He's gone

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Samaire Green

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
15" oak and dragon heartstring
Sam's husband has just died after the two of them being married for twenty-one years. She found him dead when she arrived back home after being out with her kids. She's now going through a hard time trying to raise her new-born twin daughters and all the rest of her kids who are still in the house. She needs someone who can break her out of her shell. A man maybe?? Or just a woman who could be a friend?? Either way, she needs help. The person would need to be kind and good with children. Other than that, anything goes.
I have Delani Frost. She is a thirty-nine-year-old single mum of six children, and her own husband died several years ago.
She could be a friend maybe?
Her and Taneaka could become close :p

It's fitting really. Their kids have the same dad.
Not to mention Benson will be VERY willing to help her get over the death of Dervish. ;)
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