He's gone.Now what??

"I don't know." Ana started admiring the shoes they were very nice after all. "I'm thinking of just going bare foot because of the extra weight. I'll probably need the stability which shoes seem to make me lose." Ana was usually fine walking around pregnant when she was bare foot but the minute she put shoes on she was falling over everywhere.
Caysi nodded, that was true. " That's what I'm going to do, the sand will get stuck in my shoes too, so it would feel very uncomfortable." She said getting up from the chair. " We should look for some make up." She said happily.
Ana put her own shoes back on. "Yeah. Why not." Makeup was something she definitely needed. She didn't wear much when she was pregnant because she didn't see the point in trying. Basically, she didn't have much at all."
Caysi smiled. " Alright, I know this good place." She said walking around the corner. " Here." She said opening the door walking in. " This is an amazing place." She said laughing, walking around the makeup shop.
Ana smiled as she followed Caysi into the shop. She had only been here once before but had never had the time since. "I love this place. It's great." She walked with Caysi around the shop, smiling at the shelves.

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