He's gone.Now what??

Caysi nodded. "Alright." She said to Ana. " Do you have any names picked out?" She asked her, trying to change the subject.
Ana shrugged. "I haven't even thought about it yet. Last time, Riley and me discussed it for about two minutes and came to a name we agreed with." She leaned against the fence. "I don't even know where to start."
Caysi nodded, she and Jason hadn't talked much about names.. they haven't even been talking that much. They were both so busy with the wedding, they hardly saw eachother. " The weddings soon." She said smiling, trying to change the subject.
"Yeah. I'm going to need to get a new dress. There's no way I'm going to fit into the one I've got." Ana laughed. "Pregnancy can be such hell." She shook her head and rested her hand on her stomach.
Caysi nodded, " I actually know a few shoppes around here that are selling purple dresses, that's the theme for the bridesmaids, either purple, pink or green." She smiled. " Want to walk there?" She asked Ana.
Caysi smiled and started walking, " Just down this street." She said turning at an alleyway. She quickly walked to the shoppe, " Let's go inside." She said going inside the shoppe with Ana. " That's a really nice dress, actually." She said picking up a purple dress. " What do you think?" She asked Ana.
Ana followed Caysi to the shop and smiled when she picked up the first dress. "I like it. Shall we grab three or four?? Then I can try them on and see which one looks best??" She picked up a dress which had caught her eye. "I'm adding this one to the pile."
Caysi nodded. " I like that one too, it looks super hot." She smiled, she looked around the whole shop. " How about this one?" She asked Ana, it was a purple dress.
"Wow. I love that one." Ana smiled and picked up one more dress. "How about this one??" She grinned and put the dress up to her body. "I think I'll go and try these four on and then we can see which we think looks best. I'll just have to make sure I get a size which leaves room for a bump."
Caysi nodded. " That ones soo nice." She smiled at her friend. " Yeah, go try them on and see how they fit." She nodded and sat down on a chair near the dressing room.
Ana tried on the first dress and then stepped outside the changing room. "I love this. It's amazing." She smiled. She couldn't remember the last time she went shopping with a friend and not her sister or her cousin.
Caysi nodded. " I think that looks really good on you." She said smiling. " Let's see the other dressed." She grinned.
Ana tried on each dress individually. "I don't like the second dress. I have a feeling it'll be too tight once I start getting a bump." She realised how the middle was tighter than the rest of the dress.
Caysi nodded, " Whichever suits your fancy." She smiled. " I have to buy a huge dress for this bump, stupid babies." She laughed.
Ana thought about the dresses. The first one wont stay up. I'll have to have straps so that throws the third one as well. "I think I'm going to have to go for this one." She held up one of the dresses. "Straps will be a necessity as I don't want everything falling every where." She laughed.
Caysi laughed. " Very true." She nodded and stood up. " Ready to check out, or did you want to get some other things?" She asked Ana.
"No, it's fine. I can use the clothes I had when I was pregnant with Nat." It wasn't a very normal thing for Ana to say that she couldn't be bothered to shop or that she would wear clothes that went out of fashion ages ago but she was too tired and too stressed. She walked to the desk and payed for the dress before walking outside. "Anywhere you want to go??"
Caysi nodded, it was true. " No where that I want to go." She said looking at Ana. " Want to find shoes to go with the dress?" She asked her. " Well.. not to sure that would be fun, the sand in the shoes, since it's on the beach." She looked at Ana.
"Yeah. OK." She smiled. "You got anywhere in mind??" Ana didn't feel like making decisions. Illness was taking it's toll on her for the worst and she wasn't very happy with the fact.
Caysi nodded. " It's close to here." She said, walking around the corner. " Right there." She nodded. Caysi let herself in, " Choose what you'd like." She laughed.
Ana smiled. She knew the shop. SHe had been there a few times in the past and had been very pleased with it. The shop was cheap but they sold good shoes and had good staff. She walked into the shop and looked around the shelves a bit. "What do you think of these??" She held up a pair of blackhigh heeled shoes.
Caysi nodded. " Those are really nice." She smiled. " I think that you should try them on." She smiled at Ana.
Ana put the shoes on. "I feel tall for once." She laughed. Ana had always felt small because her sister was so tall. It didn't bother her though. Shoes just lifted her off the floor a bit.
Caysi laughed. She didn't know if she wanted to wear shoes or not, she didn't want the sand to get in between her feet and the shoes, she hated that feeling. But the shoes would hurt her back. There was still two months till she really had to decide. "Are you going to get them?" She asked Ana.

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