He's Home

Axel Zhefarovich

head ⛧ prejudiced
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Bocote/Ebony mix 15 1/2" Essence of Belladonna and Kingwood/Ebony mix 16 3/4" Core of Basilisks fang
Axel Zhefarovich was quite proud of himself right now. The ballroom was nice and dark. Axel knew that this place had to be big, and while the Zhefarovich Manor was large, this would be nice enough. The Zhefarovich Manor had one for the rare occasions, and since this one was a good occasion to use it. The day that everyone could relax, have some fun and chat. The entire family was invited, and very few outsiders. Only those that knew the family and that the member could trust entirely were allowed in here. Axel brought along Ivy and not Greylin because well, he didn't want her here around his family. His younger children were off in the playroom with some of the servants. He had gathered a band, some of the Zhefarovich members that could play music filled the background. He smirked a bit, and he stepped onto the stage, and he announced in fluent Bulgarian, "Family! It has been a rough couple of years without our noble Patriarch, but may our good fortunes continue!" The music started to play, and he jumped from the stage. No one he knew around him was pregnant, since Hadan, Ariah and Etoile all had their children now. He went to find Ivy and Ariah since he needed to hear more about his lovely and wonderful granddaughter. He hated being a grandfather, but he loved little Andromeda with all of his heart. He hoped that Leviathan did not bring her in here, since there were a lot of adults and dancing going on right now. His main thoughts right now were to find none other than his children. He was thankful that Kamaria was not pregnant. He just needed to get something in order to keep her from it.
There was nothing about ghosts not being invited to attend the Ball. He hoped that Axelle Lefevre would come. I missed her carrying his last name, but there was nothing he could do about it now. They still had a lot of fun together, and he loved it. Arnost floated into the ballroom where he could see every member. Luckily they all he knew. Arnost smirked as he floated above the crowd, trying to find his sister-in-law. Danielle was really fun to mess with. He needed to find her, and see if she heard anything about his brother. Asparuh had been gone for a while, and Arnost was worried about it all. He knew that their elf knew what the man had been doing, but his loyalty rested within Asparuh. There was no amount of threats or beatings that could get the old thing to spill.
It was a real shame that Asparuh could not attend the Ball with the children and the other members of the family. They had the side that dealt with business and the side that didn't do much except kept to themselves. And finally there was Asparuh'd side, the darkest side of them all. Prodan was honored to be apart of the family again, being dark and whatnot. It felt like home. Prodan didn't have anyone to invite, and he was somewhat heartbroken over that. He could have had a female here with him, but alas he did not. He went to go find Benjamen or someone to hang out with. Axel was enamored with some blonde woman, but instead of finding Benjamen, he found Chavdar. He decided to talk to him. The man was good, even though he was in that one group. He was not very happy about that, but Prodan didn't care. He wasn't a pure-blood like Chavdar and most of the family was. Prodan just wanted to do what he wanted, when he wanted.
Lady Lydia looked around the huge group of Zhefarovich's that carried her bloodline. So many blonde heads. Her husband and his ancestors had dark hair. She managed to block that out for the time being but she did hoped that the ancestors did not care. She looked around to see some Lefevres around as well, but her eyes were not on Axelle. They were on Etoile. She was the newest, and she wondered if there were other members she could infuse into the family. Was there any free males? There were quite a few. But she wanted more Lefevres, especially blonde ones. There had to be a way. She looked toward Axelle and wondered who she could marry again. But she seemed to be too enthralled with Arnost. That relationship warmed her ghostly heart. They were precious. She floated around the room, looking for Asparuh. Axel was the one that made this meeting, but she could not see her firstborn anywhere. She wanted to find him, and wanted to make sure that he was fine. Lady Lydia decided to meet Etoile, and she floated down to accompany them.
Shanaos was rather surprised that there was going to be a Ball around here. Asparuh was not even here to be the leader of it, but there was Axel telling them to enjoy themselves and that the good fortunes would continue. Shane hoped that they would. He owned a Potions shop, and he wanted to be able to do more with his life than that. He was young, and he wanted someone that would stick around with him. Shane looked around to see that his mother was flirting with some of the girls and guys that were not blood related to them. He let out a sigh, and he got a servant to bring him a tall glass of alcohol. He took a heavy drink of it, and wondered where he would be in fifty years. Where his mother was right now? She was out of her mind, too old to have another child but she wanted one anyway. He didn't want any siblings. He was not the oldest or the youngest. He just wanted to get out somewhere and live his life. Rayna was wanting him to marry a Death Eater or something like that, but he just didn't care about that.
Austin Zhefarovich pulled through with the thing and getting lost, but he got his position back on the Quidditch team, and he looked better. He still had those dark circles arould his eyes, and there was little to nothing that would cure them. His green eyes had darkened very much. He was no longer the Austin that others knew in school. He couldn't fight the urge to be evil anymore, and he embraced the Zhefarovich side. He got a taste of the dark side, and he loved it. When he looked in the mirror and saw himself after he was saved by Asparuh himself. He didn't even know that Asparuh had been missing for two years. He told others about it, and he was grilled, but he didn't know anything other than what he promised. Austin sipped at a glass of wine that he was drinking, and it was nice. He loved the way it burned his lips. He wished he brought someone that he could have talked to, but for now he found his dad, and stood by him. Both decided to change sides, and now it seemed fitting. Austin loved it. He knew why he was destined to be like this, but for now, he would enjoy the family gathering. It was large enough anyway.
Dressed in a skin tight, flaming red dress with lips painted red, Rayna Zhefarovich entered the ballroom just as her nephew finished the introduction. Her onyx eyes looked over the crowd before she smirked and saw her dear brothers. One was missing, but her big brother had been for some time. Rayna was perhaps the oldest, single female here. She had no male accompanying her tonight, however she would feel that her little trophy would make an appearance. The trophy's name was Viviana, and Rayna made sure to tend to her. Rayna would love to dance with her, to make her as classy as ever.

Spinning onto the dance floor, the Death Eater merged into the crowd, moving with the music as she winked flirtatiously at the other women that were married into the family. Her family knew how to pick the women, and she admired that about them. Her eyes drifted to Danielle, before she glided over to her sister-in-law's side. She murmured, "I bet you really miss your husband right now." Rayna slowly folded her arms across her chest, as she remained by her side. Now she would not be lonely. After all, women needed to stick together. Her blonde locks bounced as she looked around, looking for other company to join.
Ioan was intrigued as he walked into the Zhefarovich Manor and his blue-green eyes couldn't help but be impressed by the massive size. It was much larger than any home he'd ever been into and he looked around as he entered the ballroom with Benji, his escort to the event. Everything about the room screamed opulence, and Ioan found himself wondering just how much the family was worth. He wasn't exactly poor, but he knew that his wealth was nowhere near to what the youngest of the children probably had in trust somewhere. Ioan had laughed when the man had mentioned that he would have to pick Ioan up at his home and bring him...until he'd realized the man was dead serious. He'd even had to throw out a joke when Benji arrived to pick him up, telling him that he expected dinner and some drinks before he would put out. As the tall man looked around at those gathered, he recognized a fair few of them, most of whom were taller than even he was. He wasn't particularly close to any of the other members of the legendary clan, but he and Benji had crossed paths a fair few times as they were both quite adept at Potions.

Nodding his head at several of the men, Ioan looked at their women, thinking that Zhefarovich men knew how to pick them. The women were incredibly beautiful, mostly blonde, tough looking women. Just his type. It had been some time since Ioan had asked his wife, Adrianne, to accompany him out, and he wondered if they were drifting apart. He'd long since discovered a way to counteract the charm she'd placed on his wedding ring, but he had not tested it yet. In this company, he knew he would be tempted to do so. He knew that, like him, these women shared certain ideas that he held true to his own heart. As Benji's twin moved to the stage, Ioan stopped and listened, able to catch a few words. He wasn't fluent in Bulgarian at all, so he only managed to catch a gist of the conversation. Ioan headed deeper onto the floor, hoping he could spot a bar where he could grab a drink. His eyes connected with one of the ladies and he gave her a smile before moving on.
It was definitely not unknown for Benjamen Zhefarovich to deal with others, even those in the large group business over his potions. He thought it was all nonsense, but he would still deliver his goods. There were two of his favorite people, one being Thanatos, and another being Ioan. However Benji didn't invite Thanatos. He couldn't find the man's home, but he did find Ioan to bring him in. The joke was a little weird, but Benji did have some sense of humor to him. If he didn't, then he would have probably hit the man or withdrawn his invitation. He entered the ballroom and he saw the entire family. That was nice for everyone to have arrived. His dark robes flowed after him as he walked through the crowd, leaving his friend to do what he pleased. He saw Axel get onto the stage and say something. As someone that watched over the family, he thought that he should go up and say something too. He went onto the stage, and he announced with a smirk, "And for those that don't know Bulgaria, it means for you to unclothe. Only those without our blood, thank you." He heard a few laughs and he got some glares before he jumped off of the stage, and went to find Axel somewhere in the crowd. Probably around his son.
Chavdar Zhefarovich invited Emerald Pisces to come with him to the Zhefarovich Ball for reasons that he didn't know, but she was here with him. She might be someone that he was going to get interested in soon enough. Other Zhefarovich members made sure to move from his way because Chavdar was a big man. He knew that he was too. He relished in the thoughts of being the largest here, but Chavdar was only vicious when he absolutely needed to be. He only wanted to be when he was provoked. That was rare enough as is. He and Kalif were the only ones known to be able to have a fighting chance against Asparuh himself. He had his arm bent and Emerald's hand on his arm. He didn't want to flex to show off or anything. He led her through, and heard what Axel said. Axel seemed like a nice guy and all. But what Benjamen said after that, it was enough to make Chavdar blush. He murmured to his friend, "Don't listen to him." He was almost ashamed to have brothers the same age as he that spoke like that. He was the youngest in that set of triplets, but he sure was not the runt.
Ozias Zhefarovich had invited Amycus Thoreau to the Zhefarovich Ball since she had no idea what being around people like him were all about until now. Ozias apparated them into the ballroom and he made sure that she was at his side at all costs since she was important to him. She had great potential. Ozias never expressed any sort of concern for others, not even for Taralynn. He only displayed so very little to his own family and that alone was on a rare occasion. He didn't like the fact that his brother was working at a school full of idiots either. Ozias looked over at Amycus before he nodded lightly, whispering to her as he pointed who was who in his family. His father was absent, which he told her, and his mother was dead, another fact that he told her. Ozias was showing her his family, which was actually a great accomplishment. In the girl world, that typically meant that they were going steady or something like that. Ozias had not spoken anything like that just yet, but he might be debating on it. He just didn't know for sure right now. He wanted to see his brother in something committed before he would seek it out.
Azerail Zhefarovich was dressed in brilliant emerald green robes as he led the way into the ballroom with Taralynn at his side as his date. He looked upon her gorgeous face before he returned his silvery eyes to the front where he thought that he needed to have his attention turned to. Azerail looked down at the floor and wondered if he would have to ask Taralynn to dance with him or something. Azerail was rather shy so it was not something he could really help. Azerail handed a glass of nice wine over to Taralynn and made sure that she knew that his brother Benjamen was not being serious with what he said. That man really had a mouth on him. Azerail looked at Taralynn and he smiled warmly at her. She was amazing, and he was positive that she did not even know how much he liked her, but it was a shame that they agreed to be friends a while back because of the roommate thing.
Leviathan Zhefarovich arrived with his wife, but his wife was not the one carrying their newborn baby girl. It was Levi that was cradling the beautiful blonde baby girl named Andromeda. Levi helped name her, and he could not be more proud. He knew that children were not allowed in the ballroom, but this was his pure-blood baby girl. Andy deserved to have better treatment. It was hard to get Levi to part with her. He stood with Ariah with his free arm wrapped around her shoulders. He chuckled a bit at Axel and Benjamen, since they were somewhat funny. However Axel made his way over, and Levi had to turn away from another family member after he showed him the baby that he produced. It took nine long months of trying for a baby to finally get one. She was conceived in the pool, as far as their calculations go. Thanks to the pool, Andy was born into the world. Levi looked at his sleeping daughter, and he murmured, "She is so adorable. She gets her good looks from me." He peeked a look at Ariah before he smiled at her. He was teasing, but when he was with his girls, then he was the happiest boy on the planet. That grumpy man was no longer seen unless he was just waking up, or he didn't have his favorite girls.
<COLOR color="#000">Danielle wasn't in the mood for a ball as much as the others seemed to be. She wasn't sure what the concept of the ball was in the first place, other than to get everyone's mind off of things. It was barely helping her forget, though. "Try not to make a scene." Danielle hissed as she turned her head to the man walking alongside her. He was an old friend of hers. Now Danielle had no interest in him beyond the whole friendship stature. But he on the other hand didn't feel quite the same way. Danielle ignored it though. She had no desire to be intimate with him. Danielle had a husband for that. A husband who was missing, but she still honored the vow between her and Asparuh. The only reason Danielle has taken Marco to the Ball with her, was because she would rather not be alone during a party such as this. Everyone else seemed to have someone, which made Danielle feel almost lonely. Even with her heart being as cold as it was, Danielle still found herself able to get lonely. Or mourn. Or even find herself becoming sad over silly things. Danielle was human. There was no stopping the fact that she felt things. Danielle smoothed her dress and turned her attention to Axel and Benjamen as they spoke. Those two were quite the pair. Even if they were both currently enamored over the same brainless blonde.

Danielle was about to request that Marco leave her be for the moment, bit instead Rayna asked her a question. One that she hadn't been expecting either. She did miss Asparuh, a lot. She was miserable without him. He had been gone so long. But was it her place to lose her composure and actually admit that to everyone? "I suppose." Danielle was sure Rayna would understand. Danielle felt Marco's hand brush up against hers and instantly she yanked her own away before casting him a cruel stare. If there weren't people around she needed to keep an eye on she would have cursed him right then and there. Danielle shook her head and retreated away. She wanted to retire to bed already. This ball just wasn't for her. Not without Asparuh.​
Kamaria Zhefarovich made sure to look glamorous for the ball, since she didn't invite anyone to travel with her to the event her dad and uncle were throwing, she whisked herself off and she arrived soon enough. She followed after the other members of the family, some she knew and some she wished she knew a bit more. Some here were strangers, but they did not appear to be comfortable in this environment. There were many Zhefarovich's gathered under one roof. Those that did not have school but did not attend would be put to death. They took their celebrations rather seriously. Kamaria let out a sigh and sought out to find her brother. He brought Andromeda along with him when he truly should not have. She looked over at Ariah and embraced her sister. "I am so proud of you, Ariah. You've given me the most perfect niece." Pleasant words, for someone that was consumed by jealousy.
Asparuh Gavril Zhefarovich the Third apparated back into the Foyer of the Zhefarovich Manor. Something wasn't right as soon as he entered, and he could feel it. This was not right. He could hear music coming from the ballroom that was only to be used on certain occasions. Before he would go there, he went into his lair to have a look at his tree. His eyes peered over it, and he could see that Leviathan made the deadline before that blonde was killed. To his amazement, Hades proposed to Etoile Lefevre, and he noticed that there was more dirty blood on the tree. A woman named Artemisia Knight-Styx. Part-Veela? This would not do. She was married to that other dirtied blood kid of Kalif's. He would have a good word with the ones he placed in charge of his family. This was his legacy, and Axel and Benjamen screwed it up. What were they doing in their free time? Asparuh looked up at the tall ceiling, before he apparated upstairs, and into the wing that belonged to Benjamen. He went into his study to find some sort of records. Hades' and Etoile's engagement was not previously approved, Kaleb and Artemisia survived the tests, but if Asparuh had administered them, both would have died. And then he found records of...a woman named Ivy Kingston. Was this who was distracting Benjamen from his work? That and a woman he found, nearly slaughtered and left behind so the family would be exposed. Axel took care of that. 'At least he did one good thing,' thought Asparuh in his mind. However, both were going to pay for this. Getting distracted over one female that might not even be pure-blood. He was disgusted, and outraged. Yet not a single emotion flickered on his face. There was nothing there but sheer coldness.

The Patriarch made his way out of the wings, back down the stairs, and soon enough walking to the ballroom. The doors were open when he could see it in his sights. Everyone he knew that he ruled over was in there, having a good old time. Ghosts and humans alike. He could see some that were not related. This couldn't be the Zhefarovich Ball that he threw only in the rarest of celebrations. And there didn't seem to be a logical reason why for this gathering. He stood over others, and with his onyx eyes, found his wife, and another man. He appeared to be trying to touch her as well, but she was refusing. Through those signs, he could tell that she was faithful, but the man was not wanting to be 'just friends'. Asparuh whipped out his wand, and he fired a powerful curse at the man, lighting everything up in red. His gut told him not to kill the man just yet, but the curse would render him paralyzed and in deep agonizing pain. And Asparuh heard the music suddenly stop playing, and the room seemed to stand still. Everyone stopped moving, and some glasses of wine or whatever they were drinking shattered to the ground. All eyes that Asparuh could see were on him, just as they should be. Asparuh looked over them all with his dark eyes, and after two years of not having a Patriarch, did they not remember that they needed to kneel at his mere presence? This family was going to change, and Asparuh was going to crack down hard. Asparuh spoke, his voice firm and in his native tongue, which was Bulgarian, "Two years of absence, and everyone suddenly forgets that they need to kneel." At those cold words that sliced through the silence like daggers, the family remembered.

"Axel. Benjamen. Before me, now," ordered Asparuh in a sinister, commanding tone. Finally the two men showed up after everyone has risen to their feet. He glared at them both as they looked at him. Both were in serious danger. Asparuh was even more dangerous now that he didn't have his complete soul in tact. He grabbed Benjamen by the throat and he hissed, "You ruined the family." With a toss, Benjamen went flying into the crowd, and he turned to Axel, "You were broke the laws and let this family soil because of some idiot woman." Asparuh shot a powerful spell at him, blasting him back as well. "I'm not through with you two yet. You'll be lucky if I let you live." He moved through the crowd, or rather they moved as he walked. He was now approaching the woman he married, and he stopped in front of her. He looked down at her with his cold eyes, feeling absolutely nothing. He looked back at the male that she brought with her, before he looked back at her, almost demanding the story there. Asparuh folded his arms across his chest, and he inquired, his language switching back to English, "Over the past two years, I see you with another man. A man trying to get you in bed yet you refuse his touch. I presume, you have kept our vows sacred." If she was hiding something, even if she had trouble with someone that could have harmed her, he thought that she should inform him. Any sort of threat, he would eliminate. "We have much to discuss, Danielle Zhefarovich." He would inform her of what he managed to do, as well as his son, Kalif. Kalif was the only shining light, but even he did not do anything to prevent this mess. It would not happen again.
Collineus Cardosi had been invited by the Zhefarovich Family to come to the Ball, and with him, he did not bring his wife but instead brought Leia Thoreau. She was simply gorgeous, and she worked with him. Collineus looked around as he was in the ballroom, as one man he knew as Axel walked onto the stage, and then there was his brother, whom made him smirk somewhat. Both would be fantastic working in his company, but they deserved much more than that. He would love more pure-bloods in his company, and then they could all work there. He looked around and did not see many members of the Scitorari. Not many of the Zhefarovich family would join such a group. There was a time when he was a Death Eater, with Asparuh. Oh the days when he was mentored under that man. However the age of Death Eaters had long since ended to his dismay. He adored being the leader of what he was doing now however. Smirking somewhat, he led Leia through, getting her some wine and then himself some too. Oh it tasted divine. However the music stopped, glasses shattered, and there was none other than Asparuh himself. He was one of those that didn't kneel, but he didn't know what the man was saying. His sons were thrown across the room, and Collineus frowned. 'Don't get on his bad side,' thought Collineus. Instead he turned to Leia and he whispered into her ear, "He taught me everything I know, and gave me the funds to start my business." He was telling her more things about him, but so far, he stood and watched his mentor, unsure if the ball was over or not.
<COLOR color="#000">Viviana was off in a corner, by herself. Seeing as this wasn't really her family, Viviana didn't feel right even being in the same room as them. So she remained in the corner, not speaking to anyone. Maybe if she remained really quiet and still, no one would see her and would let her be. "I feel like such a fish out of water here." Viviana thought to herself as she glanced down at her polished nails. She had spent hours getting ready for tonight to make sure that she looked good. Viviana was never too fond of her appearance. She knew she wasn't all that much to look at sometimes. So when it came time for big events like this, Viviana tried her best to look a little bit better than she usually did. Whether it mattered to anyone else what she looked like wasn't really on her mind either. Especially since she wasn't all that close with these people. Nataliia and Axel were about the only two she conversed with. They were the only two that she wasn't deathly afraid of. Viviana turned her head when Axel started to speak to the family. He was speaking in Bulgarian. A language that Viviana knew nothing about. Luckily some of the people here spoke English, otherwise she wouldn't be able to speak with any of them. When Benjamen, that was what Viviana learned his name to be, appeared next to him and spoke, Viviana tensed immensely. She had no idea if he knew if she was here or not, but she feared that he would see her. Even now she was terrified of him.

Then a very tall man appeared. Viviana shrunk further into her corner. He was just as terrifying, if not more, than Benjamen was himself. Viviana wanted to cry. Why couldn't these people just let her go? She had no quarrel with them. Viviana was so tempted to ask them to just wipe her memories so she could just go and forget. But would they let her? The man that arrived starting barking things in Bulgarian. Which Viviana once again, couldn't understand. When he cursed three of the men in the room, two of which appeared to be his family, Viviana felt like her heart was going to stop beating. What if he saw her and wanted to kill her. "I should have just stayed in my room." Vivi thought to herself. This family was nuts. She really needed to find a way to either get out of here, or find some way to fit in. Or she was going to be miserable for life.
Hadan Hensel was still recovering from giving birth to two wonderful children, but she left them with the ones that were caring for them to attend the ball. Hadan was quite glad to be here, and she looked around for anyone that she might know before she found her mother. Sure, her mother had a darker past, but Hadan loved her. She looked around at everyone, and she was enjoying the music and sipping the wine. She was a lightweight, and she did not want to get drunk, ever again. It was humiliating. Hadan remained standing there, that is until the music stopped, and none other than Asparuh entered the room, and he was pissed off. Her blood nearly ran cold by the sheer thought of him angry. She joined the Scitorari, so she knew that was not the issue. She went to Chavdar's side instead and she looked at him, his date and back to Asparuh as he unleashed his anger toward Axel and Benjamen. She looked down at her glass of wine as she had managed to not drop it out of sheer shock. Surely others that were here didn't know just how bad this situation really was. The Patriarch was home, and no one knew if the ball should continue.
By the time Ioan was on his second glass of wine, he had already managed to find and greet one of his 'colleagues,' Hadan. He didn't stay by her side, instead choosing to walk around and mingle with Benjamen's family members. He had grown to trust the man well enough and knew that the family was a strong one. If he could ingratiate himself among them even more, he knew it'd be better for him. Perhaps he'd even be able to gain some new recruits for the Scitorari from this.

It wasn't until Ioan heard a glass fall to the ground and the music stop that he realized that the crowd was staring at an older looking man in the front of the room. He could see the resemblance to the Zhefaroviches in the man's features but he could also tell that the sight of the man wasn't exactly welcome. Why else would they be dropping glasses all over the place? As the man spoke, Ioan felt the chill from his voice. He didn't kneel as many of the others did, but in the time that everyone else did so, he figured out who the man was. It was the patriarch of the family. Ioan's blue-green eyes stared warily on the man as he beckoned two of his sons forward. His Bulgarian was rusty, but his understanding of body language was not and the man was not pleased. Benjamen went flying into the crowd beside him and it was the first time that Ioan had seen the man in any way other than pure confident. When the man switched to English, it was not any less alarming and Ioan looked around the room. He needed another drink to deal with this.
Chavdar's blood ran cold when he looked over at the man that Danielle had come with fly across the room from a curse. It was not green, so the man was not dead. That was good because of Emerald. He didn't know if she would like the whole death thing, and he looked down at the gloves he wore because he was concealing the ring he wore. He didn't know if there would be a meeting anytime soon but one had to be prepared. Chavdar heard the words from his father, and he was so shocked that he had returned now, of all nights, that Chavdar ended up dropping his glass of wine. It shattered into a million pieces. He turned to Emerald and he whispered, "Um, we should go to your house to finish hanging out." Chavdar didn't want them to end up doing anything sexual, but he wanted to talk to her, perhaps they could have their own little dance or something. Because from what it looked like, the dance was over. Asparuh came in and ruined that, unless someone else managed to get him out of there, and someone told the ones playing the music to continue on.
Aleyha Snow went to the Ball with her husband, her pregnant belly bulging in front of her like she was about to pop. She wobbled through the dance floor since she could not walk at her size. Her date was none other than her husband since she had no eyes for anyone else. Aleyha hoped that today would be good. She found a chair and she sat down, her hands over her stomach since she was feeling a little faint. She was wearing a dress, but it wasn't formal since she didn't think that they made formal dresses for pregnant women. She looked up and found her dad as a ghost. She waved at him before she watched as the music stopped, a man was thrown, and then she saw her uncle. He had been missing for two years, and now he returns, and his sons that were put in charge paid the price for it. Things were not that well. She frowned and she looked down at her stomach. She wanted to go home. She didn't feel so well, and it seemed like the party was over anyway.
Nataliia Snow was on her way through the crowd, her body dressed in a lovely dark pink gown. She did not bring anyone with her, and trusted Noah to watch her many children. She came because it felt like she had to be there. Without her father, things were chaotic. Nataliia looked around the room until she found the person she was looking for. Viviana. She looked so pretty, but she was tucked away in a corner. Nataliia practically flew through the crowd to be at her side. Nataliia wrapped one of her arms around her shoulders, in a way she would be comforting. Nataliia was very motherly, and she was not about to change. She didn't say a word, but she felt the woman's fear. Benjamen did a real number on her, changed her forever. But the woman was beautiful, while fixed up. Nataliia looked up when none other than her father entered. She watched as Asparuh practically tore at Benjamen and Chavdar for wrecking the family. But what would he think of Viviana? Their family was exposed, was she to pay the price? Nataliia had knelt down when she needed to, but she returned to her position of course, acting more like a guard for Viviana. 'What would become of us if we kept up with this senseless violence?' Yet she knew something. If Viviana was under the good side of Asparuh, then not even Benjamen could rest a finger on her.
Benjamen was definitely one of those that managed to drop his wine glass when he saw his father come in, and beckon Axel and himself over to him. Benji was horrified when he heard that they had ruined the family. He was about to speak, but Asparuh grabbed him by the throat, and felt the ground beneath his feet vanished as he was tossed to the side. He slid across the floor, and Benji sat up, frustrated as hell but he was not going to talk back to his father. That would be suicide. He looked up at Ioan and he eventually stood up. He shrugged as he said, directing his comment toward Ioan, "This place is never boring." Benjamen shook his head and fixed his long hair. He walked through the crowd until one caught his eye. It was Viviana. What was she doing here still? However the way she was looking, she was gorgeous. Benji could not say that he was not sorry for what he did, but seeing her here, dressed up, she had some class. Benji was so amazed. He smirked and he started to approach the brunette woman. She looked amazing, and he just had to tell her.
<COLOR color="#000">Danielle was so shocked to see Asparuh in the room, that she barely noticed that the man escorting her had been hit by a spell. Of course even if she had been paying attention, there wouldn't have been much she would say other than he deserved whatever he got for touching her when she didn't want to be touched. There was something different about Asparuh. He seemed colder. Or perhaps he was really just that upset about the status of the family. There had been a lot of things going on that she knew he wouldn't be proud of. For one, Kaleb went and married a Part-Veela. Danielle's opinion on them were kind of iffy. Out of all the half-breeds, the Veela's were the most bearable. But Danielle doubted their ability to be truly loved, she believed the charm was what caused them to believe they were loved. Then there was Benji, who not only harmed a fellow pure blood, who could have brought a good alliance into the family, or produced another pure blood heir, but chances were she wouldn't now. Danielle glanced at her across the room. She was damaged goods now. "I bet he made it so she'll never want a man to touch her again. He might have even damaged her chances to reproduce. What a pity." Lastly, Axel was fixed on some silly little blonde. Danielle thought she was weird. Axel could go after someone more refined and elegant with his looks and stature, why choose this one. It appeared that Benji had taken an interest in her too. She must be that easy. When she was approached by Asparuh Danielle stared him right in the eye. Showing that she wasn't scared of him. She had never been scared of him. She respected him, and knew her boundaries as to stay alive. But she felt there was no reason to actually ever fear her husband.

He is only a friend of the family. Nothing more." Danielle explained, he was a good ally of the Lefevre's. He was kind of brainless, but she tried to overlook that thanks to his loyalty. Danielle was unsure of whether or not this was jealousy that she was seeing from her husband or not. He was hard to read at times so it took her time to tell what it was for sure. Danielle knew she needed to tell Asparuh sooner or later. About not only Iulian's threat, but also the injuries he had given to her. The threat was more concerning though because Danielle worried that he could bring harm to other people by trying to get to her. But Danielle also wanted to know why it was that he left. Did he miss anyone? Did he know of the damage he had done by leaving? "I suppose we do." Danielle replied, her voice revealing no emotion. Her angelic blue eyes drifted away from Asparuh before she stepped aside to let Asparuh through. That was, if he wanted to discuss things with her now. She didn't think he would be in a mood to party, neither was she. But everyone else seemed to want her here. So she came.​

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