was a chaser! Let me know if you'd like me to pass on the big news or if you're sending an owl yourself. I love you, sweetheart. Always continue to be the brave Gryffindor you are!

Lots of love,
Miro hadn't realized he he forgot to tell his mum that he was a beater, at least not until he read her letter and laughed at himself for getting too caught up in his excitement in being on the team in the first place to remember to tell her which position he would be playing. He was still incredibly happy for himself and exited for his spot on the team even if it was only as an alternate, and thus in wanting to respond to his mum as soon as he could, he wrote his response carelessly on another scrap of parchment with the first quill he found on his nightstand. He ran to the owlery as soon as he could to send the letter away with a large barn owl. The owl had seemed intimidating at first but had leaned over to him for scratches so he didn't hesitate to give the owl the scratches it wanted before sending his letter shortly afterwards.​

letter said:
Hey Mum!!
Thanks for replying! I am a beater so I get to dodge and hit all the bludgers. It's really in in practices to chase the bludgers and fly super fast!
Don't worry, I am being safe and I have all the school gear on me when we practice! I've been hit by a bludger already but it didn't hurt that much, promise!
Love you lots

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