Hey, I'm Trying To Read Here!

Mima Scarlet

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" Essence of Raven Feather
With a couple of muggle books in hand - sent to her by Sabrina, with the explanation that 'every girl, muggle or magical, needs to read these' - Mima daintily sat down under the shade of a grand tree on the lawn, sighing in contentment. Hogwarts had such a beautiful campus, and Mima just wanted to make the most of it. Sure, there was probably studying that she knew she could have been doing, but it was just such a beautiful day outside, and these books were begging her to read them, essentially.

Stretching her legs out and crossing her ankles, Mima opened up The Secret Garden. It was perhaps designed for girls younger than fourteen, but that suited the young Hufflepuff just fine. Within moment, she found herself enchanted by the power of reading.
To say that Peter was annoyed that he wasn't able to try out for Quidditch this year was an understatement. Due to his, well to be perfectly honest, horrible grades last year his father had specifically told him that he had to pull his grades up or no more Quidditch for him while he was still at school. While try-outs were at the start of the semester the practices were still going on and he would go sit and watch them, wishing to be up in the air with his ex-teammates. He didn’t even know how his father would know if he had tried out but at times his father scared him so he wouldn't dare go against his wishes, anyway he was pretty sure his father had sent a letter to Professor Kinglsey to make sure Peter didn't try out until his grades picked up a bit. Unfortuantely that wasn't working out well for him as he was just about scrapping a pass in most of his classes so far and exams were just around the corner and he was not loooking forward to them in the slightest.

Needing something to blow off his steam seeing as he was bround to the ground for the time being he took to taking one of the footballs from the Muggle Sports Club and kicking it about a bit, not as enjoyable as Quidditch but he had to admire the muggles for making an entertaining anough sport, to keep him occupied enough at least. Working on his kick ups for next weeks club meeting he was doing good until he started to loose control of the football. In an attempt to get it back under control he kicked the ball in the wrong direction and saw it heading towards over to the big tree in the Great Lawn. Seeing that there was a girl sitting under the tree he ran over but was too late as the ball made contact with the girl. "Sooooorry!" he called over to the girl, laughing a small bit under his breath. "You alright?" he asked, trying to look apologetic.
Mima was well in to chapter two of the book when she felt the impact. She'd shut the rest of the world out, as she was so prone to at many times, especially while she was reading. She loved to fully absorb herself in the world set out for her on paper. Her aunt and uncle used to talk in stage whispers about how dumb the poor girl looked, shutting herself off from everything so easily. Mima ignored them, or well, she tried to. It didn't stop her from leaping in to the world of literature, imagining she was the disagreeable, neglected girl from India, gaining a new lease on life on the moors.

Feeling the knock on the side of her head, Mima made a little noise in shock as she toppled over from the force, landing on her side. Instinctively, she held the book up to keep it safe, but the impact had hurt. The young brunette blinked a couple of times, before getting herself back up, looking around for the source of the impact. Sure enough, her eyes landed on some strange ball - a muggle sport ball, perhaps, and a boy whom she recognised from her classes running towards her, laughing in the midst of his apologies. Mima scowled. It wasn't very nice to laugh at people, and she wasn't happy to have been completely jolted out of her world in such a rude manner. Closing her book, Mima rubbed the arm she'd landed on. "That hurt," she stated, pouting slightly.
Peter could almost hear the thud of the impact of the ball hitting the girl on the side of her head, he wondered what way did he kick the ball that it made it that far and with such an impact. He did feel bad, he never intended to hurt anyone but he couldn't help but see the funny side of it either, then again Peter was never one to take many things serious in his life and would normally laugh even at the most inappropriate of times - it was his thing. Heck even when he was in trouble he couldn't take it serious, unless he was in trouble with his dad, then he was scared into having some sense about him because he knew well enough to not laugh when his father was angry, it was not a good idea.

After his short jog over to where the girl was sitting, seeing as she hadn't returned his ball to him yet, he could see a bit of a red mark on the side of her face where the ball had hit her and could see her rubbing her arm. I didn't hurt her that bad did I? he thought to himself as a small twang of guilt twisted his stomach. "It wasn't like I intended for my ball to come over here and hit you." he said with a small shrug, well it was true he didn't wake up today with the intention of going and hurting someone. "Do you have to go to the hospital wing?" he asked, figuring she didn't but he may as well ask, despite his attitude he was raised with manners.
Mima looked back down at her book, the pages slightly crumpled from her hands sliding due to the impact. She sighed, smoothing out the creases as best she could. Perhaps sitting outside wasn't the best idea, but she'd been told that it was best for her to get fresh air, it was good for staying healthy. When Mima had come to Hogwarts, after all, she'd been a pale, haughty thing - not unlike the main character of the book she happened to be reading, she thought, ruefully. And while she could still be haughty at times, she was honestly better behaved.

She looked back up at the boy, forcing a polite smile. "No," she responded. "Just be careful next time," the brunette added, somewhat regally. She pressed a palm to her cheek, checking for swelling - there didn't seem to be any, though she supposed if there was it would show up sooner or later. Didn't really matter much, she supposed.
Peter wasn't in any way a rude person and it wasn't like this was his intention but he didn't know why this girl was being so whiny about it all. For starters, she was outside, and in Peter's opinion being outside was for playing games and not for reading books and if she got hit by the ball it was pretty much her own fault for not choosing a better place to read her book, seriously under a tree, Peter couldn't help but think it was a pretty stupid place to just sit and read - then again he wasn't exactly an advocate of reading or anything academic in that case.

Peter was surprised to see a smile on the girls face when she informed him that she didn't need to go to St. Mungo's. "Then I don't know why you are complaining if there's nothing seriously wrong with you then." he said with a shrug. His sister had got hit harder when they used to play Quidditch and sure she used to cry when she was younger but she was a baby then and she was 8 now and there was hardly ever a peep out of her when she got hit. Although he figured not everyone had the chance to grow up with an older brother that played Quidditch around you pretty much since birth. "Well next time don't be sitting under a tree to read. It's clearly not very safe." he said with a small chuckle, truth be told he was a bit reckless, always had been, so there was no point in him trying to be careful.
((whoops, getting caught up with Werewolf and stuff, hehe))

Mima merely blinked, looking at the boy with a dumbstruck look on her face. He sure seemed to be getting all up in arms over nothing. Sure, Mima didn't want to have been hit by a ball, and it definitely wasn't something she was used to - her cousins never played muggle sports, finding such a thing degrading to even suggest, and they ignored Mima most of the time anyway - but she'd gotten over it quickly, and surely he had better things to do than to lecture her on where to sit. Even if he was deriving humour from the situation.

"I wasn't complaining," she said, simply. "It was a statement of fact." She dropped her book again, and tilted her head slightly as she looked at the boy. "I didn't realise people played so many muggle sports here." That, again, was true. It wasn't a case of pure-blood supremacy in Mima's case, it was merely that it was not something she expected. She was interested by muggle things - not necessarily sports, though, Mima wasn't really in to sport - but it was a genuine surprise to her that so many people would be in to muggle things. She supposed it was her upbringing that caused her to think this way.
OOCOut of Character:
It's fine, I'm up to my eyes in Uni work anyway :tut:

Peter merely shrugged, he really didn't mean any harm by what he was saying, but it didn't seem like this girl was seeing that his way. "Sorry, I have a strange sense of humour." he said meekly. He took some time to get used too, which is probably why he didn't know many people or have friends in the school. The only people he really knew was from whatever clubs he had joined in his past few years, through quidditch and the guys in his dorm but even then he didn't socialise properly with them. He made a mental note to fix that, there was only so many years left in Hogwarts and he really had to attempt to make some friends at least.

"I guess it's because of the Muggle Sports Club, it's pretty popular." he said, being a member since his first year he knew that a good number of people went to it. It wasn't always clear why but he knew a few of them had been brought up around it, either by having a muggle parent or growing up around it as a muggleborn themselves. Peter just loved sports so he was willing to give any club with sports in the name a try and he loved it now. Football was definitely his favourite sport, that and basketball as it was the most similar to quidditch. "But I guess this is the first time it, somewhat, hit you in the face." he said awkwardly. Granted she didn't get hit in the face, but that was the saying, right, when you learned something new that was always just there? "I'm Peter by the way, sorry about that, I really didn't mean too, I guess I got too over eager." he said, realising he hadn't sincerely apologised yet.
"It's okay," Mima almost whispered, meekly. She could see that she'd possibly been a bit confrontational towards the boy and she had to back off. She wasn't really used to...well, people. She'd had an incredibly sheltered upbringing and even at Hogwarts, she had stayed fairly sheltered. She didn't make a big effort to talk to people or anything, and she'd been away from the school for a while. Still, the only person who could change that was herself. She didn't think much of herself as a person, but she knew she wasn't a mean or hateful person really, and while she was easily intimidated, she wasn't such a scared little girl who couldn't deal with anyone even glancing in her direction. At least, not anymore.

Mima nodded when the boy mentioned the Muggle Sports Club. She had heard of it, she hadn't considered joining it because she didn't know about nor really care about muggle sports. But many people liked them so it was good people had something they enjoyed. Mima had always been too meek to join any clubs, really. It was hard enough keeping up with her schoolwork, and she was only just able to do that. She didn't quite understand the joke he was making, but after a moment she figured she understood it, and then looked like an idiot for the delayed giggle she gave. At this point, she suspected she wasn't going to get any reading done, so she closed her book, being sure to place her bookmark on the right page, and looked up at the boy, curiosity etched on her face.

"Nice to meet you, Peter. I think I've seen you in some of my classes," she pondered out loud. Mima was rather prone to getting lost in her own little world but she could at least recognise the faces of most people in her year, even if she didn't know their names or even the first thing about them. "I'm Mima. Don't worry about it. I'm sorry for sounding rude."
OOCOut of Character:
I am soooo so sorry :(

In his fourth year at school Peter had hoped that he would of had more friends and better people skills but that wasn't really how things panned out. He got used to not having panning out the way he had wanted it but it didn't mean it wasn't annoying to have it that way. Then again, apart from a few guys out of his dorm and the ones in the clubs he was part off he didn't really interact with people and he only interacted with those people because he had too. Then again what did he really need them for right now? Sure it would be nice to have friends and actual people skills so he could have them for when he grew up and was out of school and actually had to survive but then he remembered that all he wanted to be was a professional Quidditch Player. As long as he was able to get along with his team mates on the pitch at least then he'd be fine, that's all he needed to be happy in life.

Peter was surprised to hear that the girl said that she recognised him from some of her classes. It was a rare occassion that Peter would actually go to classes so either he had a memorable face or she had a good memory. She must be a Ravenclaw he figured to himself, sure that was a little bit sterotypical but as far as he was aware all Ravenclaws were smart and it's not like it's a trait that they should be ashamed off. Heck, Peter wished he had half the brain as a first year Ravenclaw, they would probably know more than him anyway. "Forget about it." he said with a shrug. Realising that he was still looking down at Mima he felt a little bit weird, and he still hadn't gotten his ball back. As far as he was concerned he had two options here, sit down and talk more, or ask for his ball back and leave. He figured that there would be no harm in actually attempting to talk to people he sat down beside her. "Don't know about you but standing over you was getting weird." He said as he made himself comfortable on the hard grass. "So you not into sports then?" he said, bringing up the only topic he could really talk about on end.

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