Closed Heta Social?

Cyzarine Haden

charming!; class of 2054; hostess
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Aspen Wand 12 1/2" Dragon Heartstring Core
4/2036 (25)
Cyzarine was looking for a very specific member of the Heta Omega, she wanted to build her team and this was one of the first people she was asking. She didn't know the girl that well, only from the club, but she seemed nice, and Cyzarine was pretty confident she would both be interested and agree to it. She had a few other back up people she could ask for this position but she was quite keen to get Samantha on board. Cyzarine has asked one of the other hufflepuffs to go into the hufflepuff common room and find her. Hopefully she was about so Cyzarine could do this easily. It was always tricky to find someone around the school.
Samantha had been in the common room reading a small book and her usual bag of snacks when someone had told her that there was someone waiting for her outside the common room. She was a little confused, as she hadn't really expected anyone to ask for her. Samantha shrugged it off and made her way outside to find Cyzarine. She didn't really know her, only seeing her in school clubs. "Hey, Did you need me for something?" Samantha says with a small smile, slightly confused.
Cyzarine gave a wide smile and giggled slightly when she spotted Samantha, "Hi! Yes!" she replied, "I had a little question for you, I'm the new Heta Omega president and I was wondering if you'd like to be the new social chair?" she ask, her tone was excited and keen she really hoped that Samantha would want to be a part of her grown heta omega team.
Samantha's face turned into slight shock, as she hadn't been expecting to be asked for such an important position before. "O-oh, yeah! I'd like to" Samantha says with some excitement and a smile.
Cyzarine squealed happily in excitement, "Yay!" She said, clearly very excited about this person joining her team, she didn't know Samantha that well, but she was looking forward to getting to know her as they began working together. It was going to just be so much fun. "Okay, well, that was all I had to ask, welcome to the team, and I'll be in touch so that we can get to organising!"

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