Hey, any ideas for a plot?

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Sara Moon

Former 'Claw | Auror | Grieving
OOC First Name
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12 and a half inches willow with unicorn hair
Hey It's Sara's first year and she wants to make some more friends so if anyone has plot ideas
or wants to be friends with Sara, please reply :unsure:
I have Logan that she could be friends with. They re in the same house and Logan could be like a mentor to her. Or even like a big bother figure.

He s a sweet boy who is nice to most people. He likes to read and study. He is getting top marks in classes. He is happy to help anyone who needs it and is generally caring and interesting in listening to people if they have a problem that they want to share.
Thanks, It'd be good for Sara to have a mentor-type. So how shall Sara and Logan meet?
Sara is confident and smart, although she was bullied in muggle school, which has left her a little insecure, but she hides it well.
.... said:
Sara is confident and smart, although she was bullied in muggle school, which has left her a little insecure, but she hides it well.

Amanda was bullied in muggle school, too! People thought she was a nerd. But she is trying to come out of her shell a little more. "Everybody is weird in their own way, and you just gotta accept it." Anyway, she's friendly, smart, and dislikes being wrong. And she can have a bit of a temper if something really upsets her.
I have Collin Jin, a ravenclaw... He's not a bully (not yet) xD
He's not mean and not that nice.... xD
Colin sounds good who will start the plot?
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