He's Still Singing The Jailhouse Blues

Ademar Nacht

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
Fourth year just rolled around, and Ademar, whom had pretty much disappeared off the face of the planet, was now seen in the garden. He was still as angry and skeptical toward everything as he was in his first year. He hated magic, just as much as he did in his first year. Perhaps that was why he was there, in the garden. The plants didn't talk to him, and neither did the small amounts of strange wildlife. This was the closet thing he could get to normal, though he was beyond normal. He had yet to have any contact with his father, whom has all but told him he was no longer welcome in the village. His father actually din't have to tell him, since the council decided that as long as he was attending this magic school, he would not be allowed back. He couldn't wait for graduation, so that he could just leave; leave an never think about magic again. He was prepared to break this stupid stick in half, and pretend like none of this had happened. in fact, he wasn't even going to take his rumspringa any more; he'd seen the world outside his village, and it was bleak.

Ademar sat beneath a small tree, the chilly air blowing through, chilling him to the core. He was just in an all around bad mood, and he did not want to talk to anyone. He had heard many times how he was a contradiction, being a grumpy 'hufflepuff' or whatever they called him. He didn't care if he was going against any standards, because this whole school went against his religion. "Stupid school." He murmered, picking some grass from the ground and throwing it to the side.
So far the year was going amazingly well, though it was only the beginning, but that didn't really matter, because from start the finish last year, Sammy's time had been difficult. Hopefully this year would be nothing like that one, Sammy wanted this year to be absolutely perfect, and that was starting to happen with the fact that the Prefects meeting went okay, and the weather was fantabulous, so he didn't have much to complain about at all, except the absence of his older sister. Already Sammy was starting to miss Tamalia, and he was trying to talk to Nadia more so she could make it all better, but he had yet to find the Ravenclaw and now that classes were coming close he was sure it would be even harder to locate Nadia, she usually just stayed in the Ravenclaw Tower, where Sammy had absolutely no access to because it was quieter there. Walking out of the castle, Sammy made his way to the Hogwarts Garden, one of his favourite places to be, mainly because it was just so beautiful and fun. The sun was always shining there, even if it was a cloudy, rainy day. Samual loved flowers, he was something similar to a flower child, he'd always liked them because they were bright, happy and smelt amazing, there was no denying it at all.

Turning around some trees, Sammy nearly bumped into someone, but managed to lean against a tree instead so he didn't wind up walking into them. That'd be rude, and a little awkward. A smile crossed his face when he realised that he knew this person, they'd met before, though it wasn't the most pleasant of meetings, Sammy still considered the boy a friendly acquaintance, he'd never thought of anyone as anything worse, except a select few people, but they'd forced that upon him. "Hello Ademar, how are you?" He asked kindly, walking around to face the slightly younger boy.
The sun had started to beam down on Ademar's face, even with the shade. It felt nice, he enjoyed the warmth of nature. He loved nature in general. He heard some voices and a few other noises; there were other people around. Ademar hadn't expected an immense amount of privacy, but a little would have helped his mood be eased. He had tried to be positive at the start of the year, he only had this year, and then two more before he could go back. however, with everyone so in love with magic, he had just declined into this Huffle-Grump who didn't speak to many people, and when he did, only made magic out to be a demon. The peacefulness in the garden made him feel better, and the nature reminded him a lot of home. There was only one thing in this world that he liked; the music. Before coming to this school, he had never really heard any music. In his village, he was not allowed to listen to it at all; it was just forbidden. Here though, it graced his ears and occasionally made him smile. He had even been studying on classical and religious music, which had started to tell him that music was not against God, but some was for him.

Then that voice, that voice and accidental almost-bump. Ademar could remember in his first year, when the slightly older boy had tried to convince him how good magic was, he had remained calm but stopped the conversation. No one could convince Ademar of it's goodness, he just saw nothing about it that was good. "Hello, Mr. kaster." Where he came from, if someone was more than six months older than you, you adressed them by teh last name, unless directed other wise. Samual was a year or two older. "I am doing alright, and you?" He asked politely. Small talk was not really Ademar's strong suit.
The sun was something that energised Samual on a daily basis, it was just too bright to refuse. Sammy couldn't bare to be in a bad mood when it was a sunny day, just like today. The area wasn't barren of life, and that was fine with Samual, because he didn't like places being quiet, he was someone that liked places being filled with people and noise, but that was probably because of his upbringing, he was used to people being around him, making noise and having fun, so when an area was empty of people, it made him a little lonely, which was why Hogwarts was a nice place, Sammy was rarely lonely here because there were so many people around him, it'd be impossible not to find someone to talk to. Even though he was walking alone in the Hogwarts Garden, he still managed to run into someone that he knew, it was just something that happened easily and it was something that made him happy. It was nice knowing a lot of people and knowing that he could talk to most people around him because he'd met them before. it was somewhat comforting for the Gryffindor, and it was something that made him happy and pleased to be at Hogwarts New Zealand.

Sammy smiled kindly at Ademar, deciding to ignore their history. Samual thought that Ademar was a nice person, deep down inside, once you got past his 'I hate magic' and grumpy attitude towards everything. That just made Samual more determined to befriend the boy, because he seemed like a nice person that needed to learn how to be tolerant of both worlds. He was also very polite, something that astounded Sammy every time they met. "Oh don't call me Mr. Kaster, that's so formal!" It was also the name of his father, something that he wasn't going to aspire to be for a long time, Mr. Kaster was a reserved name in Samual's life, and he wasn't looking to take it up. "Just called me Sammy, it's easier." He added with a small shrug. Samual nodded happily. "I'm fantabulous, the sun is so bright and everything has been going great. It's good to be back at Hogwarts." Sammy wasn't sure if Ademar would agree with his statement of it being good to be back at Hogwarts, but he hoped that it didn't start the boy arguing again.
The biggest thing that Ademar didn't like about Samual, and the biggest reason they but heads, was because he was so happy to be what he was. He was energized to be in a school like Hogwarts. Ademar would have gotten along with him before he had been sorted, but not now, not when this man was a prefect for this magical school. Ademar trained his eyes on Samual's curls. He had gotten taller than the last time they had talked, and his hair was noticeably longer. Ademar wouldn't lie and say he hadn't heard rumors about Sam. Who hadn't read RHI, or heard about Tamalia's outing. Even though this was a magic school, Ademar would never shame himself or his village by doing something like what those two girls did. Fighting? It was unladylike, and it was just wrong. You were meant to turn the other cheek, and treat others how you wished to be treated. That was something Ademar stood by. Though he also learned to walk away when you got angry, and not just sit back and keep being friendly. He had been taught not to hate, so that meant he could still dislike.

Ademar was slightly taken aback by the request not to call him Mr. Kaster. then again, Samual was raised differently. he was raised where first names were more common than anything, and Ademar's upbringing was the exact opposite. "Alright, Samual." Though Ademar was no longer being formal, he had never taken to the concept of nicknames, other than the ones that the family used. And those were strictly for loved ones. Then he used that word. Fantabulous. It was obviously a cross between fantastic and fabulous, but why use it like that. it wasn't a real word. Ademar tended to be a stickler for real words and the rules. "I suppose it's good to be somewhere other than in the weather." Ademar had spent his vacation time in a dingy motel outside of the magic area. He hadn't wanted to stay there longer than he had to. And while he hated the school, he did enjoy being somewhere warm, with nice bedding and good food. Ademar had loosened up considerably, because in earlier years the conversation would have ended there. But, this time, he didn't agree nor disagree. Though as a few seconds went by, he realized he had left himself vulnerable to be asked where he had been that wasn't "somewhere".
Samual was used to being liked by people, and liking people. It was a rare moment when Sammy disliked someone for whatever reason, but it had happened on occasion, but this wasn't one of those occasions. No matter how much Ademar and Samual rubbed eachother the wrong way, Samual doubted that he'd ever actually dislike Ademar. Although, Sammy still couldn't shake the feeling that Ademar disliked him, for whatever reason. Samual usually lacked the ability to realise that sometimes people just wouldn't like him and he had to accept it. It wasn't something the Gryffindor could accept easily, since he liked to think that everyone could be friends, eventually, if both people worked hard for the friendship. It was good to see Ademar again, even if their last meeting had been a little more volcanic than Sammy was used to, in fact, in the end they both just walked off from each other. Sammy never walked off on someone because it wasn't polite, and he doubted that Ademar made a habit of it since he seemed like a super polite and strict person.

Sammy nodded slightly when he was called Samual, that was better, though he'd preferred Sammy, he wasn't going to mention it because Ademar seemed like a very formal person and he wasn't about to tell him and demand that he be called Sammy, that was just silly and out of character for him. Ademar was probably brought up completely differently from what he was, though his father had tried to make him a more serious person, he'd died before he was ever successful in making Sammy a serious person by nature. Sammy couldn't help but laugh quietly to himself, he and Ademar were so different. The prefect didn't know everything about the younger boy, but he could tell enough to realise that they were from totally different worlds and their beliefs were probably polar-opposites, even their personalities contradicted immensely, but here they were at the same place, at the same time and both probably sharing interests with each other that they'd possibly never realise. Sammy did however become very curious about Ademar's holiday, it didn't seem very fun at all, not that Sammy's was a barrel of laughs, he'd had fun and recalled it in a much happier light than Ademar just did. "Where was 'somewhere'?" He asked. "Did you have fun at that somewhere? Where you with your family?" Sammy was big on family, and it probably showed on his concerned facial expression.
Ademar's eyes went from Samual's, to his hair, to the area behind him. He was not one to stare at something for too long, it seemed to him that it was rude to do such a thing. Especially if it was at someones eyes or another part of their body. This boy was nuts in his opinion. Even normal people, like his old family, were not this happy-go-lucky all the time. There was only one other person that Ademar had met in his four years there like this, and it was a newer student. She was possibly more annoying than Ademar, only because she was a people pleaser; and wouldn't leave him alone until he finally smiled at her. he thought her name was a C name, but he wasn't sure. Her southern accent suggested being from the states. He didn't really care at this point, the only reason he had thought of her was because of the similarities. "You remind me of a first year." He said. it was almost an insult, but only because of his tone.

He then shrugged at the next question. must this boy pester him? He thought back to the dingy room he had stayed in. How his family wouldn't send his letters back. He remember the cockroaches he had moved to the outside, the flies that bothered him during the nights. He remembered just how terrible that it was. "Oh, I stayed in a nice hotel, outside of the magical community." He put stress on the word 'magical', showing his disdain for it. He really hated everything about this place. "And no, i have no family." He said, disowning them the same way they had done to him. it broke his heart on the inside, but he'd never admit that on the outside. He was holding that stone cold, strait face expression.
Samual folded his arms across his chest stubbornly. Was Ademar insulting him? He wasn't quite sure because he was rarely insulted, to his knowledge. But the tone of the Hufflepuff told him that he shouldn't be pleased with being called a first year, but he couldn't help but not feel embarrassed with being called a first year, it seemed fun. "Thankyou?" It was sort of a question, but Sammy hoped Ademar didn't answer it, because he was quite sure that if it was in fact an insult, Ademar's response would not be a positive one. The only person Ademar reminded Samual of was his grandparents, but he wasn't about to say that Ademar reminded him of a seventy year old, that probably wouldn't go too well with the boy at all. But it was strange being called a first year by someone that was younger than him. Ademar seemed like he was older though, just by the way he held himself, like he was more responsible than Samual could ever hope to be, even though Sam was the prefect in this situation, and the older student. It reminded him of Amanra, they'd probably get along famously, but the Hufflepuff seemed to be a little meanish, and Sammy didn't quite like it, why would he ever let a mean person meet his family?

Sammy nodded slowly. One thing that still confused him was that Ademar hated magic, but still went to Hogwarts anyway. It made little sense, but the Gryffindor was sure that somehow it all made sense to Ademar, but hearing that he had no family made Samual's heart bleed. That must be horrible to have absolutely no family, it was hard enough for Samual to not have his parents, but to even think about not having his siblings... he couldn't even imagine the pain. "I'm so sorry Ademar." He said caringly. If it were anyone else, Sammy probably would have given Ademar a hug, but he knew that Ademar would probably have huge disdain against it and decided to just lean on the nearby tree, but was stopped by Ademar, whom moved something from the tree. A bug to be exact. So Ademar was a caring person! An idea flew into his head and a smile crossed Sammy's face. "Ademar, next break you should come to my place!" He announced. "It'd be great, we have tonnes of room, so you'll fit right in, no need to worry at all, so how about it?" Checking the time for a second, Sammy realised that it was time for class and looked back at Ademar, not bothering to wait for an answer. "Don't worry, it'd be fantabulous. I'll see you later!" He called, running off to the castle.
Ademar heard the questioning tone in the boys voice. It was obvious tat he didn't know how to take it, so Ademar left well enough alone. There was no point in hurting someones feelings, and for a moment Ademar became ashamed of himself. Samual was technically his elder, and he shouldn't be so quick to be hurtful or judgmental. it should be completely against his nature. So he let it go even further, and tried to soften his expression to the boy. To the man, Ademar corrected his thoughts. He had to stop thinking of Samual as a younger person, as a lesser person, and he just needed to be mroe respectful. However, respectful did not mean liking the man, did it? Samual then said something that annoyed Ademar slightly. He apologized to him. Why anyone would apologize to someone for something that wasn't his fault, he wasn't sure. "Do not apologize, please. it is not your fault." He answered back. in all honesty, he'd just rather not think about it.

Then Ademar's thoughts of his old family flew out the window. he put a gentle hand on Samual's shoulder and moved him asie, putting his hand out for the grandfather grasshopper whom ha been on the tree, in Samual's path. He couldn't let it be harmed. Nothing deserved to be harmed physically in his opinion. "Be careful, little fella." He said, letting the insect fly from his hands. "What?" He asked, as Samual continued talking. "I... wait... What?" He asked, barely above a whisper as the prefect disappeared. "Great, now i'm stuck going over to his house. Though anything has to be better than the hotel." He said, taking his seat once again by the tree.

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